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32 answers

Americans are lucky to have a president. Some countries don't even have law and order let alone a strong leader. So should be happy with what you got.

He's smart
His speaches are second to none
He's really funny when he wants to be
He's just a cool guy.
God tells him when to invade a country and which country to invade.
He's not afraid of the UN.

2007-08-28 03:07:44 · answer #1 · answered by Sporadic 4 · 2 8

Give us a break. Not even Bush himself would claim that.

There has not been a President since Frankin Delano Roosevelt who has achieved as much as he did, and damned few before him came close. Abraham Lincoln stood off the attempts of the conservative property interests to maintain human slavery and destroy the country if they could not, and Theodore Roosevelt made tremendous steps towards true universal sufferage and reasonable control of the previously unregulated robber barons. For any others you need to go back two hundred years. I think FDR deserves some credit from us all, regardless of our political biases.

History will rule on the Bush administration, and harshly. Until we get more details on its cozy relationship with the military industrial complex we cannot judge whether it is as corrupt as the Harding Administration, but in terms of handling the Muslim extremists it has been at least as inept as the otherwise competent Jimmy Carter.

Carter at least didn't invade the wrong country and depose one of the few secular muslim governments in the area. perhaps as a result of his postWatergate arrival in Washington he understood what happens when there is a power vaccuum.

As far as a destructive and divisive internal policy goes you need to go back as far as James Buchanan to beat Bush. For partisan political reasons Buchanan allowed his party to be destroyed and the country divided. For sheer blind spite that has not been equalled, although the outing of Valerie Plame is pretty sleazy.

The fact is that george W. Bush has been mediocre at best, and has misdirected the national attention and effort. He is truly Bush league.

2007-08-28 03:26:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Huh? He is by far the worst President the world has ever seen. I was going to say bar none but then some of the other dictators were pretty bad.

2007-08-28 03:26:38 · answer #3 · answered by Mindbender 4 · 1 0

I would not go so far as to say that G.W. is the best president. He is however the best since Reagan, for many reasons not the least of which being that he is a man of convictions and he is not afraid to stand up for those convictions. On Sept. 11, 2001 the United States suffered the worst attack on our soil. President Bush rose to the challenge and has been fighting two wars since. The first war, the War on Terror, has been going fairly smoothly, despite the best efforts of the media and Democrats. The second war, the war against liberals, has not been going as well. Liberals hate George Bush so much that they are willing to put all American lives at risk to see him fail. While it is important that we win the War on Terror, it is equally important that we defeat liberals in every election and then support our newly elected conservative officials to the best of our abilities.

2007-08-28 03:15:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I think you must make half a mil a year to ask a question like that. Either that or a conservative right wing extremist. Bush has been horrible for this country and its world wide image. We are one of the most hated - if not THE most hated - countries on the planet. It was not like that under Clinton. The Republicans made a big deal over Lewinsky but they have no checks and balance system on this bozo. He clearly is for big business, clearly for putting more money into the hands of major corporations while the young of our lower classes die in Iraq. What a hypocrite. He should go back to owning the Texas Rangers baseball team because as a president he has struck out and was not even looking as the fastball sped past him for the last 8 years.

2007-08-28 03:09:54 · answer #5 · answered by alomew_rocks 5 · 5 3

He's not, but neither is he the worst. He's a heck of a lot better than our most recent former (inhale to the) Chief Executive, but the mainstream liberal media has engaged in a no-holds-barred assault on the Bush Administration since day one, for no other reason than the fact that he's a Republican. Remember, in the eyes of the supposedly more intelligent, more enlightened, more open-minded, and more understanding/accepting liberals, conservative equals corrupt, greedy, homophobic, narrow-minded war hawk. The Clinton News Network and the Communist Broadcasting Service have done their darnedest to make Dubya look bad, even going so far as to offer "proof" of the President's past service record that was a blatant fabrication (and Dan Rather was told as much by several military experts, yet he pushed ahead anyway and sold that tripe to the American public as FACT). Dubya will not be judged fairly by this generation, and if the liberals have their way he won't be judged fairly by ANY generation. At least our current President can make a decision based on principle and stand by it, unlike a certain flag-burning, dope-smoking, aide-screwing, philandering embarassment of a leader whose decisions were all blown on the waves of opinion poll.

2007-08-28 03:13:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Honey pie...you've been drinking too much Kool Aid. It's a cheap drink and it will rot your brain as well as your teeth. Questions like this one require you to have an opinion and opinion requires thought. Like Bush, you come away with appearing dumb and compulsive.... hoping for a gold star.
Other than that he appears nice looking and affable but not presidential material. He should be assistant managing a fast food establishment.
Do yourself a favor and study hard in school and set your sights higher.

2007-08-28 03:30:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Mission Accomplished?

2007-08-28 03:17:39 · answer #8 · answered by Kraig P 4 · 1 1

The questioner, obviously, is so astute, by asking this question.

It shows me that the questioner is an adolescent and doesn't know about world affairs yet.

That said, yes, george w. is the best man the republicans could come up with.

Be careful though!

republicans prey on little boys!


2007-08-28 03:12:23 · answer #9 · answered by Brotherhood 7 · 2 3

there is no answer because George W Bush Jr is the worst public servant of any country of all time

2007-08-28 03:39:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The chimp is nowhere near the best president the world has ever seen - in fact, he is an American mistake of giant proportions. That mistake will cost our children and their children the ability to have diplomacy to accomplish American goals worldwide. Can we really afford constant and continual war? I think not!

2007-08-28 03:11:34 · answer #11 · answered by Mary W 4 · 2 3

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