Leave it on the side and dry it with a wet cloth,use a cotton bud or something thin to try the inside with it may work,but I suggest she leaves it for a while because the sound will probably be funny and also for her health and safety I wouldn't suggest using it.
Also the machine spins in cycle's so that might affect the player externally and internally,so maybe you should take it into the apple shop to check it all works on the inside.If/when she does end up turning it on make sure she doesn't put it on full blast/high straight away,as the sudden power could be dangerous. :)
2007-08-27 23:46:04
answer #1
answered by Classy Clarissa 7
let it dry first
leave it under the sun for couples of hours
and be sure that no watter left in it
anf try to turn it on
2007-08-27 23:39:19
answer #2
answered by Anonymous