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They'd fit right in over their.

2007-08-28 04:11:39 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

24 answers

you'd fit in in Russia because they don't tolerate people with different opinions. Liberals don't hate America, they are just tired of the Bush league.

2007-08-28 04:16:25 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 12 3

Russia is no longer a leftist country my friend. Vladimir Putin is not a communist. Many in the western media try to portray him as one because they know they can drum up more opposition to him here in the west by doing so. However, I have family in Russia and I can tell you that Putin is a nationalist. A nationalist is much different than a communist. In fact I would say that Russia in many of it's social policies are far more right wing than the U.S. Just recently, gays tried to have a first ever mardis gras parade in Moscow. The civilians, and priests commenced on beating them while the police watched. I am not saying I agree with such behavior. However if you compare that to the conduct of a leftist leaning city in the States you will see a big contrast in conduct. The aforementioned example is just one of many I could give. They also say morning prayers and a pledge of allegiance (Russian of course) in the morning before school in Russia. Something that you would never see in any major American city that is controlled by liberals i.e. Chicago, Detroit, DC, Seattle, San Francisco, or New York.

2007-08-28 12:34:46 · answer #2 · answered by Alexei Grodzniev 1 · 0 0

Do you know ANYTHING about the rest of the world? France has never been communist, Russia is no longer communist. All you do when you post questions like this one is to confirm that cons are ignorant, xenophobic, and don't have any sort of a real understanding of the terminology they throw around, and besides that, your grammar is atrocious.

If it bothers you that "liberals" in this country exercise their Constitutional right to free speech in criticizing the administration, why don't YOU move someplace a little less free, like Syria or Saudi Arabia? That might be more to your liking.

2007-08-28 11:20:09 · answer #3 · answered by gilliegrrrl 6 · 7 1

Number one, moron, most liberals do not hate America. That's just the Kool-Aid you've been poured from idiots like Hannity, Coulter and Savage. For God's sake, come up with something original and stop regurgitating right-wing radio talking points. It paints the label "stupid" all over you.

Number two, why on Earth would they WANT to move? Liberals are patriotic Americans and love their country to the degree that they want to BETTER it. Where do you think the term PROGRESSIVE came from?

2007-08-28 11:28:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Why would they want to leave America ?? This Great Country gives them all the rights they want freedom of speach to Preach their Anti-Amercia speech....It also protect their butts from people who are America loving people.... Ya can't just go kick there butts here because the law says they have rights....even if they preach you aint got no rights... And one of the main reasons they love being here in America ..... Capitalism andTaxes....This country makes them rich ....try doing that in some third world country ....ya can't....and Taxes they can keep their subjects poor and feed them a carrot when they want....

The Democrats/Communist are doing what all of Stalins divisions and rockets and missles couldn't do ...eventualy bring America down....

America will not be defeated by any world power but will fall from the Democratic/Communist corruption from within.

Unless the American people can bring this country back to a Republic like it was ment too be!

2007-08-28 11:26:08 · answer #5 · answered by General Custer 4 · 0 3

Don't tell me what to do! As an American who does not hate her country just STFU. If you can't do anything but ask the same lame question day after day go find something else to do. Like pick up a book and learn something. You are obviously lacking education.

2007-08-28 11:29:06 · answer #6 · answered by gone 7 · 1 0

I am simply fed up with irresponsible Americans like yourself who can't wait to use the favorite phrase of all of those "conservative" talk radio host...."LIBERALS"!
Because hysterical fools like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh tell you that "liberals" hate this country, you just believe it with no thought or insight of your own?????
You useless puppet!!!
Grow some kind of spine and get your *** of your couch and start to hold this useless administration accountable for its actions and non-actions!
Its you who do nothing but blame everything on "liberals" so that you don't have to question anything that these criminals who are in charge have done.
NO liberal minded American hates this country...not one! In fact the opposite could not be more true! We don't just give government officails a blank check and turn a blind eye to illegal activities. We make phone calls and write letters and stand up for those who don't have...its called "the least of these"!
If you are looking for someone to agree with you...you came to the wrong place dude! I will gaurantee that you will be disagreed with at least two to one in this forum!
Question to you my friend....Has this administration done anything wrong in your view?......Anything?

2007-08-28 11:27:36 · answer #7 · answered by CSnumber1 3 · 1 0

When did France turn into a communist country? Yes they would fit in in either country, but France is Socialist with the goal of moving back towards capitalism.

2007-08-28 11:19:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

What a horrible childhood you must've had. Look how twisted and ignorant you've turned out to be. I'll bet your mother is proud of how you've turned out. Take your finger out of your nose. The fact that you can ask such a question, as steeped in ignorance (which means you don't know what you are talking about) and stupidity (which means you don't think) as it is, is a tribute to the very Liberal tradition of individual soverignty and mutual cooperation that so inspired Jefferson, Madison, Adams, and many other Enlightenment (which you sorely need) figures. France isn't communist, and neither is or was Russia, but at least when Russia was more dictatorial (which means they had a dictator), their citizens knew that the government and press and radio and tv were lying to them. But not you. You'll believe most anything you hear, as long as the propagandist calls himself 'conservative". Not that you know what 'conservative' means, anyway. It's just a label you picked up off the ground because you saw other people wearing it. Listen up, Einstein: France, like the rest of the industrialized world (with one glaring exception, the US) is not communist either, but is social-democratic, which means that their tax money goes to schools and housing and hospitals and day care and roads and health care and public transportation and provides everyone a pension so the elderly won't have to choose between dog food for dinner or turning on the heat as nearly 40% of our elderly do. (They don't have the dire poverty we have, and they don't have crime like we do, maybe because they aren't as desperately impoverished by the unbridled capitalism lauded as the 'free market'.) That's where their tax money goes. And where does our tax money go? It gets funneled through the Pentagon, to enrich the rich, and spur the wars that keep them rich, and keep the money from you and from needed social programs, which the vast majority of Americans want. So instead of keeping bridges from falling down during rush hour, or making college free, or health care universal, your money buys (offensive) weapons and provides 6-figure incomes and pensions for corporate executives, bail-outs for the banks and S&Ls, Chrysler, Enron and WorldComm, to name only a few, and tax breaks and exemptions for the well-heeled. That doesn't leave much for you, which is just how the rich like it. Free market discipline for the poor, and socialism for the rich, socialize costs, privatize profits -- that's the American way. Add up what you have to pay out-of-pocket, plus what you pay in taxes for the same services the rest of the industrialized world gets with their taxes, and you'll see that, compared with 'communist France,' we are being bilked, and it's all done according to the law. So, not only do you have to pay your taxes and get little if anything for them, which I'm sure you find comforting, you also have to pay for-profit companies for what the French already get with their taxes: insurance and health care and a pension and a college education (which you could really use) and day care for their children and safe nursing homes for their parents. Once upon a time in our history, Americans were very suspicious of their government, very jealous of their soverignty, and very protective of their privacy. They kept themselves informed by reading books and journals, and in town-hall debates, because participatory democracy (as the founders intended) requires an informed citizenry participating in informed debate. What has no place in such a Democratic-Republic are xenophobes and ignoramuses like you who do not accept the notion that all of us have "inalienable rights." What you do not understand about this country is that its strength does not come from conformity, but from diversity. You do not understand that without informed criticism, this country does not live up to its ideal, has no legitimacy, and has no future as a constitutional democracy, much less a republic, which protects even speech as biased and meritless as yours. Communism has never existed, except as an idea. We have never seen what communism looks like. Nor have we seend what Deomcracy looks like, for that matter. Communism is a boogie-man term to get and keep the ignorant (people like you) scared. The term is used whenever the corporate trusts fear their investments threatened by too much democracy. The wealthy are not only very class-conscious, but also insecure, and do not trust the people at all, expecially with decisions about how the people's money should be invested. This small group believes that it is only they themselves that can be trusted to know and to 'do what's right for the country.' The wealthy fear and despise democracy, because no matter how rich they might be, they still only get one vote, just like everyone else, and the (hard-working) poor vastly outnumber the rich.
School has indoctrinated you, not educated you. You haven't practiced, so you've lost the capacity for reasoned thought. Instead, so you will have something to say, you simply parrot the bile and hatred you hear front-men and shills like Rush and his ilk vomit in the corporate media. It is your intolerance that has no place in this or any Republic, and speaks volumes about your fear of inadequacy. You cannot pin it on the high officials, protected as they are by the corporate press and the establishment judiciary (the courts). You cannot get at the people who are really responsible for your meager life, so you are frustrated, and lash out at whatever is close at hand, unable as you are to come to grips with the fact that the label that you wear represents monied and corporate interests that don't give a damn about you or your family, and never have.

2007-08-28 13:39:07 · answer #9 · answered by Fraser T 3 · 0 0

Libs. Please do not go. I am in favor of a bunch of your Ideas. Some I do not like but some I do. Just like with the conservatives. As soon as we drop all the labels maybe we can get something done.

Differences of opinion is what made and keeps this country great. Id rather have people question what is going on in all parties instead of being led around like lemmings. Free will, speach and thinkers are all great things.

2007-08-28 11:22:16 · answer #10 · answered by Mark W 2 · 4 1

First, America is a democratic country where freedom of expression is taken for granted!
France is not a communist country.

2007-08-28 11:20:12 · answer #11 · answered by Sami V 7 · 6 1

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