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I hear about the french all the time, saying that our country is below them, like they are better than us, I could be wrong, but wasn't it us that help them get rid of the germans, from taking over their country, I know a little something about D-day, I think it took place in their country, as far as I'm concerned, they should have had a little taste of the camps the jews were in, then maybe they would hold us in a higher regard, I just heard on tv that they want to talk down any english, like the word airbag, they want to have it sound more french, they better be dam lucky they have the right to choose, it could be only german they speak. but just like people will do, you do something good for them, then when they get the chance, they will walk all over you, and spit on you. what do you think?

2007-08-28 14:13:18 · 6 answers · asked by dowagiac.michigan 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

6 answers

People always end up hating and resenting their saviors. It makes them feel inferior for being weak enough to have needed help. Frenchies NEEDED us and we saved their butts. Now they are jealous of us.

2007-08-28 14:22:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

"The French" don't generally hate "us." I was recently in Europe, and we visited France and Germany (we are Americans). I never had any indication that anyone I met in France hated, or even disliked us. To say that they do is a stereotype.

However, I did find that the French have a sort of different cultural personality. While the Germans tend to be very welcoming, and will try to speak English (most Germans learn some English in school) to visitors, the French are a little protective of their language, and will wait for tourists to try out their French - and often won't try to speak English when they realize it's the visitor's native language.

But really, it's just good manners to know a little of the language when you visit a foreign country, so it's ok.

Anyway, when you make blanket statements about the French, remember that there are all kinds of people living in that country. Don't believe the Fox-News-neocon statement that "the French hate us" until you've been there, and talked to all of them. There are some very cool French people, and some who are real jerks, but that's true of the US too, don't you think?

2007-08-28 21:30:07 · answer #2 · answered by Sonya 2 · 1 1

I think u exaggerate enormously. Many French people love us, others are less cordial but still friendly, some are antagonistic but hate is much too strong a word. The kind of hysteria that the GOP whipped up against France here concerning the US-Iraq War has no parallel over there, so if anything we should ask why Americans hate the French, who after all helped us crucially in our war of independence against Britain!!

2007-08-28 21:43:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't know, All I hear on tv is the french do hate us. When everything happened in the middle east they were against us at every turn but when the USA kicked some but then the french cried till thee got some of the money for rebuilding it. If the french are so peace loving then next time there in trouble the USA should turn a blind eye.
The Truth

2007-08-28 21:41:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

In 2007, France is one of America's closest allies. Newly elected French president Nicholas Sarkozy is a big fan of the USA. Everyone in France knew that when they elected him president. This August the French president visited the entire Bush family at their Kennebunkport, Maine summer house. Bush likes him and he likes Bush. That was August 2007. Why do you bring up old history?

2007-08-28 21:23:24 · answer #5 · answered by mac 7 · 2 1

The french do not hate americans. In fact, they are quite amused by them. And many are eternally grateful for the sacrifice of americans in the liberation of france. You need to chill.

Btw, that lady in the harbor was a gift from france!

2007-08-28 21:25:24 · answer #6 · answered by Monk 4 · 0 2

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