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My parents don't allow me to do anything, I cant go out, Im 13 years old, y step-brother is 11 and he is and he has a cell-phone which i don't when i get good grades do chores act polite do stuff around the freakin house pik up after my dogs crap, help wit the baby , wash the damn dishes, ANNNND yet i still dont get a frekn celll phone please tell me wat i should do!
i show responsability in many ways they never listen to me!!!!! IM SIK TO MY STOMACH!!!!!

2007-08-31 06:11:07 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

20 answers

Woah, slow down, you just sound so angry. First of all, who pays for your step-brothers cell phone? If its anyone who lives in the house, then, yes, it would be fair for you to get one too. However, a parents concern about cell phones is the expense. So, with all this stuff you do around the house, are you getting an allowance? Would they be willing to have you work for the phone? Most cell phone plans can run between 50-100 month, even with the night/weekend freebee's. If you talk on your cell phone too much, a bill can run up pretty quick, into the hundreds per month. That's probably the concern that your parents have - who is going to pay this huge bill??? Look into calling plans, and cell phone companies on line and discuss it with them in a less hostile manner. If you are reasonable with them, it will show them that you can handle the responsibility of a cell phone.

2007-08-31 06:20:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You've shown U can be responsible by doing all those things, good for you, but U need to show them U are responsible and not whine about it. Keep getting the good grades and doing that, you will be rewarded (finally). If your B-day is approaching soon ask for only one thing -- a cell phone. Or if Christmas is coming up sooner do the same basic thing there too -- ask for new clothes, or CDs, or what have you, but make that cell phone the #1 item on your list -- another reminder -- don't whine about it. And lastly, parents & step-parents don't ever have to listen to their children -- that's not how it works doncha know? At 13, you may want to look at getting a part-time job after school, so you can pay for the cell phone bill -- just something you'll have to be "looking forward to" in your young adult life ahead of you. Reality sux doesn't it?

2007-08-31 06:26:50 · answer #2 · answered by Andy K 6 · 0 0

You need to relax, and use better grammar. Your question is barely decipherable. Who gave your eleven year old stepbrother a phone. Your parents, or his other set of parents? And believe it or not you won't die from not having a cellphone. You also don't need a cellphone.
I grew up in a similar situation, where my brother got everything, his actions had no consequences, and he got paid for his grades, anything better than an F! Meanwhile I couldn't even get my parents to pay for my school supplies needed for my AP classes.
In the end you are your own reward. I am now 27 years old and doing really good with life. My brother is 31 and in jail in Alaska after his like 20th drunk driving arrest. He still doesn't face the full consequences for his actions, weasels his way out a lot, but he has nothing. He can't keep a job, doesn't have a house, or any sort of desirable future. It is truely sad. I blame my parents for spoiling him, making him unable to be responsible for himself.

So like I said don't be bitter. When I was eighteen and completely on my own I realized that I was the lucky one, not him.

2007-08-31 06:23:32 · answer #3 · answered by Amanda I 5 · 1 0

Your parents won't GIVE you a cell phone? Boo-hoo. Getting good grades, being polite, and doing your chores are all things you should do without being asked or rewarded. You're getting a roof to live under, food to eat, and toilet paper to wipe your butt with. Your parents are already giving you enough. Responsibility has nothing to do with the fact that you don't have a cell phone. The fact that you're 13 years old has the world to do with it. Stop acting like you're 25 and grow up at a normal pace.

2007-08-31 16:22:55 · answer #4 · answered by Squeegee Beckingheim :-) 5 · 0 0

Ask your parents why your YOUNGER brother gets a cellphone but you don't. Then if their answer if that you're not responsible, tell them what you did around the house. And say that just say what you have to do to get one and then get it. It may be because their busy with the baby, if so, tell them that you'll help too. Also, tell them that your brother also has to do some of the chores if he doesn't, then he shouldn't get a cell-phone. Personally, I think he's too young. He's in elementary school, so he has a fence around him. He won't have any emergencies. You on the other hand, are in middle school; if it's anything like my school, you don't have a fence around you, so you may have emergencies. That's just my opinion. Just talk to your parents. Good luck.

2007-08-31 06:20:03 · answer #5 · answered by DCD4 5 · 0 0

sit down with your parents and tell them your story again. this time with out pleading, crying, whining, anything of that sort. if you want them to think you are mature enough for a phone, guilt trips will not work in your favor.
write a list of all the things you do that are "mature" for your age.
research cell companies, and their plans. start saving up money for a few months worth of services. look into any problems that could come up with a cell phone, like what if you went over your minutes. do you text? would you have unlimited.
if you want to argue, know your facts.

13 is a good age, especially for a girl. Im sure at somepoint soon you'll be into afterschool activities, and will need a phone, to keep in contact with your parents, call for rides, what not.

2007-08-31 06:35:27 · answer #6 · answered by Green eyed Tlingit 5 · 0 0

Whenever I want something, I stop complaining for awhile while I look and research information about it online. (Like search cheap plans and phones) Then I make a plan like what I can do with the phone. Then write a persuasive essay explaining when you can use and why, like what to do in emergencies and everything, Then with all your information laid out, sit down with your guardians and calmly show how much effort and research you have put in towards this phone. It will impress them, and remember, first, hold your ground, ask for a phone you want. Then, if they are not giving in or unsure, make some compromises like paying for the phone, etc. Hope it works and good luck!

2007-08-31 07:31:25 · answer #7 · answered by Keilz 2 · 0 0

Why dont you go out and buy one yourself. Also, you obviously live in america so just bring up the fact tht you live in a safe place. I cant see why you wont be aloud one. I have had one since i was 8 and was aloud to go anywere from 8 as well as long as i ma back by 7 and i live in london hich has loads of crime. Maybe make a deal with your parents that you will do something for them if they buy you a phone.

2007-08-31 06:45:36 · answer #8 · answered by Strong girl 3 · 0 0

What about doing odd-jobs around the neighbourhood? You could investigate ways to possibly assist others in your neighbourhood and in the process start saving up for one that way. Who knows...when your parents see you taking on an initiative like that, they might be more inclined to help you get one. Not only will you feel good knowing you helped others but also in the realization that the cell phone would partly be yours due to money you saved up for it from those odd-jobs.

2007-08-31 07:37:35 · answer #9 · answered by drewster 3 · 0 0

'STEP' brother = his non custodial parent pays for the phone.

It's not really YOUR concern as much as it is your excuse.

Maybe the MONEY just isn't there. Phones are not cheap. and NOTHING is free.

Your 13, start baby sitting for family , friends and pay for the phone YOURSELF.
Then nobody has ANYTHING to complain about because it's YOUR phone, YOUR bill, etc. If you break it, or don't pay it, it's all on YOU.

2007-08-31 22:33:39 · answer #10 · answered by Mr.TwoCrows 6 · 0 0