No,you are not the only one that thinks this is disgusting. Since when do we allow another country to dictate our laws. She was a convicted felon and should have been deported a long time ago. If our country bows down to this demand,we are in for a heap of trouble. We did not violate any immigration accords. This woman had a deportation order in place for over a year. She makes me ill. I really would love to know why she thinks she is so special and deserves privileges that she has no right to.
2007-08-24 02:36:43
answer #1
answered by Jan 7
No, you are not alone in being appalled. This isn't the first example of this kind of nonsense. The Mexican military aids illegals into crossing into this country, then people like Arellano get up and say we LET them cross over without documents. And what taxes are they paying? Perhaps they pay taxes on purchases, as we all do, but I don't know about it if they are paying into the system that is supporting them. What is really appalling is that someone in OUR congress is going to go to bat for Mexico in general, and the rabid Ms. Arellano, in particular.
2007-08-24 09:39:31
answer #2
answered by claudiacake 7
How is this any different than half the stuff that comes out of the mouth of any American politiciian (especially during an election year)? Lies, BS, spin, justification, etc. is the foundation of the politician's life.
Now- on the other hand... it really IS quite odd that we yell and scream about illegal immigrants, then welcome their money with open arms- tax or spending money. That seems hypocritical.
If we move this to a more personal issue- what would you say about a person who allowed someone to break into their house (doors and windows left open, obviously broken alarm system on display, but warning decals in the windows), let them live there, let them help clean up and pay for part of the utilities, but who kept griping about the burglar and the horrible crime rates?
I think our policy with regards to Mexico is foolish, rude, shortsighted, and unfair. We brag up how great we are, rubbing their noses in our wealth, sending a few dribbles of business and cash their way.
The average Mexican earns 9,600 a year. The average American earns 40,100 a year.
Mexico is about the size of Texas and Alaska combined, but has about 108 million people in that space, for a population density of 55 people per km. The US has a population density of 31.
We are bigger, richer, less crowded, live an average of 2 years longer, etc., etc., etc.
I often wonder- if Canada was as much better than the US as the US is than Mexico, what immigration policies would we want Canada to have?
If you could earn 4 times as much, enjoy a good climate, live longer and better, enjoy a wide variety of benefits, etc., how many laws would you break to get there? Especially if your situation here at home was bad to start with?
2007-08-24 10:02:00
answer #3
answered by Madkins007 7
She's really got a set of cajoles on her! But not to worry. BIG CHANGE is on the horizon.
You know, it's almost funny in a way. Here's Mexico more concerned about what they perceive as mistreatment of their citizens illegally entering another country, when they should be concerned as to WHY 70 million people want to flee their OWN country and fix the god damn problem! Talk about corruption! Mexico should be the "Jewel" of North America, but instead it's a primarily a third-world country due to the criminals who run the government down there. You NEVER hear them talk about fixing their issues at home. No, it's always the fault of the United States. ALWAYS.
2007-08-24 09:39:23
answer #4
answered by Bumblebee711 5
Of course Mexico is going to protect her. Illegals send billions back across the border that flows into Mexico's economy. And of course she is wrong. Lock her up for 10 years the next time she comes here. Habitual offender.
2007-08-24 09:39:01
answer #5
answered by grumpyoldman 7
It's OUR law, so it's not really up to her to say whether we broke it or not. We've never "let" people cross over without documents; they sneaked across the border. And there is no law preventing our government from collecting taxes from anyone. What the hell is she talking about?????
2007-08-24 09:33:43
answer #6
answered by Bush Invented the Google 6
Nope. I'm as appalled as you are. Their own government produces maps that demonstrate how to cross our borders. Just about all illegals working here, send money back to Mexico. Oil and U.S. money are their two largest producers of income.
It's very frustrating!
2007-08-24 09:34:52
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
This is the way our system has been going for the last 6 years. We need more voices.
2007-08-24 09:36:50
answer #8
answered by PATRICIA MS 6
Latinos wil say anything to defend their actions. and not just on immigration, ever try to talk to a latina? It's usually a very one sided convesation.
I don't care what they say on the way back home.
2007-08-24 09:33:33
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Well she was deported once and then was ordered to leave a second time. Just because the government didn't hunt her down all over the country doesn't mean she was welcome.
2007-08-24 09:33:48
answer #10
answered by Brian 7