Great question, Johnny, congratulations! I haven't encountered such interesting thing for a long time! I'll suggest a solution, not claiming for completeness, the problem being tough.
Now the obvious cases
1 + 4 + 4 = (1*2)^2 + (2*1)^2 + (2*2)^2 = 9 /a=b=1, c=2/
4 + 9 +36 = (1*2)^2 + (1*3)^2 + (2*3)^2 = 49 /a=1,b=2,c=3/
of course satisfy a + b = c as proven in one of the answers, but take
6^2 + 18^2 + 27^2 = 33^2, producing
(2*3)^2 + (2*9)^2 + (3*9)^2 = 1089, here a=2, b=3, c=9 â a+b and there exist infinitely many such solutions. To find them you'll need first to solve the Diophantine equation
x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = R^2 in positive integers, i.e. to find the integer-coordinate points on a sphere /R-radius/. This is a known problem, putting away somewhat lengthy details the solution is given by formulas:
x = |p^2 + q^2 - r^2|
y = 2pr
z = 2qr, here p,q,r are arbitrary integers, 1 or 3 of them odd,
/e.g. p=1, q=3, r=5, so x=15, y =10, z=30, R=35/, or
x = |p^2 + q^2 - r^2|/2
y = pr
z = qr, /p,q,r are arbitrary integers, 0 or 2 of them odd, e.g. p=1, q=2, r=3, so x=2, y=3, z=6, R=7/.
Now, having expressions, producing all triplets (x, y, z), where x^2 + y^2 + z^2 is a perfect square you easily obtain
ab=x, bc=y, ca=z, then
a = sqrt(xz/y), b=sqrt(xy/z), c=sqrt(yz/x), so you must take care xz/y, xy/z and yz/x to be (1) integers; (2) perfect squares. The first is easy - take the least common multiple M of x,y,z then instead of x,y,z take x'=Mx, y'=My, z'=Mz /the sum of their squares is also a perfect square!/, then x'z'/y', x'y'/z' and y'z'/x' will be integers. Go on with the same approach - try to expand with a factor N /suitably chosen - here is the whole thing!/ so that Nx'z'/y', Nx'y'/z' and Ny'z'/x' to be perfect squares - you have now a triplet (a, b, c) as required!
That way you can obtain infinitely many solutions of your nice problem, take this for dessert, obtained as described above:
a=17, b=30, c=85=5*17:
(17*30)^2 + (30*85)^2 +(17*85)^2 = 2975^2
P.S. I tried to suggest an approach how to find numeric solutions, but to find explicit expressions for ALL of them, or to find conditions as you suggest - well, seems difficult!
2007-08-24 08:12:25
answer #2
answered by Duke 7