As far as i know, when you blame bush, it's just short for the bush administration.
2007-08-26 07:15:18
answer #1
answered by babychi 4
Sure, but it was Bush who worked with Cheney and his hand picked crew to distort the truth of the threat that Iraq was an emanate threat to the United States and that Saddam was assisting the rebels. It was never the case!
When you get a memo, the #1 memo on your desk and you are the President of the United States and it is entitled, "Ben Laden and Al Quada's threat and suspicious activities warning", but you fail to even call a meeting of the top security people immediately and take defensive measures, whose fault is it when we get blasted?
Yes, he can start a war by himself, The President, but he relies on the Congress to fund the War over time. Did you forget that the wonder boys of K Street and the Republican Party were running the Congress during the first two years of the War?
When the President takes America to War and miss-calculates the progress and the strategy of the War from day one through four full years then it is OK to criticize. Or did you forget this is a Democracy.
By being a Cheer Leader for a series of major blunders by the Bush Administration, lies, deceit, and then invest yourself in trying to blame the opposition is more than just being partisan, it is being Machiavellian.
Do you really feel and think that winning is everything?
2007-08-26 14:34:01
answer #2
answered by zclifton2 6
I believe the reason why ppl blame bush for everything is that simply because he is the head person in charge. The same can be said for any other position of authority. Let's use a military unit for example. You have a commander and his subordinates. If the subordinates **** up under the leader of the commander, the person or ppl that the commander has to report to aren't going to fault the soilders, but fault the commander himself; simply because he is the one responsible for the soilders carrying out thier duty correctly. Yeah I hate bush and his cronies too, but until bush is either arrested or simply leaves office, he will have to take blame for all the irresponsible decisions he has made this past 8 yrs.
2007-08-26 14:28:22
answer #3
answered by Sag Warum 1
Finally, yes you are correct. He didn't act alone but he did pick his administration and he is the one in front of them all.
He doesn't write those speaches, he is told what to say, he is told what the house has voted on, he is told what the public wants, he has to trust someone. Maybe he is not the first president to have been misled. There are bigger players in the supporting of campaigns while running for elections that the public will probably never find out unless a new world order is established.
Too scary to think about? not really its time to start thinking of uniting the planet in order to preserve what is left of it. If we don't it really doesn't matter what governments do we are all on the same planet, we all suffer the consequences of the cost to our planet from firing rockets that still burn up great amounts of fossil fuels, we rob the planet, we forget to regenerate it, put something back, even the farmers knew to let land rest after it had been planted 6 years in a row. the 7th year that part of land was let to grow wild so the soils could be replenished. Do they still do that I don't think so.
2007-08-26 14:27:18
answer #4
answered by Neptune2bsure 6
First of all, he's not a "scew up" he is our President and Commander-In-Chief of our troops in a time of war. And he is doing a very good job of keeping our nation safe, in these very difficult times. On the other hand Congress does leave a lot to be desired. That's why it's good to have a strong leader like Bush in charge.
2007-08-30 00:17:24
answer #5
answered by grunt33 2
Well, guess what, the boss has the power to put a stop to the nonsense and he is responsible for everything that goes on, good, bad, or indifferent. Therefore, everything that goes wrong is his fault. Furthermore, I doubt I have ever seen a President who is more arrogant, more of a dictator, more self-righteous, and more of an *** than our current President. He commands contempt rather than respect from other countries and especially U.S. Citizens and he should be tried for his crimes against the country and against humanity. At least 2/3 of the people of the USA disapprove of George W. Bush and therefore, he should be ousted from office and tried for his crimes. If he was in Japan, he'd be required to commit Hari Kari to "save face". He can't be an effective leader with such a low approval rating. That goes ditto for Congress. We need to get the individual approval ratings for our Legislators and those who have less than a 50% approval rating should face immediate removal from office and if they have refused to enforce or have enforced the laws that they passed, their pensions and all their money and possessions should be forfeited. That's fair, I believe.
2007-08-26 14:22:30
answer #6
answered by Mindbender 4
Who put all the inept people in place? Who supports, corrupt, inept, failures? Who promotes a degenerate foreign policy? And, ultimately, who is the head of state and represents you and me around with world? He has the best chance in the world and human history to have a positive impact on anything he wishes..... and all he does is shoot Americans' in the foot all day and night long... without most of them being informed enough to know it.
He isn't the only self serving idiot in our government.... but we get the government we deserve! If the average American is not informed about what they are talking about and what they believe in, you get them to vote for self serving idiots.
2007-08-26 14:27:08
answer #7
answered by Marc 3
Bush gets blamed all the time and that is good. At least that shows the country is being run well enough that the people have the time to complain. It also shows democracy still lives on in this country even though the president might not appreciate it. It is tough to run a country, every president is bound to make mistakes or errors in judgment. People blame Bush because he has taken up affirmative action on a number of issues. He has taken action about bigger things, things which are more controversial such as the war in Iraq. Naturally he has come under fire, but we have to understand that Bush is a brave president to do these things that others might be afraid to do. There are critics present as well, and opposing parties that try to defame the president so as to better themselves as well. Right now Bush has taken up the post as the leader of u.s.a. Thus as a figurehead he will no doubt get blamed for a bulk of events. But when we look back in history our children will one day look to Bush as a president that was human, with good points and his flaws.
2007-08-26 14:20:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Maybe cuz Bush essentially employs Rice, Cheney, Wolfowitz, etc...He can dump them anytime. The fact that he doesn't is sad.
Bottom line is the buck stops at Bush. That's why they call him President. If he can't handle it, he should resign.
2007-08-26 15:03:19
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
GWB appointed those ppl you mentioned, therefore, it's only logical that those ppl would be total screw-ups just like their leader.
Plus, who else is there to blame, the President runs the country.....And his actions are what determines what might take place. And as we've seen, good ole GWB has been a complete failure with everything.
And this comment is not intended to bash GWB, it's merely pointing out the truth/facts.
2007-08-26 14:21:11
answer #10
answered by deiracefan_219 5
a president selects his cabinet and can remove them at will, if his cabinet is filled with incompetents who's fault is that??
and I don't think people are blaming bush for "everything"
If a CEO of a major corporation hired idiots to fill all of the positions, he would be at fault and held accountable by the stock holders, a presidential cabinet is no different.
2007-08-26 14:19:03
answer #11
answered by Anonymous