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Ive lived in my house for about 2 years now and some strange stuff has been going on... : Lights trun on and off in my bathroom/ i was even in the bathroom when it happend one time washing my hands and i saw switch go down by it self (in the corner of my eye).. My T.V turn's on for no reason in middle of the night while im sleep and scares the **** out of me. Several of my family members say they here a jingling noise coming from our kitchen (like a bell). And even my youngers sister saw shadowy figure of a man come up to her bed..
is there an explanation..... what should i think or do?

2007-08-29 18:36:33 · 14 answers · asked by @lex 1 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

14 answers

First eliminate all normal explanations. Have the wiring in your home (in particular the bathroom) checked including the plate and switch.

If you have a remote for the TV place it somewhere no family member or pet has access to it like a locked drawer beside your bed at night when you go to sleep.

When someone hears this noise have them tell you and attempt to locate the source of the noise. This is often difficult but you should make an effort. You may want to get a tape recorder and attempt to tape the noise.

If the shadow was experienced while she was in bed (either about to fall asleep or just waking up) it was probably a hallucination known as a waking dream.
A camera or camcorder by the bed and a calm mind would be most helpful here.

Once all of that is done if any disturbances continue you could contact a group to investigate via
http://www.haunted-places.com or feel free to e-mail me.

Michael John Weaver, M.S., Director
New Mexico Anomaly Society

2007-08-29 19:29:49 · answer #1 · answered by psiexploration 7 · 1 0

I just posted this to another question on YAHOO...My experience in this house..I am at a loss for words, too.

Where do I begin?? I have posted about my house 2-3 times so far.
We moved into a 2-story home last yr. Every now and then (less often now due to an AC unit in the window in my bedroom running loudly) "someone" coming upstairs very slowly. Not heavy steps, but medium, like a lightweight adult. I get up. No one up. The dog (border collie) runs into my room and lies down, head down like she has "seen a ghost"..maybe she has. Also, about a month or so ago, I let her out at around 3AM (these weird things happen around 3AM). Some of the chairs, I noticed were sticking way out away from the table. (Kids, I thought) I then went into the downstairs bathroom while she was outside. I kept the door open slightly. I heard 3 times, the chairs in my dining room being pushed under the table. The noise was loud and distinct: wooden chairs on ceramic tile..loud scraping noises. My heart started pounding because I thought someone came in the backdoor that I left unlocked to get my dog back inside the house. Slowly, I stepped out of the BR and looked around the corner. No one in the dining room. Everyone still in bed. The chairs that were OUT from under the table were now pushed in, under it. I can't explain anything that happens in this house and no real history on it. A couple ahd a baby, got transferred. We bought it from them. A preacher and his wife lived here about 15-20 yrs before that. And we get mail from some guy that lived here when it was built 40 yrs ago.

2007-09-01 16:32:48 · answer #2 · answered by CAT 6 · 0 0

If the spirit makes you uncomfortable then you might want to try burning a smudge stick and carring it throughout the house, then placing a small bowl of sea salt or kosher salt mixed with the ashes in every room. I've found this the easiest way for people to get rid of unwelcome spirits. On the other hand, it might just be a playfull spirit, and as long as you don't feel threatened, he may be useful to have around. A ghost that likes the people he lives with will act as a guard dog and keep away unpleasant people and entities.

2007-08-29 19:50:26 · answer #3 · answered by Oswald F 3 · 1 0

well first of all make sure your not losing your mind and imagining things, that does happen. i do believe in ghost and if your sure all these things really are going on then sounds like you have a ghost in your house.. im not gonna sit here and say dont be scared they wont hurt you because i never experienced any type of ghost around me, i know id $hit my pants and be scared, but u should get some ghost hunters and see what they can find out... then after that get some holey water and bless your house

2007-08-29 19:00:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

there are certain protection spells you can put over your home and family, but the first thing you should do is find a Wiccan High Priest close to you that can "cleanse" your home... then you and the people in the house needs to "cleanse" themselves, (and no i am not talking about a soap and water cleansing) when the house and the people within are clear of negative energy then perform protection spells and enchantments over the house and everyone in it.

There are many things that i can tell you to do, but if you are inexperienced in magic then it might not work properly and the outcome will hinder more then help

2007-08-30 03:45:50 · answer #5 · answered by Silver 2 · 0 0

Well personally what I would do since I'm a Christian would be to rebuke the evil spirits (I'm almost certain they're not friendly neighborhood angels from your descriptions) in Jesus' name until they leave. They cannot stand up to His name.

The reports I have heard/seen of good spirits (angels) were rarely 'freaky' things. They work more obviously, and nonthreateningly, from my experience and knowledge. For instance angels have been known to turn tv's on by themselves as well - but for a good reason, I heard of one guy that was sitting on the couch sleeping and then his tv turned on by itself, to the 700-club; it turned out they were doing prayers at the time and he got healed of some long term sickness from it while the show hosts were listening to words of knowledge from God.

Anyhow.... I've seen many similar things myself but rarely in my house itself (though I have a couple of times). Exorcising them in this way generally always works. There are other factors that may affect whether or not your prayers will cause them to leave, but that is not really what you asked, I am merely telling you what I would do personally.

Hope that helps.

2007-08-29 18:46:46 · answer #6 · answered by Xan 3 · 1 1

Take a few days off work and investigate. Find out some infomration on the previous residents.

2007-08-30 05:40:54 · answer #7 · answered by Franklin D 2 · 0 0

Sounds like you have a ghost. i have one where I live, his name's Eddie.
Check with the people who used to live there, I'm sure they encountered the same thing.

2007-08-29 18:42:19 · answer #8 · answered by ♫ Bubastes, Cat Goddess♥ 7 · 1 0

ghost is always exist in this world, so dont get u'r self to scared if u scared they more like to disturb u, annying them like they never exist

2007-08-29 18:46:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Start charging rent. They usually skedaddle when they see the bill.

2007-08-30 04:55:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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