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GT hates ND with a passion and the Irish will be breaking in a new QB, WR, and RB.
Taking GT by 7

2007-08-31 11:41:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Football (American)

4 answers

Tough game to figure. Both are in MAJOR rebuild mode.

Offensively, I have to believe Weis can figure a way to play past GT, especially now that they have lost their big play threat with CJ. Of course, Notre Dame has lost just as much, if not more.

My money would be on Demetrius, because then QT has to try and defend two ways, and past game film will be meaningless in Prep (where as with Sharpley or Clausen, you can expect a similiar offense to the one Quinn had).

As long as they don't start that turd Claussen, I'll be happy.

I wanna agree with Gary....but in the blue and Gold, and during camp, I really didn't think Sharpley was that much better a passer than Jones....but we will all have to see.

And on second thought, maybe they should start Claussen.....not having an O-line might knock his delusions of being the second coming of Montana out of him. Then he could focus on actually EARNING the respect he thinks he deserves.

Anyhow, I say Irish squeek by, 21to 17.

2007-08-31 11:47:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

notre dame will win the game!! by 10 mark my words as to who will start i dont know but if i were weis this is what i would do

REDSHIRT Claussen here is why.....the O-line is going to be really young....if you redshirt claussen you give him a year to learn the system without getting his face bashed in and it also gets the o-line battle tested for next year when he will be ready

i would move jones to WR...the kid can run like the wind has good hands but can hardly throw.....so use your weapons wisely..you cant just sit the kid with the AA that he has

Start Sharpley because the kid can throw and he can run...he may not be as fast at jones but he can move.....and a QB that can do both is better than a QB who can do only one....also it puts more of a deep threat out there and will leave jones with man coverage more often....

also sharpley has paid his dues and sat behind brady long enough let the kid get his draft points up so he can at least be a 5th round pick next year



2007-08-31 11:59:54 · answer #2 · answered by gary t 2 · 3 0

GT should win this game even if this game is at Notre Dame, the Irish will have to replace everybody on both side of the ball, that mean they're young an inexperience. So GT should win this game with their stellar defense and should be fine with their new QB in Bennett Taylor, who should have started last year instead of Reggie Ball, who can't complete 50% of his passes. I think GT will win this game in a blowout fashion, maybe 15 point, cause the Irish is so young on offense and defense.

2007-08-31 11:52:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Jones started...and he failed miserably...Time for Weis to quit messing around and start the #1 HS QB in the country, Jimmy Clausen...Sharpley should have started the season, but they might as well go with the future now...Clausen...

2007-09-02 18:41:43 · answer #4 · answered by Terry C. 7 · 0 0