Make derogatory comments about members of the opposite sex?
I'm not a man hater, I've met some amazing males who have amazing respect for woman but not in all cases.
Recently while I was on holiday I was walking to the petrol station to buy myself an ice cream and a male old enough to be my father (I'm 17 years old) made a very rude comment about my back side and my legs. I found this extremely inappropriate, but I was decided to be the mature one and ignore it.
This isn't the first time that it has happened.
So why do these men think it is appropriate?
14 answers
asked by
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Adolescent
Mgerben- No I couldn't care less whether I no longer had old men comment about my bum. I have the most caring boyfriend who is all I need, not some fat, hairy, sex deprived old man, believe it or not.... It shouldn't be 'just what men do' we aren't just sex on legs. You sound very immature and pathetic.
00:55:53 ·
update #1
As a male I find that sort of thing repugnant. I was brought up with the philosophy of "If you can't say something nice to some one, don't say anything"
Having said that I have compliment a woman or girl by saying "nice butt or nice boobs" but only after knowing them long enough to know they wouldn't be offended.
To say something derogatory about a woman's butt to her face wouldn't be part of me.
If the male in question was an employee I would have complain as it is a form of sexual harassment and wouldn't be tolerated in most work sites.
2007-08-28 06:53:01
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well, it's an age old problem and you are not the only one to have faced it. If you could ask, your grand-moms too would have faced this problem when they were young.
The problems lies in male psychology. We may have become civilized but when it comes to basic instincts, we are no better than the animals. [Sorry, I am using the world animal although I believe animals do not abuse their sexuality]
I am myself a male 57 years old and find such behaviour abhorring. Even though I do admire a young woman's (sometimes even older ones too) physical beauty, I never get any such urge in me to make lewd comments that too in the public.
However, if you analyze this problem rationally, you will find quite a few reasons for it. I believe this menace is not limited only to older generation but it is more glaring when they do it. Eve teasing is very purvasive among the young generation.
1. There are societies, even in so called Western world, where women are still considered to be an object subservient to males. Due to strict laws, they may not come out openly or in public but within their homes they treat their women almost like slaves. This psychology works when they get an opportrunity.
2. There are societies where sex is still taboo, even to talk about. Here people, especially the menfolks, are quite frustrated which comes out occasionally in such forms.
3. Bad grooming is rampant in all societies where parents do not care about the behaviour of their children, so when they grow up such behaviour becomes nuisance for the society especially the women.
4. Older people, past their sexual prime-time, feel deprived of their sexuality and their frustration comes out in such bad behaviour.
5. Last but not the least, there are sick people, especially men, who can't help but behave in this manner and best suited for mental hospitals.
2007-08-29 05:11:02
answer #2
answered by s_shiromani 4
I used to think it was just poor socialization, that some men didn't know any better.
But since recently it's been shown that here in the US anyways about 1 in 150 people are actually autistic, I'm starting to wonder if these social primitives who go around all day mumbling "heh heh , girl pretty..." are actually, literally retarded.
Maybe they are just brain damaged, and need to be rounded up and herded onto a farm somewhere.
2007-08-28 02:31:41
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
They are insecure and need to boost their ego at the expense of others.If they really "were all that" they would not need to go out and seek attention in this manner.Do you notice when males get this "big mouth going out of control" they are usually by themselves or with their buddies.They seldom if ever talk this way when they are in the company of a female they are attracted to. This type of talk is what makes them feel like a man.Unfortunately, to the females,they just look like ignorant fools. Take care.
2007-08-28 03:34:17
answer #4
answered by gussie 7
they think you'r going to comment back! that just maybe think you'r interested, hey they can't help it, there men, it's a man thing, they, just haven't matured yet, and may never. some do and some don't , i would have done the same thing, ignored him, even though it does make you uncomfortable! by making a comment or a gesture, you would just be opening the door for them to continue to do it.
2007-08-27 23:46:16
answer #5
answered by ~hip*hip*hurray~ 7
Hi Wabby, Most men with a nasty mouth are the ones who don't get any sex and they are stupid about the commons they make.Just keep walking and pay know attention to those losers.
A Friend.
2007-08-28 04:51:56
answer #6
answered by poppy1 7
Those arent men. Theya re little boys in grown up-man suits. Although to be honest, AS a woman, I have met many of our own sex who do teh same about men.
2007-08-27 23:39:04
answer #7
answered by Betsy 7
real men would never say inappropriate things to a young lady.they are pervert,s which need a good beating i think.just continue to ignore them.if this does not work then knee them in the privates and leg it.
2007-08-28 01:04:30
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I think it's a control factor -- a psychological means to play a game which they feel a "weak" woman will repond to. Sad, really.
2007-08-28 10:53:42
answer #9
answered by Zombie Birdhouse 7
well I've found old men think it's their god given right to comment on every young woman they see... I'm sorry I can't explain it. you just have to grin and bare it or snap back with something smart.
but lads our age are just being rude and want you to react so just ignore them.
2007-08-28 00:41:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous