Savings account.
Guaranteed by FDIC up to 100k. You cannot get any safer than that and you also can't lose any money.
If that's not what you're looking for, you'd need to ask the question again but this time say what's the best risk adjusted investment out there.
2007-08-29 15:20:04
answer #1
answered by Mr Blue 3
There are no sure things.
Back in the 1950s, the savings stamp people used to point out that if you invested $1 at the time of Christ at 3% interest, it would be worth $10,779,200,000,000,000,000,000,000 by 1950. But who would you have invested it with? Every financial institution established before 1743 has failed.
Treasury notes are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. On the other hand, if inflation is high, the money you get at maturity might well be less than the money you invest.
Real estate is fairly good. It's not very liquid, though, and we're now seeing that the "sure thing" of real estate is very vulnerable when there's a credit crunch.
Rental property is pretty good if you're a good manager. If you're not, tenants will destroy your buildings.
Farms are pretty good as a long-term investment, because farm equipment makes it necessary for farmers to have more and more land, and there just isn't enough to go around for all the farmers. In the short term, though, if the price of farm commodities drops, the price of farmland drops.
Investments in stocks can return fewer dollars than you invested. When more people are employed, the price goes up. When there is unemployment, people need to cash in their stocks, and the price goes down. An investment that costs a lot when you have money to invest, and returns little when you need to cash in, is a pretty poor investment.
Phillip Dusenberry pointed out that the most profitable form of writing is ransom notes. I'm not sure that ransom notes and blackmail letters make a very profitable investment, though.
I'd recommend Treasury securities as the safest investment. It's only as sound as the dollar, and God knows, that's not very sound these days, but I can't see anything better.
2007-08-29 22:32:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The safest investment is a U.S. treasury bill, note or bond. The U.S. government guarantees the return of your principal. Next would be an FDIC-insured certificate of deposit (CD) or savings account, because the FDIC guarantees the return of your principal. However, many people would not consider these "investments," but only "savings." Blue-chip stocks, such as the 30 stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial average, are relatively safe compared with other stocks, but there is no guarantee that you won't lose some or all of your initial investment.
2007-08-29 22:22:11
answer #3
answered by Califrich 6
Safest always equals the lowest rates so . . .
The savings at Citi Or ING are 4.5 to 5 % .
They are FDIC insured up to $100 K .
You did Not say if this could be parked long term
Or if you might need it on very short notice .
Makes a big difference , what kind of savings you're looking at .
Note : Many Mutual funds dropped almost 10% of their value since July and is there really some one that does not know what is happening to real estate prices ?
For stocks , you could buy any of the blue chip DOW stocks , but even those cycle so you could have to wait months if you needed your $$$$ stat .
2007-08-29 22:25:27
answer #4
answered by kate 7
Stock investment with sogoinvest at $3 per trade.
2007-08-30 07:07:20
answer #5
answered by Alex 2
Hi Friend.. Mutual fund is the always safest mode of investment..Just take look at the link below to learn more about other investment.
2007-08-29 22:15:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Mutual Funds: You should know the meaning of mutual funds, before you choose to invest in mutual funds. These funds are a type of security that can be traded on the stock market, allowing shareholders to buy and sell shares in the funds. The revenue generated by purchase of shares is used by mutual fund manager to buy more shares of specific stocks, bonds, and other market securities and money market instruments.
2007-08-30 07:07:38
answer #7
answered by Pitty T 2
Sunshine Empire provides a relatively safe platform to grow your money.
2007-08-30 00:38:42
answer #8
answered by FurY_Kid 1
safest is government bonds- they cant default- all they do is keep printing.
2007-08-29 22:39:52
answer #9
answered by bullet b 4
CD of course
2007-08-30 00:25:45
answer #10
answered by BigBen 5