You have not asked a question. You have just given your opinion so anyone who disagrees with you will be criticised
2007-08-31 14:14:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It appears that the most popular places for monarchy is in countries that have lost theirs.
I'm not sure what you mean as a "borer." Someone who bores the earth? Or, someone who is boring. If you mean the latter, then include 85 percent of both houses.
My guess, given Charles' age, is he may become king for a short while, as did Edward VII, die and leave it to a young heir as was Princess Elizabeth when she assumed the throne.
I really can't see Tony Blair marching down the aisle to be crowned king of whatever.
2007-09-02 13:22:48
answer #2
answered by rann_georgia 7
The media is hyping up that Prince William is the next King of England. It is possible but by law, Charles is next and I doubt he will abdicate after waiting all these years
Personally, I think that after the Queen dies, Charles will take the throne but he won't be on the throne for long because he will step off after a few years because of his age and let William rule. I can see it happening when William is in his 40s.
2007-08-31 23:38:54
answer #3
answered by Sarah* 7
Probably not. I think it would be a shame if William got landed with that job while still young. He should not have to wait too long, his dad is 60 already isn't he? Charles might even go before his mother so that would leave William with the job.
2007-09-04 16:02:11
answer #4
answered by little nell 4
It's a monarchy. When the reigning monarch dies, the next in line to the throne becomes monarch. It matters not whether they're adulterers or virgins. We are all mere subjects of the monarchy and have absolutely no say in the matter. And who's to say William is going to be any less of a bore or adulterer when he gets older? He's still a very young man and he is his father's son after all. Not so sure about Harry. What's up with that boy's hair?!
2007-09-01 20:43:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Only if Charles abdicates. What is it with people today who think that someone should lose their inheritance because they committed adultery?!?! Because that's what a hereditary title inheritance. Do you expect a judge to say to you "I realize your late mother loved you very much, but since you were a bit of a tosser we've decided you aren't going to inherit her belongings."? That would be absurd.
The majority of kings have had affairs. We should be thankful Charles infidelities are relatively limited in scope. And lets also remember that Diana was no saint either. She just had better PR people (and she was prettier to look at, which wins sympathy)
Charles inherits from Elizabeth. William inherits from Charles.
2007-09-01 01:58:28
answer #6
answered by Nightwind 7
FOr goodness sake do you not understand the concept of a monarchy? Charles is the heir to the throne end of story. Do you think we should have a president instead - my goodness we could have a Bill Clinton in charge oir a George Bush think how bad that would be.
2007-09-01 04:49:47
answer #7
answered by D B 6
I would like to see William become king, but my fear is both William and harry will turn out just like their father and uncle.
They have been brought up by windsors so dont expect to much. But Charles is not fit to be head of the church, although as the church is about abuse he might fit in quite well. I hope if william does happen to become king, he can make it a modern role, He could open a nightclub in the basement of Buckingham Palace, he could call it the Barracks. But I think if William and Harry have any sense they should choose abdication and go and live in the sun somewhere then they can carry on living the playboy life. It would not surprise me if William turned out like Prince Albert of Monaco.
2007-09-01 08:58:03
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Only if Charles abdicates.
He's next in line, then come William and Harry in that order.
2007-08-31 20:14:51
answer #9
answered by DontPanic 7
Adultery has never been a problem for kings of England. They had arranged marriages and mistresses on the side. One of Camilla's ancestors was the mistress of Charles's great great grandfather, Edward VII.
Charles has been waiting a long time to be king. Remember he only gets the throne when his mother dies. I would imagine he is in no hurry to see that happen.
2007-09-01 01:31:12
answer #10
answered by tentofield 7
Just think, when Charles and William become King (in time) both will know that wife and mother was also an adultress.
2007-09-01 04:44:00
answer #11
answered by ADRIAN H 3