contacting spirits is not a game for a slumber party, although many kids seem to think so. If you're really going to do something like that it should be done in all seriousness. Because i think you're going to ignore that advice, here is something more practical:
Nothing special is needed for a seance, you just hold hands and ask the spirits to come talk to you--only one of you should be the mouthpiece of said spirits if they actually arrive.
As for a ouija board, basically it just needs each letter of the alphabet on it, numbers 0-9, and yes to one side, no to the other, and if you want put maybe somewhere too. the tricky part will be what to use for the part you put your hand on so it can slide around and select your letters. you need something flat, lightweight, and preferably see-through that can point to one particular letter at a time.
I would suggest making pendulum boards instead. This is similar to a ouija board but would be easier. because a pendulum swings back and forth the alphabet is tricky, perhaps instead put one possibility at top and bottom of a page and the other possibility to the right and left of the page and see which way your pendulum swings. make a pendulum with some string and something like a ring or necklace charm tied to the end.
Please, please remember that spirit contact is not a game, this is some serious stuff here and personally i would not attempt the seance at all at your age because you may not be ready for a powerful spirit if one shows up.
2007-08-24 10:42:43
answer #1
answered by robin s 3
I remember when I was around your age. My mom had gotten me that year for Christmas a Ouija board. I used it a couple of times with some friends. We did start to get answers to a few of our questions. The answers didn't make much sense which really didn't matter to us. I lost interest in the board and I think eventually it got thrown away. We didn't get any bad spirits coming after us with an ax or anything like that. So, I can't say that some demonic spirit is going to come after you or anything. Did you talk with your parents at all about this? I think it would be a good idea to do that?
2007-08-24 17:06:59
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
In the world of Magick reality it can take a year of training and then possibly 2 years to contact a person who has passed on. It's not worth the effort unless there is a true need for connection to this spirit.
A simple OuiJa board can be made with slips of paper with letters on them and numbers if you wish, as well a two slips that say Yes and No. Arrange them in a circle on a smooth surface. Place an upside down glass in the middle of the circle and have those who wish to participate place a forefinger on the edge of the glasses bottom. Ask a question.
There are none of the evil things many Christians say will cause you harm, for all of these phenomena only exist in the minds of Christians who thrive on fear in others and themselves.
The Ouija board is subject to the laws of Magick because it is used as a tool of Magick and if you try to use it for an evil purpose the evil will be returned threefold
Remember, the glass and the slips have no power. Your hidden thoughts, needs, and sometimes devinations will start the glass moving for good or evil.
2007-08-24 11:59:23
answer #3
answered by Terry 7
Hon, I know all of this ouiji board and seance stuff sounds very fun and tempting but it is not a game, this stuff is real and if you don't know what you are doing you could really get hurt....Its been my experience that they are nothing but trouble..I had an unseen force wake me up in the middle of night sitting on my chest trying to take my breathe and I was 25 years old when this happened, I took the board and gave it back to my aunt but not before wrapping the thing up in a towel (white) and putting it in the trunk of my car...It totally freaked me out..and my aunt had no explanation for it either and she is pretty experienced in this area...but if you still feel you must explore at least bring sage sticks for cleansing the area in which you will be working the board and cleanse yourselves afterwards with the smudge stick...peace and God bless
2007-08-24 11:07:05
answer #4
answered by obsvnt1 3
Um, you don't use a Ouija board. Demons use Ouija boards. You sit around them with your little tumbler and it/they move the glass around to make it look all mystical. But be forewarned, you are not in control. If you continue this type of activity there is no telling what level of demonic activity you Will have in your house. Take it from some one who gave that stuff up, don't do it. It starts out as fun but ends up as a nightmare. The idea of it being a toy is laughable as it is only a tool to gain control of those who use it. I'm not trying to say this to scare you, I'm saying this to protect you. Please do not get involved. Also, contacting a spirit is ten times worse than use an Ouiji board. This is something else I was once involved with, so trust me when I say leave it alone.
2007-08-24 10:36:22
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Its definitly possible to make a ouija board. My friends and I used to do it all the time when we were in high school. All you need is paper, scissors, a clear table, pen, and a glass or even plastic cup. Cut the paper up into square pieces and write the letters of the alphabet on them and also make two pieces of paper that say yes and no. Then on a clear table (glass tables work well) Set the squares of papers that you lettered in a circle like a clock with A starting in the top and going clockwise to Z. Then stick the yes and no papers in the middle of the circle next to each other. Grab your glass and set it upside down in the middle of the circle, put your fingers in the edge and your good to go. Good Luck.
2007-08-24 19:52:05
answer #6
answered by milandranyx 1
The reason I would discourge this situation is because it is an experiment. Neither of you are versed in using the Ouiji board and you don't sound versed in conducting a seance.
Not every spirit is good or kind. There are alot of spirits who are trapped in void. They sit there waiting for a 'door way', which is basically the opportunity they use to re-enter our world. When you use the Ouiji board, you are pretty much calling to the spirit world to come to you. If you don't know what you are doing, you could call a not so nice spirit to you who won't feel like leaving your life.
...I'm just saying...
2007-08-24 10:33:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I have been studying Wicca for years now. I can tell you, for sure, that Quija boards are fake. It's a huge mockery on mystisism. As far as Seances, I would read on it. Many people do seances many different ways.
2016-05-17 06:32:09
answer #8
answered by ? 3
Ignoring all the religious junk about how you will go to hell if you use one and how only demons use Ouija boards. which is false BTW. I would strongly suggest not doing it. using a spirit board or any other method to try to communicate to the dead is very dangerous and should not be taken lightly. unless you are very experienced you will be in danger. things like a Ouija board open a door to another realm. this realm is full of nice/benign spirits but is also full of angry spirits. you never know what is going to come out and unless you know very well how to control the door and control what comes out you should not touch it. Ouija boards have become a fad for youngens to play around with but this is really not a toy. Many people have reported using a Ouija board without experience and having lots of issues. do something else to pass the time. paint each others toe nails or something.
2007-08-24 10:51:30
answer #9
answered by Lorena 4
Put simply, don't bother! The bible warns agaisnt things like this for a good reason; it's harmfull. The spirits you contact may pretend to be good, but they're evil! You don't need special equipement to contact spirits, it's mainly faith and a desire to contact them (they know when you want them!). I made my own ouiji board (very easy, using bits of paper with all letters of the alphabet on them and placing a glass or other object on slidy material so it can point to the letters), and the spirit pretended to be good, it pretended to want to satisfy me. But, even after putting the board away if still remained with me, it made my arm spasm etc! To cut a long story short, the spirit started demanding me to kill someone in the end! Just trust me, it's all bad, don't trust the spirits.
By the Way, the spirits are also perverts and twisted, don't be surprised if they ask you to do some sexual act, or if they remind you of the bad things you've done in your life.
2007-08-24 10:38:42
answer #10
answered by Paul S 4