Too easy. The socialist Democrats want the UN in charge of our wonderfully diverse New World Order. They are financed by the far left and must act accordingly. Democrats would burn the flag and disguise it as a freedom thing.
The Republicans are the party of traditional, conservative Americans.
2007-08-26 09:26:02
answer #1
answered by ? 6
The reactionaries that have staged a coup 'd etat in the current GOP have already burned the spirit of the flag and what it stands for. They may fly the flag 'proudly', but they haven't a clue what the flag actually means. Nobody in American history has come this close to insulting 'Old Glory' as the Bush Junta has done. People all over the world used to look up to the American flag for what it stood they find it frightening and embarrassing. But not to worry, the true meaning of the flag will be soon as the reactionaries of the right are gone!
2007-08-26 16:43:04
answer #2
answered by Noah H 7
Do you really think that is a Democrat and Republican issue? Flying the flag is most likely done by military, former military and family of current/former military. Burning the flag is most likely done by demonstrators opposing an action of government and consider the act of burning the flag as part of their first amendment rights. Unfortunately with regards to the burning issue, the US Supreme Court agreed that it is a political statement and therefore a form of speech. As a former military member, I find it appalling that anyone would not respect the sacrifices made in the name of the symbolic representations of our flag however, I would have to defend their right to do so under the law. I'm a Republican, but my dad is a Democrat and feels the same way I do on the issue.
2007-08-26 16:29:57
answer #3
answered by Jim 5
Actually, the correct answer is: The party most likely to fly the flag is also the most likely to burn it.
"How can this be?" you ask. Ahhh, good question, young one.
The way to properly dispose of a flag that is tattered is to burn it with respect. So, the more someone flies thier flag, the more likely it is to be tattered, and the sooner they will need to replace it. Thus, whomever flies thier flag the most will also burn the most flags.
The 'proper' was to disfigure a flag isn't by burning it. Protesters will often trample a flag, throw blood on it, or cut it to resemble something else (an outline of a bomb, for instance), but very few will burn one in protest.
2007-08-26 16:28:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
According to military code, all American flags should be burned when no longer deemed to be in condition to fly. Since most enlisted personnel are Republicans, it would thus be Republicans who are most likely to burn the flag, as Democrats really don't care enough to burn it or not burn it. And since most people are sheep, regardless of their political affiliation, as we have seen since 9/11, every politician and news anchor sports a American flag pin and every TV news show is using red white and blue as their colors, both Dems and Reps are equally as likely to fly the flag, even if it has no personal symbolism.
2007-08-26 16:28:30
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Sinclair Lewis once said: "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross."
Honestly, I don't believe either of our two corruptive political parties can fly the flag proudly.
They have drenched the flag in hypocrisy, destroyed the proud heritage and significance the flag represents, and used the flag (and religion) as emotional fodder to feed to the minds of the mindless. -RKO- 08/26/07
2007-08-26 16:25:57
answer #6
answered by -RKO- 7
I have never known of a republican to burn a flag.
2007-08-27 01:26:17
answer #7
answered by Miss Kitty 6
Democrats tend to support legal flag burning (as long as the burning is within safe fire conditions and of course you're burning your own flag - no one else's). Republicans tend to attach the flag to all kinds of things and showcase it more frequently. That being said I don't think democrats would burn flags themselves, but they wouldn't support legislation making it illegal, seeing it as an infringement of free speech, whereas republicans would support making it against the law and a form of symbolic treason.
My personal opinion on the issue? Flat burning is not worth enforcing - as this country is built on freedom of speech, and it is that which makes this place so unique. To me watching a flag burned without that person being arrested is the greatest testament to the wisdom of this nation, that its so much stronger and bolder than any symbol and that the symbol itself can be destroyed yet the principals stand strong.
2007-08-26 16:25:38
answer #8
answered by yo yo dog 2
No political party in the US promotes flag burning. And speculations are usually always wrong
2007-08-26 16:24:53
answer #9
answered by no name 1
Conservatives are more likely to fly the flag proudly while secretly undermining everything it stands for--such as illegal wiretapping, domestic surveillance, abolishing constitutional rights and protections, etc.
Liberals believe principles are more important than symbols. The Bill of Rights needs a stronger defense than the US flag.
2007-08-26 16:29:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Republicans would never burn the flag because they see great value in symbols, while seeing almost no value in human beings.
Democrats would burn the flag if there was a good purpose, and if doing that would somehow contribute to the betterment of a person or of people. Democrats put people above inanimate objects.
2007-08-26 16:29:16
answer #11
answered by Anonymous