Your political affiliation does not directly influence how much tax you pay.
Federal income taxes are calculated on a percentage basis but then you can claim many different kinds of deductions.
If you are an organized person who keeps track of expenses, owns a home, has children, and has large un-reimbursed medical bills, you can deduct more than someone who does not keep good records, rents an apartment, does not have children, and has no un-reimbursed medical expenses.
Small business owners, sole proprietors, partners in an S Corporation and others have additional business expenses that can be deducted.
Mechanics, truck drivers, and members of many other trades can deduct uniforms, tools, mileage, and other work related but un-reimbursed expenses.
Those who use professional tax preparers or accountants generally take more deductions than those that do not.
Where you live is more of an indicator how much tax you pay than your political party.
Some states do not have income taxes (like Texas, Tennessee, and several others) but they may have higher sales and property taxes that more than offset the lack of a state income tax. Remember, just because a state doesn't have a state income tax doesn’t mean that they aren't getting it from you somewhere else. Its the overall tax burden that is important.
Check out this website:
It centered around retirement, but has good information and takes into account property taxes, sales taxes, and fuel taxes.
Also check out the links I've listed in the source section.
2007-08-27 03:13:51
answer #1
answered by Hatlady 3
It just depends really. You would have to reference tax laws and determine who has what portion of the higher income brackets, considering their are all kinds of tax shelters and ways to get out of paying the same percentage of taxes that everyone else does if you are above a 6 figure income.
If you don't utilize them to avoid paying your dollar per dollar share, than the only thing i have to say is...." a fool and his money are soon parted".
2007-08-26 19:05:49
answer #2
answered by avail_skillz 7
No, they pay what the IRS deems is honest. Now, if we are speaking Charity, then you definately extra helpful have confidence the Republicans pay out plenty extra then Democrats. My God (BTW He loves us all, specific, even the democrats and welfare losers) the Republicans are giving plenty away, you're able to think of they had the keys to fortress Knox. yet in reality, they're plenty extra solid workers then Democrats, plenty SMARTER company human beings then Democrats and are plenty plenty plenty extra BLESSED then Democrats as they suspect IN GOD, JESUS AND THE HOLY GHOST and people who sneer at this shall sense Gods wratrh on judgement day!!!!
2016-10-03 07:05:33
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The amount of money someone makes determines how much you pay in taxes. I am not sure if there is any correlation between annual taxable income and political affiliation.
2007-08-26 17:39:04
answer #4
answered by msi_cord 7
I am a Republican and I pay more in taxes than an average liberal (ones that actually work) makes.
2007-08-26 17:51:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
They should pay the same rates, just depends on how much money someone makes. The richer your are, the more likely that you're a Republican, although there are notable exceptions (Bill Gates, Hollywood stars, etc).
2007-08-26 17:06:38
answer #6
answered by Frank 6
As far as I am aware political leaning is not a factor in determining one's tax liability.
2007-08-26 17:57:17
answer #7
answered by Sageandscholar 7