(a) by your name, I can tell that this isn't particularly serious.
(b) for a serious answer to your question, I'm glad you can find a Christian Academy. That's why private schools exist, and that's why we can't advocate religious views in public schools, since your ideas about God's moral values differ greatly from that of a Hassidic jew, a Muslim, a Catholic, a Buddhist, or a snake handler. And your statement that "we evolved from monkeys" is not true... apes and humans evolved from a common ancestor, just as pretty much all life did.
(c) The answer you're probably looking for:
Yee Haw! Praise Jeebus! Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition!
2007-08-29 02:17:48
answer #1
answered by Perdendosi 7
The destruction of freedom leads to the perfect socialist society. That's the one true goal that unites all liberals. Ask the liberals this: If evolution is how we came to be, and if homosexuality is not a choice, then why has homosexuality not been bred out of the gene pool? Think about it if it is not a choice and it is genetic then how does the gene get passed down? A man and a man cannot reproduce, and a woman and a woman cannot reproduce. Only a man and a woman can reproduce, so how does the homosexuality gene keep getting passed on? Remember we have evolved over millions of years according to natural selection, plenty of time to breed out the gene. So either, we were created or homosexuality is a choice. There is scientifically no way for evolution and homosexuality as natural to happen. Why the thumbs down? Is it because you cannot come up with a logical argument to my questions?
2007-08-29 09:20:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
They will wonder about all the dinosaur bones that aren't mentioned in the bible someday & find out you lied.
That is why certain states have lower IQ scores & how Bush was elected & stays in office, you actually think it is a good thing when he says he gets his info & orders from God.
I am a good Christian & don't break the commandments, but I also believe you want to shove your brand of religion down my children's throats. His IQ is above 145, through the public school system, so...too late! He is a Boy Scout & has more morals than most in this country, because I taught him.
But that is just one more thing that proves this country to be great! The choice can be yours to be & teach ignorance! Ain't life grand!
2007-08-29 09:20:10
answer #3
answered by fairly smart 7
no ones trying to abolish freedom or teach homosexuality as being natural. i'm sorry you believe in the Adam and Eve fable over the science of evolution, but it takes all kinds to make the world go around i guess. i do agree our children need stronger moral values. good thing you have the freedom to send them to Christian Academy.
2007-08-29 09:16:51
answer #4
answered by ? 6
So, by this unusual logic, anyone who DOESN'T send their children to a "Christian School", you would consider them "liberals"? And you don't think Churches force THEIR "theories" on their followers? Are one of those "good, moral values" of which you speak, do they include the molestation of hundreds, if not thousands of small children in Catholic Schools and Churches? Or do they just include the lying which our "Good Moral" President engages in every day? I have a hard time with people who molest children saying I'M not good enough to go to "Heaven" as though THEY were the ones in charge of who is a sinner and who isn't.
Do the less-fiscally-fortunate conservatives in your area, can THEY afford to send their children to a "good. moral" Christian school? If they can't, does this, in your mind, automatically make them "liberals" who support homosexuality and evolution?
And don't those "good, moral" values you talk about include TOLERANCE of others who do not necessarily agree with you?
I feel sorry for your children, having to grow up in such an unChristian, intolerant home. I guess sending them to a Christian school relieves YOU of the responsibility of teaching them morals and tolerance, doesn't it?
2007-08-29 09:16:41
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Perhaps your children should also learn the value of not being ignorant. It is a scientifically proven fact that nearly all of our DNA is the same as monkeys. Progressive democrats are in fact heping instill family values in American culture. We progressives feel that acceptance of all lifestyles help the family dynamic and opens dialogues within the family. The transparent Republican family rhetoric involes hatred, fear, and naivete. Very similar to Christianity itself.
2007-08-29 09:19:52
answer #6
answered by vinsanity7000 1
Your YOUNGGUNS what a lovely term for your children, Well if you want your children to be light years behind the rest of the world that's your choice. And just out of curiosity didn't GOD create the monkeys?
2007-08-29 09:20:01
answer #7
answered by David R 5
a "theory" is not synonymous with a "guess" or an "idea". An idea becomes a theory when there is overwhelming scientific evidence to support it. evolution is a theory, kinda like gravity.
it's the conservatives who want abolish freedom....warrentless searches, warrantless wiring taping, patriot act, repeal of habeas corpus, etc. etc etc.
2007-08-29 09:41:18
answer #8
answered by amazed we've survived this l 4
I don;t know about Liberals abolishing American Freedoms. But there is a problem with American public schools. And my child will NOT attend one.
2007-08-29 09:38:12
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Why are conservatives trying to make our up and coming scientists ignorant rubes? What if your kid develops an interest in biology? or genetic engineering? You're limiting the scope of your child’s potential careers because of YOUR preconceived notions. Do you think they will thank you?
2007-08-29 09:18:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous