when people keep talking to you about their personal life at work. I have a co-worker who seems to think I need to know all about his night classes and how he's not receiving a fair grade.
He went on for 25 minutes yesterday while I was trying to complete my work orders at my desk. He left at 4 and called me to continue the conversation!
2007-08-31 03:53:55
answer #1
answered by The Forgotten 6
you have already listed the foremost ones - lol! My different puppy peeves would be - stupidity...while somebody already is familiar with extra constructive and is basically too lazy to stick to what they already understand! lack of expertise while human beings do basically not opt to worry to study or do basically not care to understand or do anyhing extra constructive for themselves. Laziness - sloppiness....particularly on the interest! I artwork with human beings and (at certainly one of my jobs, with nutrition) - truly not a great thought once you recognize how lazy some anyone is - they make a large number and do basically not care to sparkling up after themselves - i'm relating workers by ways - they may well be some nasty human beings - i'm continuously grossed out by co-workers! Nagging and whining - and not even keen to do something approximately it - close up in case you do not care sufficient to do something to make the attempt to alter the present project which you're feeling so disillusioned approximately you will opt to continuously whine approximately! I opt to not pay attention approximately it if somebody is basically too sorry to do something approximately it! Double standards! Hypocracy! mendacity! Disloyalty! Disrespect! people who look/act desperate while they teach interest in yet somebody else - yuck! finished turnoff! Sagittarius
2016-12-16 07:58:14
answer #2
answered by ? 4
When people chew with their mouths open or chew on their gum like a cow! I also hate when people try to talk on the phone and eat at the same time! So gross!!!! Another pet peeve is when people talk loud for no reason. Loud talkers....use your indoor voice!!!
2007-08-31 03:57:03
answer #3
answered by Prettycutetk 5
Load music when I'm trying to sleep at night. The next door neighbors have this load stereo with a bass component that shakes up my whole apt.
2007-08-31 03:22:28
answer #4
answered by robert2020 6
I have plenty, but the # 1 thing is, when people chew their food with their mouths open and make lots of noise while doing so. that bothers me to no end.
2007-08-31 04:06:49
answer #5
answered by sexyred1129 4
It bothers me when someone rides out closing lanes and wait until the very last minute to switch lanes.
2007-08-31 03:21:07
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I can't stand a dirty bathroom or when someone leaves the toilet seat up. That makes me absolutely CRAZY!
2007-08-31 03:20:30
answer #7
answered by Petra M 4
When someone asks you for a phone number.
Then you start to rattle it off and they say...."wait, let me get a pen!"
Seriously, if you knew you were going to ask for a phone number...wouldn't you have that pen ready.
Gets me every time.
2007-08-31 03:18:46
answer #8
answered by JoJo 3
When people binge eat as a "sport".
Other people need that food.
2007-08-31 05:39:52
answer #9
answered by freak of the week 2
Augh! Pushy salespeople and telemarketers ! - Road rage and public B.O. run a close second . . . :)
2007-08-31 03:27:25
answer #10
answered by The Church Lady 3