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23 answers

I think it's the existance of only two main parties. Not that parliamentary systems are perfect, either. But, I think America needs greater representation of viewpoints not supported by the big two.

Short of changing the system, though, the increased division in the rhetoric and policies of the two parties - representative of a focus on each parties radical 'base,' and a tendency to ignore moderates - is possibly the greatest problem we have to overcome. In the past, both parties have had to try to play to the center to win. But, in 2000, the narrow victory Bush achieved was largely delivered by his base - not just for thier votes, but because of thier volunteerism; while Gore's defeat was partially the result of some of his base abandoning him and voting Green. Since then, each party has pandered to it's respective base, and moderates have been ignored.

I think part of this new trend is trying to scare moderates into voting against your opponent, rather than trying to convince them to vote /for/ you, by apealing to moderate positions. Thus the constant 'Bush bashing' from the Left, and constant 'Fear mongering' from the Right. Each is trying to terrorize moderates into voting against the other, while pandering to thier respective base to get not just votes, but donations and dedicated campaign workers.

2007-08-28 13:17:44 · answer #1 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 0 0

I think one of Americas greatest problems amongst the parties is this "Money" plain and simple. I'm not talking about taxes, I'm talking about a poloiticians abiliti (regardless of party affiliation) to take money from the special interest, the not so special interest, unions, lobiests and where ever they can get their hands on it.

The movie "First Gentleman" with Eddy Murphy showed in a satirical way, the actual problem in the US is, with regards to the two party system. Money is the motivator to getting into politics, and staying there. Not making America better as they promise. (Just watch C-Span and you will see what I mean) Congress doesent get anything done, when they talk they spend more time thanking the honerable person from this or that state for giving them time to speak, than they do actually speaking about the issue on the floor.

My answer is this, to Democrats and Republicans and all the other parties out there alike, serve you country for free. Raise your own salaries as if you were a Christian Missionary. Let the government provide you with a non-partisan staff and let them get paid appropriately. Let the government provide Govt Style housing for you in Washington D.C. while you work there (opps did i say the projects for congress). No Senator or Representative should travel to and from their state, in 1st class, business class is proper, and better yet, if you have to have meetings outside of Washington D.C. do it via teleconferencing and save the taxpayers some money. And no congress person needs to go to the negociating table in the areas where the US is involved in a conflict unless approved and monitored exclusively by the State Department. Negotiations with other governments abroad are the perogative of the Executive Branch of our Government , not the Speaker of the House or Senate.

I believe that a system of this nature which would take the salary out of the taxpayers pockets and the oversite for those saleries in the Capitol, and put the burden of a persons payroll on themselves, might just allow some diversity of parties in the US Capitol, -vs- the machine of the 2 party system that is overbearing, manipulative and manipulated and way over paid for the work they do.

No more cash contributions from lobyists, or big business reps. allowed. Everybody gets a Ford Fusion, or a (comperable car) or better yet a hybrid car and must drive themselves.

The division of the two main parties has blurred in the recent months, as you now have Republocrats and Democlians in office or seeking such. There is no real front running conservative for president that is actualy a conservative that can win. They are ethier very liberal, or wishy washy.

As for "The Dems", well suffice it to say, they can't stop pointing fingers at each others past long enough to actually get a proper idea out. (Being a conservative I would like Obama more if he would stop bashing Clinton).

as is is I don't know if I really answered your question, but I think I answered the gist of your question. I hope this idea helps.

al 4 now B

2007-08-28 09:50:14 · answer #2 · answered by ImJstBob 4 · 1 1

There is no division of parties that's an illusion both Bush and Hilliary Clinton belong to the same group called the CFR look it up and do some research. It's not a good thing it means we have no real choices when it comes to who we vote for. Look up the Patriot Act have you ever wondered what was in it. It takes a lot of our personal freedom away and Bush signed it. Very uncosher stuff. If you have a very small voice in the country now imagine what would happen if you had a one world government and we are steadily moving in that direction and all the personal freedom that is under the constitution will be dissolved. Look at the men behind the curtain. Things are not always as they appear.

2007-08-28 09:20:10 · answer #3 · answered by sarah76 3 · 1 1

I would phrase it a little differently, but that's the gist of one of the greatest problems. How I'd say it, though, is that one of our greatest problems is the divisiveness between the Republicans and Democrats, despite all that they agree on, and the disallowment of other parties into the political arena with any chance of winning the presidency. Both the words democracy and republic have become just words with no meaning as a result of these actions in this country.

2007-08-28 09:05:30 · answer #4 · answered by whiteflame55 6 · 0 1

That's part of it. Both parties want to make sure that the OTHER party never gets credit for doing anything good, so both parties try to stonewall any good legislation until they can take credit for it themselves.

Both parties look at every issue in light of how it will help or hurt their re-election chances, not whether it will help or hurt the nation.

Both parties are more interested in pointing fingers than in solving the problem.

We need one more party - a centrist third party. It's just so hard to get people fired up about moderation. But perhaps people can get fired up about the 'Radical' Middile.

2007-08-28 09:06:19 · answer #5 · answered by Chredon 5 · 2 0

Not necessarily... I do think that one of our greatest problems (politically speaking) is that one party casts the other as traitors an/or peaceniks. On the flip side, there is a problem with the other party depicting the other as warmongering idiots.... Neither side remotely resembles either description. The problem with America is that a vocal minority believes in the black and white side of political decourse and the politicians that exploit that very fact.

2007-08-28 09:04:24 · answer #6 · answered by cattledog 7 · 2 0

I would say the media is the problem. Except for two or three programs, Meet the Press being my favorite, or a handful or newspaper columnists across the country, there is little unbiased information being disseminated. What is being reported causes the masses to bicker with each other in bars and on blogs, leaving politicians free to plunder tax coffers and pass legislation that benefits the few.

2007-08-28 10:36:13 · answer #7 · answered by Beach Saint 7 · 0 0

I think the problem is that EGOS and GREED are causing the division of the two main parties, not doing what's right for our country.

2007-08-28 09:01:17 · answer #8 · answered by jim h 6 · 2 0

No, it is the similarity of the two main parties. Neither wants to change anything they want to confuse you with non-issues and then blame the others when nothing gets done about it. Dems want to say the repubs blocked social programs and repubs want to say dems blocked their tax cuts and religious right programs. While we vote about those issues, they are both selling the country to the highest bidder.

2007-08-28 09:00:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

No. I think a main problem is that there is no division.

2007-08-28 09:03:04 · answer #10 · answered by smellyfoot ™ 7 · 1 1

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