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I stumbled across this site after watching a program on TV today and apparently Hewitt admits that under hypnosis, he admits to having an affair just one year after she got married.


2007-08-25 10:35:43 · 27 answers · asked by jigolo 1 in Society & Culture Royalty

27 answers

No Hewitt is just an attention seaker who has slipped out of the public gaze and will do anyhting to get noticed.

2007-08-25 10:47:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 12 2

Diana had an affair with James Hewitt after the boys were born. Prince Harry resembles the Spencer side of Diana's family (ie her father's family).

2007-08-28 09:46:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Beyond any shadow of a doubt. You only have to look at him and observe his behaviour. He is a Hewitt through and through. Right from the very start, the UK pressmen were referring to Prince William and Harry Hewitt - but the media lawyers kept articles saying as much on the spike.

2007-08-27 03:19:19 · answer #3 · answered by john 4 · 2 1

Check back on old media news at that time( t.v. newspapers etc) You will then see clearly that Hewitt did not even meet Diana until a long time after Harry was born! Harry resembles the Spenser family rather than the Windsors.
I am sure that we are all really fed up with this question being asked every couple of weeks.!

2007-08-25 15:35:51 · answer #4 · answered by Social Science Lady 7 · 5 2

For the last & final time. No, James Hewitt is not Harry's father. Diana may not have been the sharpest knife in the drawer but she was smart enough not to try & pass off someone else's child as Charles's. She was a woman that craved attention & positive reinforcement so she would have realised that anything as dodgy as that would have her immediately shipped out of the family & ultimately the limelight. Also, Harry's colouring comes from the Spencer genes. He looks just like his aunt & uncle on his mother's side.

2007-08-26 04:00:01 · answer #5 · answered by monkeyface 7 · 3 3

Sue F - yes, it's our business as Harry is (I think) 3rd in line to the throne - Diana was married to the heir to the throne - this meant she could never have a private life in the same way as anyone else might and she knew this before she married Prince Charles (or was stunningly ill informed).
In all probability, though, none of us alive now is going to know the answer to this question. History will tell.

2007-08-25 10:58:19 · answer #6 · answered by Sue C 4 · 4 1

No, he isn't. Harry looks Diana's brother, the Earl of Spencer. Hewitt has said on numerous occasions that he didn't even met Diana until about 2 years after Harry was born.

2007-08-26 16:08:11 · answer #7 · answered by Sandy Lou 4 · 1 3

Despite what everyone says,I'd put £100 on it ,the lad is the spitting image of his Dad.
I read in an American newspaper last week that tissue samples taken shortly after Diana's death showed that she was 8 weeks pregnant.No one would dare print that snippet of truth over here.

2007-08-29 02:34:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

While it's true Harry doesn't have Charles' colouring, he does look like a young Spencer - Diana's family - and not that shallow, twit, Hewitt. Hewitt disproves the concept of an officer and a gentleman. On a good day he is a cad. But one thing he clearly is not is Harry father.

2007-08-25 12:53:54 · answer #9 · answered by brian s 4 · 8 3

prince henry (yes it is henry) bears no discernable facial resemblance to prince charles that i can see . it is a matter of record that diana had an affair with hewitt. i'd say that it is highly likely as there does appear to be some resemblance......one thing is for sure the truth will remain a closely guarded secret.. you never know harry could outlive his brother and become king one day in which case we would have a king with english descendants for the first time in around 500 years

2007-08-25 10:51:21 · answer #10 · answered by P H 2 · 4 2

Harry looks like the Spencers'. This subject is old. No way would either of the Windsor's have had a child out of wedlock even though the marriage was doomed from the beginning. They wanted their children to be the heritage. To much at stake to make that mistake. He is Charles'.

2007-08-27 11:36:09 · answer #11 · answered by .. .this can't be good 5 · 1 3

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