For a good general biography on Diana, Princess of Wales nee Spencer:,_Princess_of_Wales
For info on the various conspiracy theories surrounding Diana's death:
I think it is a shame that some people are choosing to forget her legacy of charity and elegance, and are focusing on her mistakes. I especially don't like it that there is such an anti-Diana climate right now. Shame on all those who speak ill of her now that she is dead and cannot defend herself!
RIP Princess Diana.... "the People's Princess" then, now and forever. I will never forget you.
2007-08-30 18:35:26
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
1) Princess Diana was a very photogenic and personable woman particularly when compared with the other women in the British royal family. Like Grace Kelly and Jacqueline Kennedy she quickly discovered how to entrance the media.
2) World-wide media coverage subsequently fed upon Diana's every move from 1981 to 1997. Her face like Jackie Kennedy's face was guaranteed to sell magazines and newspapers to both men and women.
3) Diana comes off both as the Cinderella every little girl dreams of being and as an anti-establishment figure who successfully thumbs her nose at her "keepers"!
4) Historians tend to make more out of famous persons who die at the end of centuries or at the beginning of new centuries; for example, Queen Victoria's death in 1901 and Queen Elizabeth I's death in 1603 both defined an end of an age. This tendency is amplified by the Internet.
5) Any man or woman who dies young and unexpectedly is mourned as dying before his or her time. For example, since both Lady Diana and John F. Kennedy's traumatic deaths were unexpected, conspiracy theories abound.
6) August is a slow news month, and no great catastrophes have knocked the anniversary of her death from the headlines.
2007-08-30 16:27:40
answer #2
answered by Ellie Evans-Thyme 7
Here are a couple. She really was a special person, because she worked hard for everyone. I hope these help. :)
Diana, Princess of Wales (Diana Frances;[2] née Spencer; 1 July 1961 – 31 August 1997) was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales. Her two sons, Princes William and Harry, are second and third in line to the thrones of the United Kingdom and 15 other Commonwealth Realms.,_Princess_of_Wales
Why Diana Mattered
A decade after her death, Princess Diana still looms large in Britain's psyche
2007-08-30 15:25:13
answer #3
answered by iammom1 5
She was used by the royal family and spat out when they didn't want her any more but she was more popular than them by then and she wouldn't go quietly even 10yrs after she died.
I loved the fact that Elton John sang Candle in the Wind for her my all time favorite song being a Marilyn fan I though it was appropriate as they both died at 36 yrs age and had so much more to give..
Also I am sick of people calling her a slut she was a 19 yr old virgin when she married Charles he screwed with her head and Camilla and I think the Queens sister Margret was the real slut in the royal family.
So if people don't want to remember Diana they don't have to but they shouldn't resent the impact she had on many people from all walks of life and have a bit respect for the dead and those that wish to remember her.
2007-08-30 16:29:26
answer #4
answered by molly 7
To those who have a life, she is now a part of history and just some memory that does not trouble much. To those trapped in a time warp and upset that their own dreams are not possible,she is some sort of martyr of "establishment" mischief. Her death was a road accident. You know them. There are thousands every day.
2007-08-30 23:17:06
answer #5
answered by Lucrezia 6
First of all, I have to say I think of a lot of people who answered this question are so ignorant. Princess Diana is a 'big deal' because she was one of he most influential member of the British royal family. She had her hands in a number of charity organizations and traveled the world spreading love and compassion. Promoting peace. When she died, she took with her the hearts of so many people who had grown to respect and love her.
It has been a long time since her death - But a lot people still believe she was murdered. When you are well liked, you will always have enemies, and she had her fair share.
I'm sorry to say, but I think its so disrespectful the way some of you have answered this question - And you dont know anything about her... I didnt know much, but I still respect her as a person.
2007-08-30 15:28:52
answer #6
answered by Sam F 2
Yeah... so what? 20 years after his death people still worship the ground Elvis walks on and he wasn't royalty. Princess Diana was a humanitarian and a very caring spirit. She was like princess Grace in the aspect that she broke the mold of what a traditional princess should be. She wasn't hoidy toidy and snobbish. She gave her time and her life to make this world literally a better place to be for those less fortunate. I say, " Don't Hate... Appreciate." The world would be a better place with more spirits like hers. She was and still is a real lady. Now... y'all share that.
2007-08-30 15:24:11
answer #7
answered by fatbabyceesay 5
Anybody who remembers the wedding of General Hospital's Luke Spencer and Laura Baldwin in the early 80s will certainly also remember the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer around the same time. I think I remember both events happening to almost coincide with each other. It was the great American love story; the gentle lady who rose from nothing to become princess of Wales. The media of course focused on that. Diana was not the traditional princess, and everything she did that broke that mold was hugely publicized. She was shy and awkward, and she never really lived up to the expectations of the royal family. Really, she was like Cinderella. She suffered an eating disorder, and she tried to kill herself in the early days of being a princess. All that was publicized. Also publicized was the fact that she took her young sons William and Harry out among the 'common people', socialized them with other people who were not royalty, and took them out to eat at places like McDonald's. She seemed determined that they would not grow up to be snobs, or to be isolated from other people. In many ways, Diana seemed like a victim of the royal family. However, if you paid close attention, you soon came to realize that she refused to be a victim. As for Elton John paying tribute to Diana with 'Candle in the Wind', well ... they were good friends ... as close to being best friends, I suppose, as they could possibly be. Diana opened her arms to Elton John when the royal family did not. They hung out together. He would miss her; she was one of the brightest spots in his life ... one of the only people who didn't judge him or his lifestyle. It was only fitting that he would honor her memory with the highest tribute that he could. That's what friends do.
2007-08-30 16:41:31
answer #8
answered by Jewels 7
do you remember when she died?
Diana is like Bono, but with more royalty and political influence. She did a lot of good deeds and could get them done quicker and faster than the Pope or Bono. She was one of the first royals in Britain that actually made a difference and was more than just a symbol of England while parliament made all the decisions.
The paparazzi made a mess of her too.
2007-08-30 15:25:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
When you follow someone's life from their wedding until their funeral,you just feel like you know them even if it is via television.Charles chose her to give birth to the future King of England, then tossed her aside for the woman he was already in love with. Our hearts went out to her She was beautiful and a lovely person.
2007-08-30 17:29:27
answer #10
answered by pattypat999 3