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ok so when you have sex the sperm shoots up and some of them swim (who make it alive) swim up to the fallopian tubes and if at that point.. an egg and sperm meet.. then there is a chance of the egg fertilized.. and the egg has to go and attach itself to the uterus lining.. and THEN u become pregnant right..?


1) what if the fertilized egg doesnt attach itself? what happens then? is there a name for this?

2) how long can it possibly take for conception of the egg and sperm.. and for the egg to implant itself (implantation)?

3) ok so say that the egg is fertilized.. and now its suppose to implant.. (im not sure if im right but i heard it can take up to 14 days to implant) so does that basically mean that you have up until the first day of your period til implantation can occur? and you have a good chance of being pregnant during that cycle til your period actually starts?

plz someone who knows about these things kindly explain them to me.. thank you so much

2007-08-24 08:38:02 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

14 answers

1. If the fertilized egg doesn't attach itself, I believe you were never truly pregnant, or it's technically a miscarriage, I would guess.

2. Implantation can take up to two weeks, it depends on where the egg was in its travels when it became fertilized.

3. I'm not sure I understand this one... if the fertilized egg implants itself, you're pregnant and shouldn't get a period (or have a very light one, implantation bleeding). If you are pregnant, the doctor counts the first day of pregnancy as the first day of your last period, even though you technically weren't pregnant then - that's just how they do it for simplicity's sake, since it's impossible to tell when conception/implantation occurs. Every woman is different.

I guess you're asking when you "technically" become pregnant - I think that's once a fertilized egg implants, whenever that is in your cycle. Hope I helped (and hope I'm accurate...)

2007-08-24 08:45:15 · answer #1 · answered by fuffernut 5 · 1 1

I can try.

You become pregnant at the moment of conception, as the fertilized egg does send a signal to its counterpart, the corpus luteum (the tissue which matured the egg and will support it until it becomes a fetus at 12 wks.) It also has a chemical change which prevents a second sperm from entering it (although this frequently happens with fraternal twins.)

1)- if the egg doesn't attach, you have a slightly late, rather heavy period. If it habitually does not attach, you have a dysfunction of the uterus. I don't know the name for that.

2) - The egg only lives 24 hours. Conception can take place with sperm that is up to 5 days old. Cervical mucus can nourish sperm, but it has to be receptive mucus. The zygote (the fertilized egg) will travel the Fallopian tubes for 5-7 days, implanting towards the end of 2 weeks.

3) It can take longer, but by this point, that ball of cells (now called a morula) has already signaled the stop of your periods and you will not shed the uterine lining that it desperately requires. You cannot become pregnant past that single day window of ovulation, but since the timing is so odd and the sperm can live so long, it's best to give it a couple days' grace on either side of the ovulation. Once your egg has been fertilized, your body will not prepare another egg until your current pregnancy ends.

It's a very complex dance of hormones.

2007-08-24 08:48:16 · answer #2 · answered by M L 5 · 0 0

If the fertilized egg doesn't implant it just gets eliminated with your next menstrual flow. Don't forget that an egg is smaller than the period at the end of a sentence, even if it is fertilized and has been dividing. Some people would consider this a "miscarriage", miscarriage isn't a medical term medically loosing a pregnancy before 24-26 weeks is considered an abortion. Abortions caused by medical interventions can be termed "surgical" abortions, "therapeutic" abortions, etc. However some people do not consider it a pregnancy until after the egg has implanted so there is room for debate on what to call it.

Sperm can survive for up to 7 days in the fallopian tubes according to some new studies, though 3-5 days would be considered "normal". So if you ovulate 3-5 days after intercourse there could be sperm there to meet it. After ovulation if the egg is fertilized it takes 6-12 days to implant.

In highschool people are usually taught that women have menstrual cycles that are 28 days long, and that they ovulate on day 14. This is of course incorrect. Menstrual cycles can be varying lengths. And you don't always ovulate at the same point in your cycle. And while sometimes ovulating late will cause late menstruation, that isn't always the case. And of course if you are in fact pregnant you will never really know when you next period would have been.

So basically if you have unprotected sex once and want to know if you are pregnant you can take a test after 19 days and it should be accurate (5 day sperm life + 12 days for implantation + 2 days for the hormones to build up enough to detect).

If you are trying to get pregnant (ie having unprotected sex regularly) and you aren't tracking ovulation through a reliable method (which most women don't) you may not even get a positive result when your period is "due" if you ovulate less than 14 days before your period is "due".

Here is some more explanation on it:
1. How soon can I test?

"Research has shown that some sperm may survive in the Fallopian tubes up to 7 days, with the average amount of time being 3 to 4 days."

Understanding Conception

2007-08-24 09:07:02 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your scenario of how to become pregnant is correct.

1. If the fertilized egg (or zygote) doesn't implant into the uterine lining the women will begin her period on schedule. The term would be missed miscarriage

2. usually the process takes any where from 3 days to 10 days, but every pregnancy is different as is each woman.

3. If you period has not started on schedule b/c a zygote has implanted, then yes, you could be pregnant and only a test will confirm it. zygotes will normally not take 14 days to implant. See number 2. However, the last half of a woman's cycle is always 14 days regardless of how long the first half of the cycle is. For example, if you have a consistent 28 day cycle, you ovulated (released the egg) on cd 14. If you cycle is consistently 30 days, you ovulated on cd 16. Does that make sense?

2007-08-24 08:46:49 · answer #4 · answered by USMC_Wifey 3 · 0 0

1) if the fertilized egg does not attach it will just leave with your period like an unfertilized egg. Your body does not start producing pregnancy hormones until after the egg implants therefore you will never even know you had a fertilized egg. Not sure if there is a name for it and my guess is they don't even know how often this happens.

2)Usually it take 3-7 days to implant which is why it takes 14 or more days to get a pos. pregnancy test. Once the egg attaches your body starts to produce hormones but takes a while to get into your urine and to reach a point when the test would be considered pos.

3)I am not sure what you are actually asking here. sorry.
You always have a chance that the hormones are just taking a while to reach testable levels until your period starts. Once your period starts(normally) this is a good clue that you are not pregnant.

2007-08-24 08:54:15 · answer #5 · answered by Melissa S 7 · 0 0

I'm not a physician or expert, but this is what I know from classes I have taken.
1. When the egg has been fertilized and doesn't attach itself than its considered a natural miscarriage since it can take up to 8 weeks or pregnancy for the egg to attach itself to your uterus.
2.Conception (the egg being fertilized) can take up to three days as far as I've heard, although I'm not 100% positive on this answer.
3.Now this question is the same as number 1, implantation and attaching itself to the uterus is the same thing. There is a chance of being pregnant during that cycle, and there is also a chance you will get your period or light menstruation after becoming pregnant.
Hope this helps a little.

2007-08-24 09:00:34 · answer #6 · answered by YE 3 · 0 1

if the egg does not attach then you will have a period as normal this actually happen to many women, they never knew they were pregnant and it passes un-noticed.

Sperm can live in the womans body for a few days, 3-4 at the max, so conception can occur a few days after the actual sex act.

An egg usually implants at around day 8-10, but since the date of conceprion can be a few days from the date of sex it can be as long as 14 days after the sex act. If you are havign unprotected sex then yes, you have the potential to be pregnant every month while you await your period.

2007-08-24 08:45:52 · answer #7 · answered by parental unit 7 · 0 0

1) if the egg is fertilized but doesn't implant itself then it will be expelled from the body most likely in the form of a missed miscarriage and you will think its just your period starting.

2 & 3) the time frame for implantation and fertilization will vary from woman to woman so its hard to say really. implantation would have to occur before you start your period in order for you to miss your period. the closer you get to your period then the more the lining of the uterus breaks down and makes implantation nearly impossible. again, every womans cycle and body is different so we do not all ovulate at the same time. technically, yes you can become pregnant at any part of your cycle, but its most likely that it would happen in the middle of your cycle.

good luck to you and i hope i was able to give you the information you were looking for. try looking in a dictionary and an encyclopedia for further more detailed answers though. i did try my best for you though. = )

2007-08-24 09:01:00 · answer #8 · answered by iheartcoffee 6 · 0 0

1. if the egg doesn't attatch itself it will be flushed out in your next period it does happen since there is only a small window for most women to have ideal conditions for the baby to implant.
2.conception can be withing a few hours of sex but in general it takes about a week from the time the egg and sperm combine to it getting through the fallopian tube to the uterus and implant.
3. Depending on when you ovulate you can end up with implantation happening right before your period is due. It's totally up to your cycle.

2007-08-24 08:43:49 · answer #9 · answered by starfire978 6 · 1 0

you are very depressed try going to a club or smothing you like.The feeling of depression is deeper, longer and more unpleasant than the short periods of unhappiness that we all have from time to time. This presents a very bleak picture. However, it's important to remember that depression isn't an absolute - it's not simply a case of either you're depressed or you're not. There's a progression from feeling blue to the full clinical illness described above. Even then, you won't suffer from every symptom.

2016-03-17 05:38:36 · answer #10 · answered by Eleanor 3 · 0 0

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