15 answers
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Politics & Government
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Hey Bush- Churchill talked until he was blue in the face and what good did it do him. zip.......
05:15:18 ·
update #1
Hey hermanator- Hmmmmm.........Naive, ignorant, or just plain stupid. I'll let others decide on that one.
In the meantime sir - The Treaty of Versailles is considered THE REASON for WWII which led to 55 MILLION dead world wide (BTW - most were civilians)
05:19:27 ·
update #2
hey den- it wasn't "talk" that stopped the cuban missile crisis. It was the MILITARY war ships surrounding cuba - so try again.
05:21:31 ·
update #3
Mojo- What do you call killing 55 million people; a peaceful protest where devisive idealogical positions were rationally debated to conclude with a harmonious and workable compromise. Most assuredly we use quite different dictionaries.
05:32:29 ·
update #4
Hey hermanator - re read your explanation one more time, verrrry slowly, outloud, to yourself...... you made my point. Thank you.
05:44:24 ·
update #5
yes brainstorm what a happy conclusion to the korean war. That's like saying its the prison guards talking to the inmates that make them want to stay in prison and not the rifles, barbed wire, and walls.
So exactly what do you think would happen if we pulled our troops and all weaponry out of South Korea. Everyone would spend the next 50 years sing kum by ya.
So maybe it isn't a bunch a worthless liberal yap trap crap but once again, military might that keeps the peace.
05:56:47 ·
update #6
hermanator - are you saying you know more than virtually every historian who has evaluated the causes of world war II and havecome up with post war management as the root cause of WWII.
Maybe sylvan learning center should be your next stop. I didn't say the germans were justified, I said the Treaty (more specifically, the perception by most germans that its covenants were too restrictive, punative, and oppressive) was the direct result of the war.
Remember herman - a persons percetion is THEIR reality, not mine or your.
06:36:40 ·
update #7
Have you taken a History class before? "talking" is meant to prevent wars. Wars are expensive and painful for everyone involved. They hardly never make things better before they make them far worse.
Talk prevents wars and ends wars.
2007-08-26 05:18:59
answer #1
answered by Ellinorianne 3
Ever hear about the "Treaty of Versailles", or any other treaty ? Those resulted from words !
Edit:: Hey Trunkster, It wasn't the treaty that started WWII, it was the German's refusal to pay reparations, because they were "unfair", So they propagandized the German people into that mindset, and brought about the rise of Hitler & Co.
Edit 2: Trunkster, So are you saying that the Germans were justified to break the treaty, and back the Nazi's ? HMmmm,..Maybe you're more right-wing than we suspected ??
Edit 3: Trunkmiester, I guess we're never going to agree on this. I'm not saying that I know more than the historians. And I don't think I'll ever understand the German's of that era, nor why or how, they perceived any circumstances. I'm saying that they broke the treaty, and if they hadn't, the treaty would have held, a people as smart and industrious as the German's would have recovered, and all those people, innocent and guilty, would have lived out their lives.
Plus, the Post-WWII devision, and demarcation of artificial countries wouldn't have happened, so the Balkan Wars, and all the Soviet satellite countries would never have wasted all those lives either.
2007-08-26 05:13:07
answer #2
answered by thehermanator2003 4
If you are for the war read this
General Peter Pace now believes this
If the surge continues past May 2008 then what should be done
18 month tours in Iraq
only 9 months at home with 15 month tours
Have a draft
Break Iraq into 3
Time is running out, if you are for the War where are you going to get your Army from?
Many of our most experienced solders are getting out
with 6 to 8 years, because they do not want a 5th or 6th tour
Families are being torn apart
Fight the war on terror but fight it smart
How we will get the Army to fight this war?
2007-08-26 05:15:01
answer #3
answered by ? 3
No liberal has ever said that talk is the answer to every problem. But the time to try talking is BEFORE you invade someone else's country under false pretenses, BEFORE you have committed yourself to a horror of a war that will never end and that continues to kill hundreds of your countrymen every month without actually accomplishing anything else.
It's too late for talk once you've bombed the hell out of someone else's country without trying any other solutions first.
2007-08-26 05:12:57
answer #4
answered by Bush Invented the Google 6
Yes. The Korean War was a stalemate and both sides agreed to talks to end it. It has not restarted despite 50 years of tension
2007-08-26 05:45:22
answer #5
answered by brainstorm 7
I believe the pre-WWII "talk" was Neville Chamberlain's conversation with Hitler. The pre-Gulf War "talk" was UN sanctions against Sadaam. The pre-Iraq "talk" was even more UN resolutions, none of which had any effect. After the "talk" fails repeatedly, it's spankin' time. Israel has found this to be true countless times with the Palestinians.
2007-08-26 05:19:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Talk has prevented or at least postponed wars before. I am all in favor of trying to find peaceful solutions to world problems. However I realize that this rational view is shared by very little of the rest of the world.
2007-08-26 05:13:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Bo-bo - Talk has only ended some wars AFTER the bombs fell enough to make them yell "Uncle" ! Japan took 2 A-bombs before they talked sense into themselves. And we were preparing to drop more. Germany required near-constant bombardment until Hitler finally killed himself, they didn't surrender easily by "talking".
Deno - Talk works well to prevent the innocent from preparing themselves from being invaded until it's too late.
Brainstorm - The Korean conflict is STILL technically at war. There is only a legal Cease-fire, there has never BEEN any end to the "war". A cease-fire is NOT war's end ( not in the enemies mind, anyway ). Pull out all of our troops, and see how long it takes for NK to start lobbing bullets and bombs at the South. The talks ended nothing. Technically, they're still at war.
Talk is cheap, and that's what Liberals are all about. Cheap action. Talk didn't stop Germans, it didn't stop the Japanese, it didn't stop the USSR and Cuba, and it has NEVER stopped war. It won't stop Osama Bin Ladin, either. It may delay it, postpone it, but the ONLY thing the "bad guys" understand is a loaded gun pointed at THEM. And the will to pull the trigger if they cross the line. Witness Switzerland, the "safest" and most non-violent (probably? - no statistics to prove it ) nation in the world. How'd they DO it? Simple - EVERY SINGLE MAN has to serve 2 years in the military after coming of age, and EVERY man has a gun in his closet, issued by the government, for National defense purposes. Read that, 100% of ALL eligible aged men have guns at home in Switzerland. Now, if YOU were the Germans, or any other (modern) nation, wanting to invade, would you come after them knowing THAT?! The Germans realized that due to the mountains, terrain, and the number of trained Swiss men (100% or close to it), they had no chance (then). They would conquer the rest of the free world first, then come back for them. Smartest thing Hitler ever did. LOL. I doubt that this would work in America, as too many liberals don't believe in supporting their own country the way the Swiss do. And there's too much individualism to trust it to work. The Swiss have a small country, and a probable generally accepted viewpoint as to their society's well-being, which won't work here in N. America.
Back to the point - a strong offense can deter any war from starting. A talking defense only gives the evil ones a sense that you're weak, and an easy target. They DON'T believe talk is the answer, and NEVER will...don't you libs EVER understand that?! It's what the ENEMY is thinking that matters, not what YOU are thinking. That is the fatal flaw in Liberal thinking, Libs only think about their viewpoint (first). Since you truly don't understand that, you will ALWAYS make the wrong decision. Not that America went after Saddam was necessarily a good decision, the way it was done. Nor the way the war is being run now. He was a small despot, but he'd caused enough trouble, and refused UN inspectors, that "maybe" it was enough ( except for weak European support to blockade him). At any rate, if you are willing to lay down your arms to buy your own sense of personal "security" , go ahead. I won't raise MY gun to protect you when the time comes.
I'm sure all you Peaceniks will now start up protests to the Swiss Embassy, decrying the violent nature of their society, their gun-loving ways, and demand that they punish their gun maker with sanctions, and give over totally to a more "peaceful" way of resolving their home defense needs.
And while you're at it, you can enlist the help of that Democratic congressman who shot some kid(s) in DC with a gun for climbing over his fence to swim in his pool at night ( remember THAT one? ). Violating DC's gun ownership laws, AND shooting kids. Wonder if he ever got Censured by Congress?....nah, I doubt it. Hypocrites.
- The Gremlin Guy -
2007-08-26 06:16:06
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Talk produced a lasting peace between Egypt and Israel.
2007-08-26 06:05:39
answer #9
answered by alphabetsoup2 5
lib "talk" aims to STOP wars from happening, not end them. So for every war that never happened (ex. cuban missle crisis) the libs should be thanked and praised.
2007-08-26 05:13:21
answer #10
answered by Anonymous