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2007-08-28 03:47:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Geography

14 answers

List of States Alphabetically with

Official Abbreviations (Used in Zip Codes)

and Capitals

Alabama, Montgomery (AL)
Alaska, Juneau (AK)
Arizona, Phoenix (AZ)
Arkansas, Little Rock (AR)
California, Sacramento (CA)
Colorado, Denver (CO)
Connecticut, Hartford (CT)
Delaware, Dover (DE)
Florida, Tallahassee (FL)
Georgia, Atlanta (GA)
Hawaii, Honolulu (HI)
Idaho, Boise (ID)
Illinois, Springfield (IL)
Indiana, Indianapolis (IN)
Iowa, Des Moines (IA)
Kansas, Topeka (KS)
Kentucky, Frankfort (KY)
Louisiana, Baton Rouge (LA)
Maine, Augusta (ME)
Maryland, Annapolis (MD)
Massachusetts, Boston (MA)
Michigan, Lansing (MI)
Minnesota, St. Paul (MN)
Mississippi, Jackson (MS)
Missouri, Jefferson City (MO)
Montana, Helena (MT)
Nebraska, Lincoln (NE)
Nevada, Carson City (NV)
New Hampshire, Concord (NH)
New Jersey, Trenton (NJ)
New Mexico, Santa Fe (NM)
New York, Albany (NY)
North Carolina, Raleigh (NC)
North Dakota, Bismarck (ND)
Ohio, Columbus (OH)
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (OK)
Oregon, Salem (OR)
Pennsylvania, Harrisburg (PA)
Rhode Island, Providence (RI)
South Carolina, Columbia (SC)
South Dakota, Pierre (SD)
Tennessee, Nashville (TN)
Texas, Austin (TX)
Utah, Salt Lake City (UT)
Vermont, Montpelier (VT)
Virginia, Richmond (VA)
Washington, Olympia (WA)
West Virginia, Charleston (WV)
Wisconsin, Madison (WI)
Wyoming, Cheyenne (WY)

2007-08-28 07:33:23 · answer #1 · answered by Rod Mac 5 · 0 0

There are 50 states in the United States. 48 are contiguous. The other two, Alaska and Hawaii were orignally territories acquired by purchase (Alaska) or basically theft (Hawaii)The capital city, Washington, is in a separate area called the "district of Columbia. This is usually abbreviated as "D.C." Each of the 50 states has its own capital. Each State has a governor and a legislature. There are also a number of territories which have their own capitals, but which are not states.
Heres a list of the states and capitals I lifted from about.com
Alabama - Montgomery
Alaska - Juneau
Arizona - Phoenix
Arkansas - Little Rock
California - Sacramento
Colorado - Denver
Connecticut - Hartford
Delaware - Dover
Florida - Tallahassee
Georgia - Atlanta
Hawaii - Honolulu
Idaho - Boise
Illinois - Springfield
Indiana - Indianapolis
Iowa - Des Moines
Kansas - Topeka
Kentucky - Frankfort
Louisiana - Baton Rouge
Maine - Augusta
Maryland - Annapolis
Massachusetts - Boston
Michigan - Lansing
Minnesota - St. Paul
Mississippi - Jackson
Missouri - Jefferson City
Montana - Helena
Nebraska - Lincoln
Nevada - Carson City
New Hampshire - Concord
New Jersey - Trenton
New Mexico - Santa Fe
New York - Albany
North Carolina - Raleigh
North Dakota - Bismarck
Ohio - Columbus
Oklahoma - Oklahoma City
Oregon - Salem
Pennsylvania - Harrisburg
Rhode Island - Providence
South Carolina - Columbia
South Dakota - Pierre
Tennessee - Nashville
Texas - Austin
Utah - Salt Lake City
Vermont - Montpelier
Virginia - Richmond
Washington - Olympia
West Virginia - Charleston
Wisconsin - Madison
Wyoming - Cheyenne

2007-08-28 05:15:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well I see a couple of people did your homework for you. How nice. Do it yourself next time. Do you want to be one of those graduates with no eduation that can't hold down a job ? Besides, how do know they aren't just giving you wrong answers to be fooling with you ? You better check them out !

2007-08-31 07:46:31 · answer #3 · answered by curious connie 7 · 0 0

uhm when did we get 2 more states? always thought it was 50. that nap must have been long.

2007-08-28 03:57:01 · answer #4 · answered by lulu 5 · 0 0

You mean 'their' capital not 'there' capital.
What's the question??

2007-08-28 08:44:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You could have just google searched in the time you wasted to post this question.

2007-08-28 03:55:18 · answer #6 · answered by Jeyan J 4 · 0 1

your question is very vague. there are fifty states but i don't feel like tuping them all and their capitals although i could.

2007-08-28 04:00:34 · answer #7 · answered by Loren S 7 · 0 1

planets in the universe and moons?

you must know the answer because you are "out there" man.

2007-08-28 05:09:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

check the link

2007-08-28 04:53:16 · answer #9 · answered by The Corinthian 7 · 0 0


2007-08-28 03:54:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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