Slick Willie got more votes! That is how he won.
2007-09-01 06:27:00
answer #1
answered by Bawney 6
Hi! Remember your question about the press? Why we got so pitifully little real news?
That is why you and 68% of Americans think GW Bush is wrong for the job. I have a few quotes for you.
"The world is not evil because bad people do evil things. It's evil because good people do nothing." Albert Einstein.
"George W Bush is the best man you have in government today, and the US press is appalling."
Churchill's grandson, calling in to a radio show to object to what he was hearing, while on a visit.
Aug 24, 2007
"World backs U.S. war on terror / Fight against Al-Qaida, Taliban U.S.-led, but supported by intl community
Hidemichi Katsumata / Yomiuri Shimbun Senior Writer"
Sometimes, good people do more harm than they mean, with good intentions. You want a solution out there, I can tell from your questions, but the solution comes by not adding fuel by spreading the tripe you have been fed by the American (read--sellout) media.
2007-08-31 18:08:52
answer #2
answered by ciamalo 3
Nigel wrote:
"For the rest of you, you realize that there is no one in the driver's seat in the Oval Office, and that the country is rudderless with an idiot playing with a baby's steering wheel and squeeky horn suctioned to his desk---this question is for you."
This does appear to be so.
There is somebody/ies in the drivers seat but their identity is protected by the media:
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if
we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty
of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National autodetermination practiced in past centuries"
--David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting
in June of 1991
What appears to be ignorance gone to seed is in actuality an ingenious plan to make America a socialist state.
Bush is just their obedient little "yes man".
He lacks the minimum nueral threshold neccesary to actually make an executive decision.
"Are we going collectively insane as a nation?"
2007-08-30 15:58:11
answer #3
answered by ReefLobster 2
Imbeciles voted for him, and they all stick together. Blame any fool who voted for him.
The country has weathered other idiots (Harding, Coolidge, Reagan, Bush 41, among other possibles) and even a few evil men (Nixon, LBJ, Reagan overlaps here), and survived well over two centuries of presidencies. Pretty good for a country that theoretically is a pipe dream.
Real democracy doesn't exist, the same way that real communism doesn't, either. Both are Utopian. Our country is actually a fake-*** democracy called "oligarchy" (rule by the few--typically rich, white men), and sad to say, it's one reason we endure. Rich white men brought over, and later allowed in, people who were not rich and not white to be here to do their work for free, and later for very cheap. Eventually, those same people assimilated, added to the culture of America, and soon became indispensable in all fields.This is not to excuse anything as horrible as slavery or as disgusting as sweatshop conditions, but it did happen pretty much that way.
No country on Earth has as many different heritages and kinds of people and cultures as we do. Sometimes it makes us suck, sometimes it saves us, and it's always interesting. It's what makes us a pain in the butt and the greatest country in the world. You have to take the bad with the good. The Imbecile-in-Chief only has about 14 months left. We will survive.
I'd also like to thank the Republicans, conservatives, NeoCons, or whatever the **** they are calling themselves today for responding, and proving just how goddamned stupid they really are. Thanks, dingleberries!. . . .
2007-08-30 15:57:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
By being more intelligent than you. So if Bush is an imbecile, then what does that make you? Do you have a degree from an Ivy League school, or a graduate degree from any school? Can you fly a fighter jet, or even a Cessna? Have you ever been the CEO of anything (the roaches in your mother's basement don't count)? Have you ever owned a major sport franchise? Well, when you can accomplish something a little more than growing mold in the bath tub in your mother's basement, then you can pass judgment on THE BEST PRESIDENT THIS COUNTRY HAS HAD SINCE 1992 (no Cliton was elected in 92 but didn't become president until 93) but until that cold day in hell why don't you leave decision making to the grown ups?
2007-08-30 15:37:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
the nation is being used and abused by lg corporations. i think bush is in the drivers seat if he wasnt i wouldnt be so scared. the whole world thinks were spineless, hollow and pitiful. i say we gather in large groups and incorporate......we could make energy efficient improvements on our homes and get corporate tax shelters and if all else failed we could go bankrupt and pay ourselves $9 million bonuses as corp execs. we could also lobby and have a say in government. lets at least try to get on the playing field
2007-08-30 15:33:58
answer #6
answered by fishshogun 5
The 48 and 51% of imbeciles in this country who voted for him each time; And his imbecile puppets on the Supreme Court who appointed him over the express will of both Nationwide and Florida voters the first time...
2007-08-30 15:54:29
answer #7
answered by ? 4
It's not as if the American electorate is overloaded with geniuses, you know.......
Honestly, people tend to like simple answers, and Bush is a simple-answer kind of guy.
I contrast him with my old favorite, the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan -- a truly brilliant man of whom it was once said, "He's written more books than most other senators have READ."
Because he was smart enough to realize that the complex business of governing a nation can't be distilled into sound bites, he didn't speak in sound bites. He spoke in paragraphs, actually discussing things in detail.
A friend of mine was visiting me once and saw him on CSPAN. He said, "Wow, that dude is BORING!"
Or consider Richard Lugar, a Republican with long service in the Senate, who is considered one of the smartest guys in Washington and a real foreign policy expert. Also knowledgeable in domestic matters, as he was earlier a successful mayor of a large city (Indianapolis).
Yet when he sought the GOP presidential nomination, he barely attracted notice. Because he wasn't qualified?
No, because he was too smart to speak in simple answers.
So people saw him as boring. Instead, they chose the guy who boils everything down to Jesus, tax cuts and flag-waving.
Sadly, smart-but-boring people don't get elected president.
2007-08-30 15:29:12
answer #8
answered by $m☼r฿: looking down your blouse 5
One of the best lessons we will ever learn, if we are smart:
Go back to the 2002 Primary elections in every state that was voting for a governor. Like California, New York, Florida, Texas, Ohio, and Nevada. See who he rallied around, for their good deeds in getting him elected in 2000. Remarkable history.
"GWB 101", he is a genius. His benefactors assisted him in even securing a base with the Supreme Court. Don't be jealous, live with the history, you do not have a choice. If it works, it works. And many call him 'stupid'. Don't think so.
Watch out! It sounds like you will vote for Hillary, and that is not a good idea at all. She plans on biting the country worse than you can imagine.
2007-08-30 15:28:34
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I am thankful I talk more intelligently than Bush, however, the guy isnt that stupid. He isnt good at hiding bad stuff, but Iraq wasnt a total disaster...yet. Let's see how this plays out in the next couple of years and then judge. Im not saying the war was completely justified, but it did give the US some advantages, and of course disadvantages, in international politics. We were actually talking about this today in political science class.
2007-08-30 15:30:19
answer #10
answered by Daniel 6