We are buying our first home but have hit a snag with the seller...after offering and jumping back and forth over prices she has came down to 41500. and we are saying 40000. I know it's only 1500. difference but she is taking all the appliances with her and the home is only worth 40. I really love this house and I've already started getting ready for the move but my husband will not budge and neither will she. She really wants to sell it due to moving out of state in a few months and getting married. And needs the money for her expenses. But how can we get her to come down? The realtor keeps calling and wondering what we are going to do and we keep telling him we are stuck at 40,000. and that's all we are offering. I really want this house and would hate not to get it over a few thousand. HELP!
6 answers
asked by
Kathryn T
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