Because it would be political suicide. The backlash would be too much. While the war may or may not be a disaster, You can't cut and run from a situation such as the one we are in.
See I don't think our anti war people really care so much about our country or our troops as much as they do about their delusional hopes of a peaceful utopia. They claim that they would never endorse was, but sometimes when it is knocking at your door you don't have a choice. If we choose pacifism in the face of threat, we will be destroyed. The enemy will not be inspired by our pacifism.
We have a volunteer army of men and women who are trained to fight. If they aren't prepared for their job, then they are in the wrong line of work.
2007-08-30 17:33:12
answer #1
answered by mcafton 3
The Democrats in the House of Representatives passed the $ 124 billion supplemental spending bill which called for troop withdrawals from Iraq starting in October 2007 and a complete withdrawal by April 2008 by a margin of 218 to 208. The Democrats are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They want to satisfy their anti-war,, left-wing blogosphere base, but they don't want to alienate the general public who wants to see our troops succeed. President Bush vetoed the bill, but the Democrats couldn't come up with the 2/3 majority needed to override the veto. The anti-war base has become so dissatisfied that Cindy Sheehan will run against Nancy Pelosi for the 2008 election. The Democrats have been viewed as weak on national security issues since George McGovern wanted to withdraw our troops from Vietnam in 1968, so they can't afford to continue that weak image by making our troops surrender.
2007-09-01 11:20:20
answer #2
answered by johnsh20 3
Because the Democrat Controlled Congresspeople all have personal interest in the current war. Ask how much money has each one invested, in what company that profits from this war.
It might surprise you that Hillary is invested heavily in OIL just like the Republicans. Now what? None of them are against this war because it is making them all RICH!
2007-08-31 00:16:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Congress is not democratically controlled. They need 60 in
to rule the roost. They only have 51 with one of them out sick.
Or, they need 10 Republicans to vote with them.
2007-08-31 00:21:00
answer #4
answered by wayne g 7
They haven't got a powerful majority especially in the Senate and are unable to push legislation through as they would like. The president doesn't want to give up political ground. He knows that as soon as we start pulling out of Iraq the Democrats get all of the positive headlines and if his record proves anything for President Bush it is that every move is politically motivated.
2007-08-31 00:15:44
answer #5
answered by UriK 5
Because its an election year and it would make them look bad. Leaving our soldiers without the means to defend themselves would not be seen as a good move by the majority of Americans.
2007-08-31 00:09:55
answer #6
answered by smsmith500 7