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Lifetime and WE have been going crazy with terrible movies about her life (not to say her life wasn't interesting but those movies are terrible).

Second question. Why are Americans so obsesed with the royal family? I have seen commericals for like 10 movies about Prince Charles or Prince William or Princess Diana (all on lifetime of coarse). I have no problem with this but how come you never see as many movies about American Presidents? I just think it's weird. I mean no offense but I'd rather see a movie about JFK then Prince William I mean come on he's like 25 or something, how much of a movie can there be? I think I am just ranting now sorry...

2007-08-31 14:09:29 · 6 answers · asked by AuroraOz 2 in Society & Culture Royalty

I got such wonderful answers so far! Awesome it's good to know that there are people who feel the same as me about this situation.

2007-08-31 14:23:57 · update #1

6 answers

Some people like to focus on things happening outside the country. In my opinion, I think that the media should focus on all the turmoil going around in the US. I mean, look at all the crimes, gang violence, homeless people, abandoned pets. The media should try and encourage Americans to do something about these instead of just commenting on the royal family. That's in Europe, we need to take care of America first.

I am not trying to disrespect the royal family in any way. It is really sad Princess Diana died at such a young age. Long live Diana!!!

2007-08-31 14:15:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Princess Diana was an awesome woman. I applaud her son's for showing such love and admiration towards their mom even in her death. I think her son's just want everyone to remember her for her good nature and not for the tabloid garbage.

Please read site below for more info on her efforts to help others.

********to an extent however, i agree with you.....she should be allowed to rest in peace now*********

2007-08-31 21:22:30 · answer #2 · answered by WHOISTHEPUPPETMASTER? 5 · 0 2

I think some people are obsessed with the royal family because the royals are born into it. They have a title when they are born and have a destiny to fulfill later in life, I assume if they choose to.

2007-08-31 21:20:13 · answer #3 · answered by simulwording@yahoo.com 3 · 0 1

Never apologise. The media driven hype is driving all thinking people to the brink of despair

2007-08-31 21:12:19 · answer #4 · answered by NYC 5 · 4 0

Yes, today is 10 years when she past away.


2007-08-31 21:14:08 · answer #5 · answered by Dragonheart 4 · 0 2

i'm one of those who are decidely NOT obsessed...no disrespect for her, her family and friends, but PLEASE! let the poor woman rest in peace

2007-08-31 21:13:52 · answer #6 · answered by spike missing debra m 7 · 4 0

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