Don't assume what you don't know
2007-08-30 15:46:38
answer #1
answered by ★Chika09★ 6
I disagree.
1 - Surprising as it may be - there are some smart 14 year olds, some smarter than a 30 year old counterpart.
2 - There are 14 year olds who may actually love a movie like Citizen Kane (granted most probably haven't even heard of it, and some may be lying). What's wrong with them acknowledging their positive opinion on the movie? Same with Classical music.
2a - At 19 years of age I like just about everything decent as far as movies, whether it be from the 1960's or 2007. I've seen the Bela Lugosi version of "Dracula," while it was cheesy, I did like it.
2b - As far as music taste. It's become a trend to like classic rock. I personally like more modern industrial music. But I can listen to just about anything besides hardcore rap music, and really twangy country. I actually consider myself a fairly big fan of Blue Oyster Cult (which hasn't so much been hit by the trend - and is a great band) and The Rolling Stones (which has always been popular). As far as true classical music (Beethoven, Bach, etc) I recognise it has significance, but I will openly state that I can't listen to it for more than 5 minutes.
3 - Why is it bad to be a cultured teenager? If nothing else it shows they recognise older entertainment.
4 - Why does it matter? If they like it, they like it. If they don't, too bad.
5 - If you feel they're only mentioning an older movie to look Superior, say something! You may be surprised in a rare occasion.
2007-08-30 15:56:03
answer #2
answered by Ethernaut 6
A teenager isn't necessarily lying about like black and white classics or even classical music. Some teenagers, the numbers could even be shocking, really do enjoy and appreciate the art of classics and the affect and appeal they have to society. Other times, it can be deadly obvious if a kid is saying that out of deception - all you need to do is ask a question pertaining to their statement and see their response after a few moments. If they hassle, then they're just lying and maybe trying to appear a bit more mature than they are.
I wouldn't go as far as saying they're trying to appear more superior. Besides, if some thirty year old doesn't like black and whites or classical music...but some teenager does, why should the older person be offended? That's a self esteem and confidence issue and even possibly an inferior feeling of being less than a kid.
How many kids try to impress an adult unless they want something out of it? It's more of a test to see how naive and blind an adult is to the suck-up game of teenagers.
2007-08-30 15:48:17
answer #3
answered by Wonderland Extremity 4
I've never said anything like that to feel superior. I don't have the need to feel superior though. Honestly I don't even understand how that could make someone seem superior. Classical music is quite enjoyable and black and white shows/movies are entertaining. They aren't all spiffed up and over dramatized. Then again what can I say I'm only a 15 year old spaz. But yeah I think that would be extremely annoying.
2007-08-30 15:45:30
answer #4
answered by Jack Unknown 1
Still not quite sure what you're ranting about.. but more power to you.. and just so you know.. I'm 19 so I'd still be considered young to a lot of people, and I DO love classical music, and some old black and white movies, I'm a huge fan of operas, and quite frankly don't give a rats behind about what other people think of me or my tastes in movies becuase at the end of the day I know that I did what I did because I enjoyed it, not because some older person, or even someone my age, thought I'd be "cooler" for it.
2007-08-30 15:47:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Citizen Kane rocks!
Most of the people that play on it are pretty old or not around anymore, but its still a cool movie. I think black and white makes things cooler to watch. There are some 14 year olds that arn't just making it up you know.
2007-08-30 15:55:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
There are plenty of older people who like what younger people like and vice versa. People don't lie because they are young or old they lie due to confidence levels, ego's and other self esteem issues. You don't have to be old and watch black and white movies to be articulate and smart. Plus intellectual levels are based on individuals not the young or the old, besides what do older people have against most teens anyways? Is it that they afraid that their age and experiences are being challenged?
2007-08-30 15:53:08
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i see your point of view however i am 19 and i love black and white movies and i always have even when i was 14 i have liked music that was way before my time and movies are "classic" (no i am not lying). i never said any of these things to seem superior, because in school it wasn't popular to like Humphrey Bogart movies and Vincent Price films. i love Bette Davis films but i mentioned her one day in class and my friends were like who? i felt out of place when i was in 2nd grade and i didn't know who these musicians were that my classmates did. when i listening to Sam Cooke, Elvis, and many more on vinyl my many classmates were buying cd's and listening to music i knew nothing about.
i'm just saying from past experience that even when i brought up movie classics it was not because i wanted to appear superior but find something in common with someone else who may think that i as a person maybe ignorant of good music or good movies because i am not. just because we're born in a certain era doesn't mean that we're all that different.
2007-08-30 15:54:59
answer #8
answered by super87freak 4
I think you are feeling a bit jealous for some reason. Not sure why. But I can honestly say that when I was young I like a lot of things that my parents liked when they were young. Just chill to the next episode :) and let people like what they like. If they are lying to be cool or impress...then they will eventually be made to feel dumb.
2007-08-30 15:47:21
answer #9
answered by CSSW 5
I think it's pretty obvious when young people are lying like that to impress older people. If they are trying to impress an older person, good! Most young people don't give a crap what older people think of them. Older people have enough sense to know that young smart people are as only as wise as their years, because the older you get, the more you realize how naive you were in your younger years.
2007-08-30 15:46:59
answer #10
answered by CNJRTOM 5
well I'm sixteen and, i do honestly enjoy classical music (mostly because i play the violin). And i did enjoy the movie citizen Kane, and other black and white movies. I don't do this to make myself feel superior to older people, that's just the way I am... i don't even really tell people that i do enjoy these things.
2007-08-30 15:51:47
answer #11
answered by Katheraine 2