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1. Snow White and the seven organ donors.
2. We spent the afternoon eating off each other's plates and discussing my fear of intimacy.
3. As for you.....SEEK HELP !!
4. Back off, Mary Poppins.
5. Secret elixir, huh?
6. I no longer trust your judgment.

BONUS PHRASE: I am running out of patience, and by patience I mean Prozac.

2007-08-29 10:48:24 · 6 answers · asked by I am Sunshine 6 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay


2007-08-29 10:57:35 · update #1

6 answers

The summer was almost gone. The days of lazing around the pool and spending the nights with their friends were over. It was time for school to start. That could only mean one thing. It was time for me to put all 7 children in to the van and head to the mall. Yes I said 7.

You may ask "what person in their right mind would do such a thing to themselves."

I would answer you" no one in their right mind."

I had the van loaded and the youngest in his booster seat. He was starting pre-k this year and I would finally be alone for the majority of the day. I couldn't wait even though I knew that what I was about to embark on was just plain crazy.

When we arrived at the mall I told everyone that we were to stay together and we were using the buddy system. All of the older children were assigned a younger sibling to keep up with.

First stop, the shoe store. There was no way I was starting in clothing with 2 prissy almost teenaged daughters. No I needed to warm up to that.

The shoe store was having a buy one get one half off sale and I was excited to save a dollar or two. I told the older children to go pick out a pair of appropriate shoes in their size and then bring them back to me for final inspection. I took the younger children to their aisle and was trying shoes on them. It wasn't a big store and I could hear the children laughing at one another. I knew that they were trying on everything except something that they may consider wearing but I had my hands full and could not do a thing except yell at them from where I was sitting on the floor. I had found shoes for the 3 youngest and the two older children had found something they liked and that passed my inspection. So I left those 5 at the register and went to find the 2 remaining children.

As I started down the aisle, they both rounded the corner each carrying a shoe box. I told the first child to open the box and there inside was a pair of snowboots complete with fur around the top. I looked at my precious girl and said" do you know where we live?" She looked at me and said, "yes."
I looked back at her and said ," could you please remind me because I think I may have it wrong." She looked at me with tears welling in her eyes and said very quietly,"Florida."
I then said" where, in central Florida, do you think you will get to wear these?" Then the tears started running down her face. She said "but they're pink." I looked at her and said "go stand at the register with your siblings and I will pick out your shoes, (6) I no longer trust your judgement." I turned to the next child and told him to open his box and if it had a pair of snow boots in it I was going to go postal. He opened his box and there was a pair of sneakers. I traded out the boots for a nice pair of sandles and my daughter was still crying. It didn't matter though because once she couldn't get the boots, she was going to fall apart anyway.

I could have gone home and tryed another day but I had them all rounded up and only one was crying, so with one stop done, and the hair sticking out on the left side of my head and my makeup begining to show signs of wear and tear, we headed down the mall to search for school supplies.

That is where I started loosing my grip. I have no idea what I was thinking. For some reason it looked better in my mind than the actual picture that was being played out in front of me. We needed 7 backpacks and no two could be alike. We needed 7 notebooks, 1000 reams of paper, 4000 pencils in every color under the sun. It was just chaos and I could not regain control.

I looked in my purse for some excedrine or something and that is when I noticed other parents just staring at me. It was almost more than I could stand. Who were they to look at me like they could do my job better while they stood their with their little Billy or Cindy. Heck I had an Ethan, a Johnny, a Hailey, a Trevor, a Layla, an Aubrey and an Isaiah. I wanted to just yell at them " hey don't look at me like that until you have shopped with this many children!" But I didn't.

So as I tried to get my seven children to make decisions on each supply that would be needed to start the first day of school we realized that Hailey and Aubrey had picked out the same exact backpack. This was a no win situation. Someone was going to cry before this was over and I just had to decide which girl it was going to be. I already had Layla crying over the boots. Which other daughter did I want to join in her chorus? I chose Aubrey because she usually cries for the shortest amount of time. I was trying to talk her in to an different backpack when it happened.

The mother of two young children came over and started offering me suggestions. I could not believe it. This mother with two small children thought that she actually had the solution for a woman who was shopping with seven children. What was wrong with her. Did she actually think that she was smart enough to come up with something that I had never tried before?

I slowly stood up as she was leaning over my shouldrer giving me her ideas I mean they always work for her two toddlers!!! Before I could top myself, I looked her straight in the eye and said,"(4) Back off, Mary Poppins." She back off with more fear in her eyes then all seven of my children combined. I looked up and down the aisle at all the other parents and asked " Does anyone else have any thing they might want to share with me ?" They all turned around and slowly left the aisle. We made our selections and went to the checkout. I noticed that no one got in line behind us. I couldn't figure out if it was because I had 2 cart loads of stuff or because of my recent outburst. Any way, we paid for our purchase and took them to the van to drop off.

I was feeling pretty good about myself. I had shoes and supplies for all 7 children (no clothes yet), only had two of them crying and hadn't lost anyone yet. Of course my hair was sticking up like I had just gotten struck by lightning and my makeup was dripping off of my chin, but I thought it was shaping up to be a pretty good day after all.

I was ready to go get them clothing and as we walked in to the store, me with my seven children, I wondered what ever happened to the days when my husband and I were first married. I wondered what happened to the days where (2) We spent the afternoon eating off each other's plates and discussing my fear of intimacy? Looks like I got over that one I thought as Isaiah slipped and fell and now child number 3 was crying. It was getting better by the minute.

We had just gotten to the girls department when the woman from the supply store (you remember her, the one with the bright ideas?) anyway, she spotted me and my crew only now there were 3 of them crying and she said very loudly," Look everybody it's (1) Snow White and the seven organ donors."

Well that was it. She had single handedly pushed me over the top. I looked at her and said," I can say whatever I want to about my children, but you nor anyone else had better say anything about them around me!"

As I shopped with my children, who were behaving like little angels now because they knew, without a doubt, that mom was past the point of no return and one wrong step could be fatal, this woman was following me around. Every department I went in to she was there. She could not stop herself from making one snide comment after another. She made comments about birth control, about the color of my neck, about my children's daddy, or daddies as she refered to him.

I stopped and looked at her and said, "Listen lady, I have put up with you from one end of this store to the other and I have tried not to respond because I have my children with me but I swear, if you don't SHUT UP I will not be able to control myself because (bonus phrase) I am running out of patience, and by patience I mean Prozac."

My children had stopped all the tears and the argueing and the tattling and the whining. They know their mom and know when to straighten up. We got the nessasary clothing and finally got in the van and as I started it up, I did a quick head count. 1,2,3,4,5,6, ? Now I don't know if you know it or not, but when you have 7 children and the head count comes up short by 1, it can take a few minutes to figure out just who is missing. I counted again. Still one missing. I get out of the van and start looking around. Nope, one is still missing. I started to panic. I was now the one who was crying. Little Isaiah was missing. I knew he was with me in the store and I had his hand on the way out of the mall. Where was he?

A police officer was going through the parking lot when he saw my dispair and he stopped to ask if he could help me. I explained that I had somehow misplaced a child in the last few minutes. He started asking the normal questions when one of my older children said she had found him. There asleep, in the back of the van with all of our cargo was my baby. The officer said that he was glad that the child had been found and he looked at my daughter and said, "Thank you for looking for your brother until you found him. " Then he looked at me and said rather matter of factly "(3) as for you......SEEK HELP !!"

That was it. I was done. I didn't care if they had everything they needed or not. We were going home and I was not going to the mall ever again with 7 children. I have said this many times before too.

When we arrived home, my husband had already arrived and knowing what my plan was for the day, had stopped and gotten pizza for the family. I walked in the front door. Dropped my purse and keys and fell on the couch. My husband came over to me and said he had made me somthing cold to drink. I looked at him and said what is is.

He looked at me, gave me a wink and a smile and said," it's my secret elixir."

I sat up like a shot and said to him," your (5) Secret elixir, huh? everytime I drink your secret elixir, I end up having to take another person shopping with me next year. NO THANKS BUDDY." And with that, I went to bed, alone, in the guest room.

2007-08-29 11:25:48 · answer #1 · answered by nana4dakids 7 · 2 0

Today while on yahoo answers, I ran across someone who was asking everyone if they could write a short story using the following phrases, Snow White and the seven organ donors, We spent the afternoon eating off each other's plates and discussing my fear of intimacy, As for you.....SEEK HELP !!, Back off, Mary Poppins, Secret elixir, huh?, and I no longer trust your judgment. There was also a bonus phrase, which was I am running out of patience, and by patience I mean Prozac.

2007-08-29 18:05:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Snow White and the seven organ donors is such a weird name for a movie but that is what my husband wanted to see. We spent the entire afternoon eating off each others plates and discussing my fear of intimacy. Maybe it was a fear of intimacy maybe my husband just wasn't satisfying me sexually. Now that I think about it he has been spending a lot of time with his secretary. I ran into her on the way to his office yesterday she nearly ran me over. I couldn't believe I called her out in front of everyone but I had to tell Mary Poppins to back off. I hate her she looks so perfect with big breasts nice and perky. As I waited on my husband I was reading an article that was titled,"As for you SEEK HELP!!" Maybe it was a sign from god or a secret elixir huh? Yea maybe I was just on something. My husband finally got there so we could go to the movies of course it was horrible. I no longer trust his judgement. I am really running out of patience, and by patience I mean Prozac. I think I am going crazy.

2007-08-29 17:59:52 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Jill! Hey! How was your day?” Megan switched the tv off to greet her roommate.

“Meh. We are really running out of ideas at the studio. I swear, sometimes I wonder how Disney makes it,” Jill flopped down on the couch next to her friend.

“What do you mean? You guys have made all sorts of great animated films lately!”

“Not individually. The company can’t stand alone anymore it seems. Like today, that new guy suggested we make some sequel called (line) Snow White and the Seven Organ Donors. He thinks it’s a good way to squeeze politics into our productions.”

Megan stifled a laugh. “Well…at least he was trying,” she grinned.

Jill glowered at her friend, “(line) I no longer trust your judgement.”

“Oh, come on! What you need, is something to spice up your evening. Here, have a drink,” Megan offered Jill her frosted mug.

“What’s in that stuff?” Jill shied away.

“Good things. Make you feel better. It’s my secret.”

“(line) A secret elixir, huh? I think that’s just what I need,” Jill smiled and tasted her friends concoction. “Whoa! That’s strong!”

“Yeah, I had a rough day too.”

“Oh yeah! How did your date go with Dr. Doolittle?” Jill sipped some more.

“His name is Duane. And it was awful. (line) We spent the afternoon eating off each other's plates and discussing my fear of intimacy. And I hated what he ordered.”

Jill nudged her friend, “Then why did you stay, dummy?”

“I would have just been bored her at home otherwise! What is there to do in this town if you’re tired of beaches and miniature golf?” Megan rolled onto the floor and stretched out. “I don’t know. I’m just so tired of men. (line) I am running out of patience, and by patience I mean Prozac.”

Jill gave a hearty laugh. “Girl, I love you. No matter how stupid my job can be, you always make me happy at the end of the day.”

“Because my life is so much worse than yours?” Megan teased.

(Line) “Back off, Mary Poppins, you know that’s not what I meant,” Jill winked.

“Well, I’m going to turn the tv back on again. Maybe we’ll get an idea for a Lion King part 10. (line) As for you.....SEEK HELP !!” Megan poked Jill.

“I don’t need help; I have you, silly,” Jill laughed. “Hey, drinking this delicious elixir that you invented has given me an idea. What do you think about a movie about cooking? And the chef is someone very unlikely?”

“I don’t know, Jill. You’d better make the chef a rat or something. Then it would be funny.”

2007-08-29 21:03:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

So, I walked into the class i was teaching, my students acting like Snow White and the seven organ donors and i thought that Grumpy looked pretty hottt so we spent the afternoon eating off each other's plates and discussing my fear of intimacy. Then Snow White whispered in grumpy's ear i hate you and to me she said As for you.....SEEK HELP !! Then I (not liking my man insulted) said Back off, Mary Poppins! I sipped my concoction from starbucks as dopey asked Secret elixir, huh? and i said, more grumpy than my beau, I no longer trust your judgment.

2007-08-29 18:01:25 · answer #5 · answered by justme 3 · 0 0

Once upon a time lived little snow white, and her seven organ donors. They spent their lives going from hospital to hospital, looking for people in need of organs. One day, while snow white was sitting in the waiting room while one of the donors had surgery, a handsome young man walked in. The young man, whose name is david, sat next to Snow white.
"Hello," she said, as she looked David over.
"Hello," David replied.
And the next thing either of them knew, they were down in the cafeteria talking intently. They talked for an hour, before the organ doners found her, and she left, and image of David glued to her mind.
"So who was that?" Snow Whites friend, Mary Poppins, asked a few minutes later as she talked to snow White on the phone.
"Well, basically, we spent the afternoon eating off each others plates, and discussing my fear of intimacy. He said that i should take a secret elixar to help with my fear." Snow White replied.
"Secret elixar, huh?" Mary Poppins whispered quietly.
"Back off, Mary Poppins. This is my fantasy guy." Snow White shouted jokingly.
"I no longer trust your judgement," Mary replied, joking the same.
Snow White flipped on the television as she continued to talk to Mary.
"I am running out of Patience, and by patience, I mean Prozac." the television shouted out.
Snow White fumbled with the remote, and quickly turned the tv down.
"Would you guys stop turning the tv off while you have the sound blasting, you almost gave me a heart attack!" she shouted back to the orgn donors, and she spent the rest of the evening resting in front of the tv, preparing for another day of work.
"And as for you........ SEEK HELP!" she joked to Mary, and they got off the phone. Snow White spent the rest of the evening resting up for another day of some intersesting work.

i know its not the best, but hey, i had some fun w/ it!!

2007-08-29 18:08:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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