There seems to be some evidence for right handers living longer on average than left handers. Right handers are said to live on average 9 years longer than left handers. The only problem that I have with any of the studies I found or have read in psychology is that they were all primarily done on baseball players. The problem there is that baseball players are not good exemplars and are a statistical minority in the regular population. So the results tend to say something about baseball players, but there really isn't much out there about us regular folks. So the answer to your question is it is unknown.
2007-08-30 09:53:04
answer #1
answered by Fortis cadere cedere non potest 5
This Site Might Help You.
Do right-handed people really live longer lives than lefties?
I've heard that right-handed people live an average of ten years longer than lefties. Is that true?
2015-08-14 07:50:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well, according to the thinking of scientist, people who are left handed are a lot smarter than right handed people. So using my less logical side of the brain (I am right handed), I must not have the capability and knowledge to live longer than my left handed friends. How about it all you lefties out there in Yahoo land?
2007-08-30 10:50:55
answer #3
answered by DONNA L B 2
Maybe the Right handed people are MEAN to left handed people and or KILL THEM OFF!
2016-12-12 03:53:37
answer #4
answered by Suzy Suzee Sue 6
No this is not true. Well in my case, it's not. My Grandfather is left-handed and my Grandmother was a righty. The key word is, was. I my-self am a lefty, so I find it silly to believe. If we where to believe every thing we hear, the world would be in a world of hurt, "so to say". Figuratively speaking...
Have a Great Weekend.... :o)
2007-08-31 15:14:02
answer #5
answered by Lefty Bassist 1 3
I have heard this theory, however, in my family the lefties have lived longer by about five years
I'm left handed, and plan on outliving them all!!
2007-08-30 11:29:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I've never heard of this before? According to this article, perhaps
I wonder what the comparisons are in lifetimes between lefties, righties and those lucky ambidextrous people...
2007-08-30 09:42:26
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
One study has found that people who are left-handed feel more stress than right-handed people. They feel "different" than right-handed people and work harder. They don't realize it, but its true. By percentage, more left-handed people have a better success rate than right-handed people due to this.
2007-09-03 16:24:46
answer #8
answered by Mark B 2
It's just a myth / urban legend. I highly doubt that hand preference matters when determining how long a person will live.
2007-09-01 10:50:32
answer #9
answered by ? 3
I hadn't heard that myself, but I'm wondering if it might have something to do with the additional levels of stress that they are forced to deal with, in a world so dominated by right-handed people. So many things are made to work well only for those that are right-handed, or you have to search for specially made left-handed items. Plus, in the "bad old days", many left-handed children were forced to work right-handed by wrong thinking parents and educators. I know that type of stress would do a good bit to shorten my temper, if not my life!
2007-08-30 10:09:13
answer #10
answered by Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever 7