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1. Read the rules. READ THE RULES!!
2. I all alone beweep my outcast state.
3. The world will little note nor long remember .
4. You'll be my tootsie wootsie in the good old summertime.
5. A room full of neurotic gardeners is not my idea of a great evening.
6. I'll need to check with my physic advisor about that.
7. Nip it ! NIP IT IN THE BUD!!

BONUS PHRASE: To the moon, Alice! To the moon!

2007-08-28 00:37:16 · 10 answers · asked by I am Sunshine 6 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay


2007-08-28 00:38:20 · update #1

10 answers

The weather was bleak. Nancy Riordan stood at the multi-paned window in the study, gazing sightlessly out at the gloomy rain beating down on the gardens beyond. It had been too long since the sun had shone itself, and Nancy felt the longing for an outdoor stroll keenly.

Sighing, she turned away from the window and took her seat before the fire again, opening her book of poetry and resumed her reading of Shakespeare's sonnets.

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate." She read. Casting another glance out the window, she made an indelicate sound of derision in her throat. "Not bloody likely." She muttered, and continued reading.

She had finished her tea and was just reading the line, "I all alone beweep my outcat state" from 'When in disgrace' when she realized she was no longer alone in the room.

"Uncle Brody." She said by way of hello.

"Girl." He said with gruff affection. She closed her book and set it on the table near her chair. Rising, she came to stand beside him as he sat at his desk, and planted a kiss on his weathered cheek.

"What are you up to today, Uncle?"

"The garden club is meeting her today and I'm trying to find the rule book. Seems some of the junior members are getting a trifle lax in their profession. I tell them all the time: Read the rules. READ THE RULES!"

Nancy shuddered in pretend horror. "Thanks for the warning! I'll scram as fast as may be."

Her uncle gave her a censorious stare. "It wouldn't hurt you, girlie, to come to a meeting once in a while, you know."

"A room full of neurotic gardeners is not my idea of a great evening." Nancy leaned against the edge of his desk and picked up a paperweight, shifting it from hand to hand as she waited for the speech she prepared for every morning.

"There are young members too you know, not all of us are old coots like me. A new man, much the same age as you joined last Saturday, a handsome man to the ladies, or so I hear. I won't be around forever you know. You need to think about your future."

"I am thinking about my future, and it doesn't include a night filled with gentleman saying things to me like, 'You'll be my tootsie wootsie in the good old summertime!'"
"That was Professor Clark and you know he's harmless." Brody said. "As I said, there are young ones too. And for all your protestations, you can't tell me you wouldn't like to fall in love. Who knows? You may meet the love of your life there."

Nancy replaced the paperweight on his desktop and bent to kiss his cheek again. "I'll need to check with my physic advisor about that. In the meantime, I'll just go work on my sketches, hmm?" she rose and began walking to the door.

Uncle Brody slammed a wrinkled hand down on his desktop, rattling the jars and books with the force of his blow. Startled, Nancy turned a wide-eyed gaze towards her Uncle, the only family she had left in the world. "Those sketches are a waste of time and you know it!" he called out to her. "The world will little note nor long remember any of that meaningless dribble! You need a husband, Nancy Catherine, and I'm going to see you have one. So all this 'I'm not coming.' Is done, do you hear? Nip it! NIP IT IN THE BUD!! And get over your haughty attitude, because your coming tonight and that's all there is to it!" Her uncle scowled at her shocked face a moment more before dismissing her with a nod and bent his head again to his work.

Nancy quit the room silently, closing the door behind her and leaning weakly against it. How in the name of God was she going to get out of this one?

She walked toward the stairs, her mind racing for ideas on how to dissappear for the evening, when it stuck her! She could go to the planetarium! They were having a star party tonight, Patsy would be there, and her uncle wouldn't dream of coming there, as he got sick everytime he had ever tried to lean back in the seats and watch the performance.

Laughing, she climbed the stair to her room, a lilt to her step, and thought of the old show she had watched last night, thinking how appropriate it was. 'The Honeymooners' had been on, a favorite of her mother's, and she had watched it with a fond melancoly.

'To the moon, Alice! To the moon!' And so Nancy went, and none too soon.

2007-09-01 08:45:55 · answer #1 · answered by Ladywriter 3 · 1 0

A room full of neurotic gardeners is not my idea of a great evening. But here i am stuck in the middle of some sort of a wierd yearly gardeners gathering and all alone i beweep my outcast state. I do not fit in here as it seem to be a whole different world. The world will little note nor long remember my presence here. I find my self far from the madding crowd and thinking about how you'll be my tootsie wootsie in the good old summertime.. Suddenly i am brought back to reality by a random question about dirty knees and i dismiss it quickly by saying" I'll need to check with my physic advisor about that". I find my self drifting again....... To the moon, Alice, to the moon! That's where your thoughts take me!
It is over now and and i am glad that they are shouting "Nip it! NIP IT IN THE BUD!!", as I know now that i am free to go and wander with my thoughts of you....

2007-08-28 00:57:07 · answer #2 · answered by Drama queen 2 · 0 0

Alas, it was that time of year. Will Lady Fanny take home the Blue Ribbon this year? The world will little note nor long remember me taking home the coveted Handsome Pumpkin award, but it would mean the world to me.

I consider myself an ameature agriculturilist, but standing in a room full of neurotic gardners is not my idea of a good evening. However, it is worth all the annoyances if I can get my name and Lady Fanny's picture in the local newspaper.
I shouldn't even be wasting my time on this silly hobby; none of my previous entries have even made the 'notable mention' category. I often wonder if this pursuit is a complete loss... i'll have to check with my physic advisor about that. (I bet I could come up with a Magic-Handsome Pun'kin Potion. Although it would probably be in violation of some stupid regulation and I would get disqualified after finally winning the top prize, smacking my head against a brick wall shouting " I should have read the rules. READ THE RULES!!")

Unfortunatley, my family and friends are not supportive of Lady Fanny, or her predecessors for that matter. My mother walked in on me having a heart to heart with Lady late this summer; "You'll be my tootsie wootsie in the good old summertime" I said to her. (I've heard delicate affectionate conversation promotes healthy plant growth... all lies I tell you, all lies.) She now thinks I am clinically insane. "Nip it! NIP IT IN THE BUD!!" she told me of my plant chatter. As if I didn't catch her talking to the damn cat not two weeks ago. Hypocrits, i swear.
The judgment time came, and nothing. As if I was expecting anything less, right? I all alone beweep my outcast state. I assured Lady Fanny she had done nothing wrong, they just didn't know what they were missing.
A local snobbish reporter had the audacity to come over and ask me "Now that you have lost 10 years in a row, where will you go from here?"

"To the moon, Alice! To the moon!"

What did she expect me to say? Idiots these days, sheesh. Next year Fanny.... next year.

2007-09-04 22:29:16 · answer #3 · answered by Jewls 3 · 0 0

Ralph I've told you a million times to read the rules, read the rules, alright Alice nip it, I'am warning you, nip it in the bud.
Oh forget it Ralph we're already late for the Norton's physic
reading party, so try and fix the sink later. You know Trixie has
even got you all hooked up in that voodo mambo jumbo, and a room full of nuts, wackos and neurotic gardeners is not my idea of a great evening. Now listen Ralph, Trixie and Ed are our dearest friends and you're coming rather you like it or not!
They are really the only close friends we've had for years.
You know something Alice, I would rather sit here in this kitchen and drink my beer in peace, and I would rather be all alone and beweep my outcast state, and I would rather be whistling you'll be my Tootsie wootsie in the good old summer time, driving my bus through hell than to hear Norton say he'll have to check his physic adviser about this or that one more freaking time!

Ralph Krandon you are coming with me right this very second and that's all there is to that! You know Alice you really bring out the poet in me at times like this, the world will little note nor long remember whats going to happen next cause you know what Alice do you really want to know what, I'm going to do next Alice, I am going to send you to the moon, Alice! To the moon!

I had made this up out of the list given and was suprised to find i had used the same sentences as others, but decided to leave it as is, I had even ended with hows that, so I would like to get to know these people that think as I do!

2007-09-04 14:05:18 · answer #4 · answered by peachiepie 7 · 0 0

I alone beweep my outcast state. I thought computer dating was the way to go. I posted my profile and got an answer from what I thought was a very promising young lady. So I called her and arranged to meet her.
The world will little note nor long remember May 21st of that year, but for me it was a momentous occasion! I was 35 and going on my first date! She said she was into horticulture, so I agreed to meet her at the annual Rose Show at the convention center. Well, as one who generally can't tell the difference between a weed and a priceless floral treasure, I less than enjoyed myself. No, a roomful of neurotic gardeners is not my idea of a great evening. Still, I thought I was holding my own until we came to the rose judging stage.
Alice, my date, wanted to watch them judge the tea roses, and I sat beside her with rather a glazed look on my face. Bored with the judge's babbling, I admit I eavesdropped on a couple behind me who were discussing whether a rose is more beautiful as a bud or as a full bloom. I guess I got a bit too interested in the argument, because I suddenly shouted, "Nip it! Nip it in the bud!"
Well, Alice was a bit embarrassed, to say the least, so she dragged me out of the main hall onto the garden path. Now this was more my speed, or so I thought. I was sure I could win her over with some sweet talk. I asked her if she would like to stroll over to the concession stand for some "sweets for my sweet."
She hesitated, then replied, "I'll need to check with my psychic advisor about that."
Okay, sweet treats obviously weren't her thing, so I thought I'd try some sweet nothings whispered in her ear. "You'll be my tootsie wootsie in the good old summertime," I whispered, quoting my grandmother's favorite song.
What happened next will forever be etched in my mind. Alice turned on me, eyes blazing, and shouted, "Read the rules! READ THE RULES!!! My profile specifically states, NO PET NAMES ON THE FIRST DATE!!!! Get lost, creep!" Then she stalked off.
Well, now my dander was up as well. I took off after her, mumbling under my breath. I caught up to her and said, "Well, this is the thanks I get for dragging you to this damn weed lovers convention! Lady you've got more friggin thorns than all these roses put together! You can take yourself and all these plant-kissing fools and just go to the moon Alice! To the MOON!"
So now here I sit again on another Saturday night with no one but my cat for company. But you know what? That's okay by me.

2007-08-28 01:02:41 · answer #5 · answered by Starfall 6 · 2 0

it was dark, and i had just woken up, the moon casted a haunting eerie light among the roadside, a sign read "New Mexico" i was...home. "the world will little note nor long remember the things that led up to this moment" a note was on the ground besides me, it read "you'll be my tootsie wootsie in the good old summertime if you return, i all alone neweep my outcast state, but you seem fine, for now, wish you the best" hmm...she wrote to me again...without knowing who i am? how odd of a girl she is...first telling me "i'll need to check with my physic advisor for that" when i asked a simple question, or when she said "a room full of neaurotic gardeners is not my idea of a great evening" when i told she told me she works as a gardner, her male friends always saying "nip it! NIP IT IN THE BUD!!!" her being the bud...snicker...oh well, i am alone for now, maybe forever should get used to it
-the end-
its nothing i just got bored

2007-08-28 00:50:41 · answer #6 · answered by jose s 2 · 0 0

It was dark, as i finally made my way home from homecoming, and the erieness sat upon me. Theres was something about the night that was different. I alone beweep my outcast state.
After another couple of minutes, i suddenly ran into something, knocking me backwards. It took me awhile to realize that i had strayed off the path, and ended up in an alley, one i had never noticed before. Before i could go back to see what i had run into, someone tall and dressed in flowing black robes stepped out of the middle of the alley. I searched and searched behind him to see the door h had come out of.
"What do you think of the autrasities happeneing throughout the world?" he asked in a slow, deep voice.
"Well, I believe The world will little not nor long remember. " I said defintly, for i had answered the same question many times in my history class.
"Im sorry, who are you?" I asked as i moved in to get a closer look, but before i could move a step, the man was gone, and where he once stood was now a dooryway, opened onto a sunny street, filled with these strangers dressed in the long black coats.
\"Read the rules. READ THE RULES!!" someone was shouting nearby, "We dont need any accidents."
"Excuse me," I asked as I approached the woman, "But where am I?"
"I'll need to check with my physic advisor about that," She replied, and she walked away, continuing to shout.
I began to wander this strange city, as little things caught my eye, and gave me a strange sense of deja voo.
I even passed a store labeled "Weasleys Wizard Wheezes."
I know I had heard that name before, but where?
Bright orange, moving, posters covered the stores front. One of the read, "Nip it! NIP IT IN THE BUD!! With our new and improved U-No-Poo" I knew i had heard that before, so I read some more. The next one stated "You'll be my tootsie wootsie in the good old summertime, when you use our patented DayDream Charm. Garunteed for a full hour of quality Day Dreams, perfect to fit into any lesson."
And thats when it clicked. I was in Diagon Alley, the wizard shopping neighborhood, and sure enough, standing taller then any other building, looming at the end of the street, was Gringotts, the wizard bank.
I ran inside Weasley's Wizard Wheezes as fast as I could, and sure enough standing at the register was George Weasley, and his brother Ron, who was shouting "To the moon, ALice! To the moon!" to a young lady who was rumminging through a box in the back.
I wandered aroud some more, and by the end of the day, i had officially registered as a squib, and even invited to a party. But when i got there, I found it to be nothing more then a room full of gardeners. Im sorry, but A room full of neurotic gardeners is not my idea of a great evening.
I left, ready to begin my new life in the wonderful wizarding world of Harry Potter.

2007-08-31 10:05:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

She sat inside what appeared to be a spaceship, straight out of Star Trek. A small purplish thing floated towards her and began speaking a garbled language,"iogerg7eryruter8wmtyj49y45erekwe0 tiomt8mytr8myr 45y rgyr wetwte oi w 09 y e9asb09wer lghio jeruthti rtryy rw -05j5rlt th o,,er-0et;e-05 &(*^Z5*(M "Wait, Wait, If this is my dream you need to read the rules, READ THE RULES!! Everyone in my dream must speak American. I can't deal with all this gobble-d-****. You must speak so I can understand you. Do you understand?"
The little thing made a few clicking sounds and began to speak, "khni89 w ue765k ergjy &*($%&^n r;erojgfj orgieur har649owkfmdnc eth weuk365 we p3 3yu383p wekj3o k irls sjdrpw[ teu e[ r eie0r9,su 0wpm3 njkr re[e 4unrl, t??"
She realized that she was alone and whatever this was could or would not speak where she could understand it. She thought to herself,'What if, if this is real...not a dream...Ohhh...Noooo...'She began to cry & as the tears welled up in her eyes, she thought to herself, 'I all alone beweep my outcast state, oh my god, I sound like someone out of Macbeth. And she thought about Uncle Win's speech " The world will little note nor long remember...ME" No one knows I'm here.' " Little thing...Talk to me...Tell me this is a dream."
Melodic tones filled the room, the little thing changed colors, wiggled around & split into two separate beings. They clicked, clucked and made all sorts of noises and again, but in harmony the two beings chirped,"odiei7tr63r dbfdni er ey erhjey76;qiqhiu eu uwe Toot Toot Tootsie hello, goodbye, don't cry, you'll be my 57580435 090-3434 hjr tyu tootsie-578bdftrh wootsie hrtu in the dfgmk uk ydd e summertime vbn dtr gjm ft etkl $ gmtl."
"Did you speak, are you learning my language?"
She was beginning to have some hope when eight other green scaley things came in grabbed her and tried to get her up. She began kicking and screaming. She tried to bite one of them, but he disabled her with the EYE of the snake.
This put her in a trance-like sleep.
When she was awakened, only one thought came into her head when she realized she was in a long trapezoid shaped container full of some sort of dirt or possibly dust. It was a fine powdery substance, the color of turquoise beads. "Listen, you guys. A room full of neurotic gardeners is not my idea of a great evening. And this stuff makes me feel really weird. I'd rather you said something in English, heck I'd settle for Jackie Gleeson's, To the moon, Alice! To the moon! Anything's better than all that gibberish. What'll I have to do? To make you understand. I'm having problems here."
The leader of the scaley things spoke, " Clatu, verada, nichtu"
"Ohhhhhhh, no!!! I'll need to check with my psysic or maybe my psychic advisor about that. I know that phase. Oh, my god, look at my hands...and my pog nm e r re jr l;p pro8974 j kljh eur94 ltjy98 23' 23r9 o5o 3-490 23 fkjgdgf f,l gf gjk dlg ier elrrotertj9 eo; ril5k5k wemfsk...

2007-08-28 19:45:59 · answer #8 · answered by ♫ Bubastes, Cat Goddess♥ 7 · 0 0

After falling asleep at the beach one sunny afternoon, I had the most amazing dream. I dreamed that I was kidnapped by aliens and taken to a strange planet. I kept telling myself "You don't seem to realize the cosmic importance of this". I really didn't. All of a sudden this alien appears with this HUGE tranquilizer gun. I really thought he was going to shoot me with a tranquiler gun and tag my ear. All of a sudden the man behind the gun changed into Billy Crystal. In his "you look marvelous" voice he said to me "Explain This away, darling!" He started to explain what was happening to me. Just as he spotted an iceberg that formed out in the middle of the sky Robin Williams appeared. He yelled at the top of his lungs "Uh-Oh Iceberg Ahead." I just stood there laughing as he and Billy got into this running gag about looking marvelous and the iceberg ahead. I thought I was going crazy. I was just beginning to think Well, ain't this place a geographical oddity when Dustin Hoffman appeared in his full Tootsie costume and started singing All I can say is... toot toot tootsie goodbye. That's when the burning sun woke me up and realized how sunburned I was and how bad that I needed to go home.

2016-05-19 23:34:06 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

i'm workin' on it

2007-08-28 02:11:49 · answer #10 · answered by carita 4 · 0 0

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