Stop it, I am a republican, and you are confusing my values system. I am short circuiting here.
Where are my talking points, need my talking points, wherrrrre arrrrrrre mmmy talllllking, tallllk, king ppp, pppp points..
2007-08-24 07:42:48
answer #1
answered by ron j 1
I'm a Libertarian, but I will answer this question as I will likely vote Republican in the coming presidential election.
Your argument starts with a fallacy. Namely that voting Democrat will lower poverty thus reducing abortions, make affordable health care available to the poor and lower disease rates.
This will not be the case if Democrats win.
Let's start with poverty. Democratic fiscal policies, if they are able to pass them into law, will cause large economic disruptions and commodity shortages. This will arise from regulations Democrats want to put on the profits made by oil companies, this will cause gasoline shortages and very long lines at stations. Democrats also want to increase taxes on investors, companies and individuals. This will likely cause a large recession and increase poverty. The rich have enough money to weather a storm like this and will likely come out just fine. Instead it will be the poor, the ones who get laid off from their factory jobs and so on, who will suffer because of these measures. If you believe in your alleged correlation of poverty to abortion, this will increase abortions.
If the Democrats are able to create Universal Health Care, then we will start to see some very large programs. First, they will undermine drug companies patents and make it so that it is no longer profitable to create new drugs. This is the case already in the UK, EU and Canada. Almost every new drug in the entire world is developed in the United States because we have a system that allows companies to recoup the billions of dollars they spend on research. This could lead to huge amounts of death.
That is just the beginning. The amount of money it will take to enroll the entire country in a government medicine program will be phenomenal. Probably more than our countries ENTIRE BUDGET. To do this we would need to triple our taxes (notice that we are already in a deficit). This will cause huge economic problems. In the best case, a recession that will last for a very long time. In the worst, a depression. This will cause huge unemployment and poverty. What good is "free" health care if it cost you your job?
2007-08-24 14:53:38
answer #2
answered by Biggg 3
Question #1 - If there is a high correlation between correlation between having no money and poverty, would you support shooting all of the poor people so that only the rich ones remain? Just because there is a correlation between two things does not mean that (a) one causes the other, or (b) eliminating one eliminates the other.
Question #2 - I will concede that part of Christ's message was to help others in need if you will concede that you can't find the line "Thou shalt create a vast ineffective beauracracy to deal with the poor" in Scripture.
Question #3 - Assumes agreement with Questions #1 and #2
2007-08-24 14:53:25
answer #3
answered by Pythagoras 7
1) Scientifically they know what causes pregnancy. Why can't poor people use birth control? Doesn't planned parenthood get tax money to hand out this stuff to low income people? I am christian and I believe that the church's stance on birth control is wrong anyway and ignore what they teach.
2) As for your healthcare question, yes going to the doctor will keep people healthy. However if the person is eating nothing but potato chips, drinking pepsi, and not exercising, they are going to be a burden on any healthcare system. Universal or not.
We currently have healthcare programs for the poor. However they need to be expanded to cover some additional people because the qualification is way to narrow as it is. To convert the masses to Universal HC to provide healthcare to the few is just plain silly and a waste of resources.
2007-08-24 15:05:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Absolutely. Fighting poverty is a Christian thing to do and in all likely hood would reduce abortions. Is there a point to this question?
Yep same for health care but again I don't see what the point to the questions are.
I keep checking the Bible and I can never find anywhere where Jesus instructed governments to provide for the poor. His command was for his followers to take care of the poor but didn't indicate they should do so through the government. Republicans as a whole give far more to charity than Democrats and I assure you that money is much more efficiently used than any government program.
2007-08-24 14:38:04
answer #5
answered by Brian 7
Your heart is in the right place.
What exactly do you mean by fighting poverty? What does “reduce poverty” mean to you?
Every single person in America has an equal right and ability to acquire an education and therefore a higher paying job. It’s their choice as to whether they take advantage of it or not.
Of course in comes the argument that many inner city schools are out of control because of disruptive students. From the studies I have read these kids have crime records 5 pages long (one page is enough) many of whom are gang related. You need to clean your own crap up before you ever attempt to impose socialist policies on me and my country.
There is so much more to this such as the erosion or utter lack of family values in America today.
The bottom line is that, this world will NEVER be a utopia no matter how hard misguided/misinformed bleeding hearts wish for it. Personal responsibility and freedom is what it’s all about.
2007-08-24 14:55:26
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No I'm not against abortion , if some people are they should keep their zipper zipped up. You follow the whole Republican rule if your going to follow abortion being outlawed than you follow no sex before marriage they are all together.
No abortion and no sex before marriage , everyone remain a virgin until you are married. It the rule of Republicans no abortion , no sex before marriage you go the whole ninety yards. Cons want it to be one way that is why I say they are hypocrites they'll have sex before but no abortion , does that make sense. When a child is conceived for a month
there is no baby just a blog of stuff , their is no baby or really 2 months a baby is not formed , it has no feelings , but when you starve, maim , beat , throw it away in a black garbage bag , beat that baby than you can't tell me that you first conceived that baby would have been better off never born.
2007-08-24 15:07:01
answer #7
answered by Nicki 6
The issue here is not one of charity as in helping homeless people or families of a particular tragedy such as a tornado. The issue here is one of ordinary working americans who are working but not able to afford a healthcare system that is spiraling out of control. We are not talking about people who want hand outs, but of working people who are in a system that no longer works.
Talk of excercise and eating right and personal responsibility all play a role in the discussion, but you cannot ignore that they are minor issues in the overall scheme when the system itself is failing and unfair. We are not a a poor country. We have so much money as a country that our government pisses it away without us even giving it a second thought. Its a matter of priorities as a nation. What do we care about? Are we capitalist, sure we are, are we democratic, sure we are. Are we just, and compassionate...that is the question.
2007-08-24 15:31:14
answer #8
answered by ballerb j 1
The lack of compassion is stunning from people who claim to be compassionate. The other observation I have is how the question is rather non ideological in the way it is asked. The questioner said nothing about socialized medicine or give aways, yet some of the answerers say that he said that, and then proceeded to call him names and attack him for it. The questioner merely makes the point that preventing abortions is related to fighting poverty, and that preventing suffering is related to having affordable healthcare. Its truly amazing to see people attack someone for merely suggesting these truths.
I think that the anger that these truthful statements generate is a symptom of the angry people feeling guilty about their own lack of morality and then trying to transfer that guilt elsewhere.
2007-08-24 14:50:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
How would you propose that we fight poverty to reduce abortions? Handouts? I remember when the government gave people credit cards to help them out after hurricane Katrina and people used them for Louis Vuitton purses and alcohol and other things, rather than renting an apartment, buying food and clothing and looking for a job. My point is when you give handouts people cannot use them responsibly. They will continue to ask for more handouts and won't learn out to support themselves. I have a much better method than yours to control both poverty AND abortions. It is called birth control.
and Alan, what a slap in the face your comment is to my husband and all other American servicemen and women who sign an oath to protect your worthless ***.
2007-08-24 14:44:41
answer #10
answered by Rich people employ me 5
Yes, I would agree. However, I do not agree that it should be the government that is the vehicle for fighting poverty.
One thing that you liberal simpletons can't get through your feeble brains is that Conservatives are an extremely caring and compassionate group. But, we just don't think that government is the best and most efficient tool to eradicate things like poverty. Surely the last 50+ years backs us up.
2007-08-24 14:39:57
answer #11
answered by Anonymous