You always gain regardless of what path you may take. Honesty and integrity help one gain status and praise, which in turn, can eventually lead to future material gain, if used wisely. If those qualities are not your forte, then by all means, act primarily in your own self-interests for maximum material gain, though you will stand to "lose" in potential future gains. You will just have to put in more effort to continually succeed in that manner.
2007-08-24 09:18:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Doing the right thing never gets you nothing. It wins you peace of mind, the satisfaction of knowing you have integrity and honesty. That is more valuable than anything. It also means you've won a place in Heaven. It means you will have good things come your way (even if you're not religious, it's the law of karma, what you put out you get back.) Being a good person doesn't make you a "loser". People who are deceptive and evil may seem to profit in the short run but they will suffer greatly in the long run.
Be a good person for yourself, for your God, for the universe. Even when it's hard, even when it's not appreciated. Because one day you will be rewarded and even now your reward is inner peace. That is the greatest success. Even if a liar profits, it's based on nothing. It's a house of cards that will come down some day. Karma will catch up with them.
2007-08-24 15:16:23
answer #2
answered by amp 6
i would say No,to your 1st question;
But why didnt you leave it just at that one.
Excuse me if i seem critical and rather blunt for telling you
that your first question should be the most important;thats
the way some of us have been taught(!)
You then go on to ask a second(of 4) question,in which you
insert the word "loser".
You put this at the end of a very short sentence which starts
with the characteristics of "integrity and "honesty"!
So,is someone a "loser" for not voting in a mass-majority
rule selection?Or is anyone else a "loser" for not memorising
the Definition-of-Honesty?
Trying to understand some of the answerers and even
questioners here(on yahoo philosophy Answers),i would
say this; we All have lots-to-learn;for myself,after more than
50 years living on our beautiful world,i should at least understand that even simple so-called "deep" and "definitive"
questions-even if asked in all simplicity or even naivety-come
with lots and lots of associated ideas,plans andconnections.
What i mean is that you seem to have some pre-thought-
out ideas concerning your original;If correct,then how easy
would it be for you to change-your-mind!
It is a question you are Asking,for goodness sake(!); And
we surely should be ready-if-not-aware that someone could
have better knowledge than us(this is one of the main reasons we ask questions,and also criticise other ones);
Knowledge which,in an Open society and an open session
of Yahoo Answers, should be "delivered" simply,precisely
(as far as possible) and efficiently.
And if"all you wanna do is..some good..which..nobody wants.." then all we have to do is examine our -usually
darwinian-past thought and education,and let them"get
on with it". Unless a crime is being committed,which as
you dont admit then i wont either!
2007-08-24 15:14:05
answer #3
answered by peter m 6
The question presumes an incorrect answer. On cannot predict what good may come from doing good, and doing good does not make one a loser.
The business world is full of successful people who eschew deceit; where did you get that incorrect assumption?
One cannot predict the rewards that may await those who are kind and honest in all relations.
Some rewards may come early, some may be withheld until later, and some may never arrive at all, but what has one lost by doing good?
2007-08-24 14:47:13
answer #4
answered by seeitmiway32 5
i was actually talking about this today. if you truly feel that doing the right thing is good for you, then i suggest to keep doing it.
rewards are not always instant. and deceit usually leads to a deceit filled life. does doing the right thing necessarily need something in return? isn't the fact in itself that you have not done wrong and have to live with the guilt or shame of the wrong the satisfaction of doing what is right?
2007-08-24 14:49:46
answer #5
answered by Chemical Coltraine 2
Doing the bad thing doesn't guarantee success either. Although there are cases when bad people overthrow the good ones, in general the game is still won by the disciplined and the hardworking.
The safest way is to be good.
2007-08-24 14:45:02
answer #6
answered by hot_filipina 2
the success you speak of has its roots in greed, which even if achieved through honesty isnt really that noble.
2007-08-24 15:29:24
answer #7
answered by nuckfut25 3
Not my problem, as long as I was true to my self.
2007-08-24 19:12:58
answer #8
answered by fuzzykitty 6
If mind and heart say OKAY...why not still go for it?
2007-08-24 14:43:03
answer #9
answered by harijanti 4