I could kiss you! I am so sick of which side has less corruption when we the voters should be deciding that any corruption is too much, from either side. Blame us all and we had better get this under control.
2007-08-30 08:29:40
answer #1
answered by libsticker 7
Well Im 44 yrs young now and i first became aware that election time was when you chose the lesser of two or three evils, about 25 - 30 years ago so its not a new thing. On the right hand side youve got big business, big money and billionaires, on the left you have every one from the unemployed, to wage and salary rank and filers, peacemongers and hippies. The US is controlled by the freemasons, the Bilderberg group and the military industrial complex, those are just the facts of life. If you vote for a democrat youll most probably get a bonesman, if you vote for a republican youll certainly get a bonesman, thats just the way theyve rigged the election system. Plus with the help of the Diebold ezyhack voting software they can put whoever they like in power, thats just another fact of life that more and more people are starting to realize.
2007-08-30 17:24:31
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Politicians have been corrupt regardless of party affiliations going back to before the Roman Empire. Today's politicians think they are slicker but they are all just the same. They have visions that they want to force onto everyone else and part of that vision usually includes the part that they are better than everyone else and that they deserve more than anyone else. It is their divine right. They are as corrupt today as in the past but now the media has become more complicit in the crimes. Yes they throw us some bones and burn the less desirables but the worst of them are still covered up. Look how long it took to catch this last guy.
Are we better off today, No. Politicians used to be satisfied with what they got by picking the big pockets but now they seem to be going after the smaller pockets more than they used to. When I made 1/3 as much as I do today, I had more money. Today a lot has been eaten up by inflation. Inflation is a tax of sort and it is govt stealing your money. They create boondoggles that must be paid for. The govt prints more money out of thin air (inflating the currency) which renders the existing currency in circulation less valuable. When people that sell things realize that what they are getting paid with is worth less, they raise their prices. That hits us directly and usually it is in 2 main areas - food and energy. Why do you think that the govt always reports inflation without food and energy? Core inflation is a fantasy. I have to buy food and fuel on a regular basis but not refrigerators and ipods which is what core inflation is based on (or at least that type of stuff). Its all smoke and mirrors to keep you from seeing their hands in your pocket.
Please note that I am not talking about Republicans or Democrats, Tories or Labor, Whigs or what have yous. Underneath the smiling baby kissing exterior they are all the same crooks and con artists. It has been a constant part of history because people let it happen. We have a herd or a prison mentality that lets us be manipulated by these people. Don't believe it - just watch Fox news. Really watch it and you will begin to see it is more about propaganda than anything - not news. For the record I am a Republican but of the way the party used to be and not today's except for the growing minority of those that support Ron Paul. Keep an eye on that one as he cuts across all parties despite being a Republican.
2007-08-30 08:28:08
answer #3
answered by John Galt 3
As I eluded to when answering in another question. Whichever party is in the White House the other party does their best to openly scrutinize them with as much vile hatred as they can muster up. Both parties do it, but they both do it differently.
I do agree that with 24/7 cable news and many other outlets for people to gain any type of newsworthy (or not) information they will.
Our society craves blame. They crave gossip and they crave hearing or seeing the worst in people.
Years ago citizens kept their opinions far more secretive than they do today. Respect and honor had a place. People wore it on their heart, not in their hand for which to throw at others.
I've had a bad taste in my mouth regarding government since the mid 1980's. It went sour long before then but as a young man newly entering the real world I saw things so far out of whack I literally hated anyone in government.
Years have passed and I don't hate government anymore. Like others I try tolerating it.
I've helped neighbors dealing with local government, helped write a few laws, established good relationships with several elected officials and was even asked to run for City Council or Mayor.
The only reason why I never took that step was because the only place worse than dealing with government - was being in it.
Too many scandals, too many back-stabbers and too many battles to fight that could never be won.
Most elected officials don't know what honesty, dignity and pride are anymore. There's just no common sense.
2007-08-30 12:57:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I read a couple of articles a while back, that I thought you might enjoy about this question.
One was by James Carville. Remember him? He was clinton's political architect. The other was by Thomas Sowell, the black conservative columnist. Now, if you can find two people who are more diametrically opposed politically, I'd like to know who they are. However, they both came to the same conclusion, which is:
We don't pay our politicians enough.
Now before everbody goes charging off the deep end here; stop and think a minute. What if all these clowns in Wa$hington were getting paid what they could earn in the business sector? Even the president's salary is paltry compared to the CEOs, COOs, and Chairmen of the business world. Let's not forget our sports "heroes", or entertaintment snowballs either.
If our shyster representatives of the "people" were getting paid millions by the federal gov't, what would the shyster lobbyists really have to offer? Now if you have some conge$$man getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar, you KNOW you have a crook no question.
Just thought I'd bring it up.
2007-08-31 00:18:48
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The media has always reported biased news and advertised their favored candidates, but now we can research the papers on-line and review prior votes with a quick search and have our answers.
Before computers, we only had the knowledge that the biased news media spoon-fed us. Now we can seek the truth and hopefully prevent things like the Holocaust or another world war. We can communicate with people all over the world and hear their side of the story.
I like the world of knowledge today but miss the innocence of yesterday. I don't think we can ever go back. Now we have to live with the knowledge of corruption, not just the thoughts that there might be.
I agree. I miss dreaming of better days with modern technology instead of worrying about how long our country will exist. But we keep watching the news and digging for truth.
2007-08-30 15:24:06
answer #6
answered by Naturescent 4
As I tell my kids, don't think. Know!
Clearly, you are right on the money with this. The advent of 24/7 news services has greatly presented this corruption to the public. However, this corruption has been going on for many years. In the early years of this great country, there was a lot less of this corruption because the people were more honest and trustworthy. As the moral decay of our society through the promotion of liberalism grew, so did the amount of corruption in our government. Now that liberalism is an accepted part of our society, it is an acceptable part of our government. Consequently, there are no morals in government any more, so corruption is acceptable to most governmental officials.
It is a crying shame too. And if you notice, those who want the intense ethics reforms are the one's who are silenced the most. What a pitty.
2007-08-30 09:05:37
answer #7
answered by Michael H 5
I'm not sure how old you are but you don't look very old...I on the other hand can remember when there were only 3 TV stations in my area and you had to get off your keyster to change the channels, we had no air conditioning, and yes, there was an innocence in those times....I'm not saying there wasn't bad news, but I think the climate of things today is never ending...you're hammered day in and out all day with negative news, spoiled self centered celebs, and self serving politicians and people don't have enough time to process and evaluate what they just heard before they hear something else...I do long for the simpler times...I think people in general were more laid back and happier....
2007-08-30 08:54:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Actually I think politicians are less corrupt than ever... take a look at the difference between the political machines of the early part of the 20th century compaired to today... politicians were not above using foce to keep people away from the poles... nepitism, cronieism and bribery were an everyday reality, and nobody saw anything wrong with using political power to further your personal fortune...
Today government is way cleaner, and more honest because of the influence of expanded news media, and the improved communications ability of the modern world...
Not that there is no corruption.. of course there is. I just think it's getting much better than it was...
This is not to excuse corruption where it exists... it is unacceptable in any form... I'm just trying to be even handed about this issue!
2007-08-30 08:17:48
answer #9
answered by Schaufel 3
I think, for the most part, it was, less media then, and the ones that were part of the media, showed some discretion. It is well known now that JFK had many ladies while President. I'm sure someone in the media knew about it then. back then though, the office of President of the United States was treated with deference and respect. To tarnish the White House with a tawdry story would not be good for the country so it was not pursued.
2007-09-02 05:28:37
answer #10
answered by SteveA8 6
Actually, I think we're much,much more naive and much less educated as a nation than we were 40 or 50 years ago. A sizeable part of the population doesn't grasp the importance of an independent press, and is willing to accept on face value the government's official line as truth, and label independent aources and analyses as "liberal media," as if the media have an agenda, but the government couldn't possibly.
This has created an atmosphere where corruption can flourish as never before in American history.
2007-09-01 01:10:57
answer #11
answered by commandercody70 4