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Hi there! I am 6 weeks pregnant and feeling like I am changing so much! I feel sick all day long and have cravings for proper meals like lasagne, chicken, soups etc. Anything salty and nourishing! Every time I feel nauseous, I have to have a proper meal and then I feel less nauseous. It can be crisps and junk food as well - and normally I do not eat junk food. What is oging on? I am not suppose to eat for two when the baby is still so small! I even dream and think about food all day. And I have completely gone off anything that is sweet, well apart from fruits. What was your experience if you had cravings for salty food and what did you do? If I carry on, I will put on so much weight!

2007-08-28 09:44:34 · 10 answers · asked by Lona 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

10 answers

I ate like crazy when I was in my first trimester too! It'll go away. I could sit down and eat a whole large pizza myself sometimes! Also you don't want to cut out your fruits. I go to the gym three days a week and I almost passed out on day becuase my blood sugar was too low. So I was told to eat a banana in the morning becuase it's really good for you. The baby and your body is changing and growing so much right now that it's extremely important to eat a well balanced diet. I promise if you eat healthy and exercise, even just walking, you won't gain too much weight! Also your really not supposed to eat for two, you really only need a few hundred extra calories a day now! Good luck!

2007-08-28 10:08:12 · answer #1 · answered by AshReneeM 2 · 0 0

Cravings At 6 Weeks Pregnant

2016-11-10 10:18:15 · answer #2 · answered by pellenz 4 · 0 0

At six weeks I was so sick I could barely get out of bed. If I ate anything at all, it had to be sweet...I couldn't deal with anything the least bit salty or spicy. I lived on caramel rice cakes, applesauce and Pedialyte for weeks before I could keep anything else down, and I lost 15lbs. After a lot of screwing around to find a medication to control my severe nausea and vomiting, my cravings changed and I wanted only salty things. I wanted stuff I'd never wanted to eat before...Ramen noodles, vegetable beef soup (the nasty condensed canned kind), meat ravioli. Not exactly health food, but I decided that if it would stay down, I would eat it, since nothing else seemed to work out. I am now almost 16 weeks and am able to eat a little more normally.

If eating helps you, do it. Just don't eat a big meal every time. One of the major suggestions for morning sickness is to eat 5 or 6 small meals a day. Breaking up your portions will help keep your tummy full and your weight down. Also, stick with your cravings for now, they won't steer you wrong. If you feel very strongly about eating a particular food, it's probably because your body is seeking a nutrient in it that it's lacking. Just be glad you're not vomiting everything you're eating like I did, it's no fun. Best of luck and congratulations!

2007-08-28 10:04:16 · answer #3 · answered by ♀B♀S♀ 7 · 0 0

No...don't worry about it. The only way I could stave off my nausea was by constantly munching as well and I actually LOST 20 lbs my first trimester so that left me with a grand total of 12 lbs gained throughout my pregnancy. Around 4 months the ickyness went away and I stopped munching as much but my meals were much larger and I always ate a 4th meal at midnight (usually Big Macs lol). Don't worry about it and even things out by walking every day...your body craves what it NEEDS during pregnancy so give in to your cravings and do what your body is telling you to do. Also, be sure to get a nutritional guide from your OB and check out babycenter.com for some good recipes and tips. But do your best to find substitute snacks because you don't want to eat too much salt and sugar...be careful of Gestational Diabetes and Toxcemia. Congrats and best wishes! You'll do fine!

2007-08-28 09:54:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am 6 weeks pregnant also and haven't had any symptoms with this pregnancy except for sore breasts. I eat low-calorie snack packs when I have the munchies and try to drink more water. I used to drink sodas but have cut out all the caffeine ones and am now trying to cut out all sodas because I don't need the sugar or sodium. Suck on a lemon or eat a few saltines when you have a craving. I used to eat the opposite I was craving and that helped. If I was craving sweets I would eat something sour. If I wanted something salty, I would eat something bland or a little sweet. It sometimes worked. I craved bananas a lot with my first. Good luck!

2007-08-28 09:50:47 · answer #5 · answered by Precious 7 · 0 1

I didn't feel pregnant until two weeks after I found out. I found out I was pregnant at 9 weeks and didn't have symptoms until two weeks after. The only sign I had was a missed period. Then two weeks later, I had the headaches which lasted until I was 4 months, dizziness, and I had a week of morning sickness, it was smooth sailing after that. I did cry a lot during the second trimester and I was a little tired. I didn't get heartburn until I was 8 months because I was getting extremely hungry and ate too fast. Everyone's pregnancy is different, so your lucky if you can relate to having someone else's symptoms of pregnancy at the same time they did.

2016-03-17 07:34:28 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well I had the nausea but had no appetite, my doc told me that it's normal to have such bad food aversions that to eat whatever I could keep down. I actually lost weight so be happy you are able to eat and are enjoying the eating too. I thought I would never get back my appetite. Good luck only a few more weeks and you'll start feeling back to normal.

2007-08-28 09:51:33 · answer #7 · answered by CLM 5 · 1 0

I am 7 weeks pregnant and feel the exact same way as you do! I am nauseous all day, but I constantly want to eat! I dream about food....eating tacos, and one day, dreaming about eating corn! Of course I had whatever I dreamed about that day...I have never felt so different! This is my 1st pregnancy and I thought food cravings didn't start till later on when you are on your 2nd or 3rd trimester. Not in my case, but all I can do now is tell myself over and over that I don't want to gain extra weight after my pregnancy. I just usually keep myself busy and try not to think about it much. It is hard, but just tell yourself that you want to be a "Sexy Momma" after your pregnancy! Good Luck. Wish me luck too!

2007-08-28 09:55:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i ate sooooo much when i first got pregnant i ate 3 times as much as my hubby and hes 10 times the size of me lol
i have only put on 3kg in 5.5months which im quiet happy about tho.. sooner or later you will have to start eating a bit more healthier tho
if you were having bad nausea i dont think u would be eating much at all hehe
i believe that you are going to have a girl with the cravings & symptoms that you have got!
good luck

2007-08-28 09:59:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

just because you're pregnant doesn't mean u are eating for two. It's just the pregnancy hormones that will either increase or decrease ur appetite. So some women eat more when they're pregnant and some women don't even wanna eat.

2007-08-28 09:58:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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