Pirate Shirt Dot Com, by Shannon Risk
The Hammond sisters & their friend, Gabby, run a romantic adventure dating service, with their own love stories unfolding along the way. Toss in a hunky pirate for comic relief.
Ask at your public library. If they don't have it, they might get it on inter-library loan.
Otherwise, it is available at Amazon & Barnes & Noble for $16.95 plus S&H.
2007-08-30 02:05:51
answer #1
answered by soupkitty 7
I just have to recommend this totally unknown book-- "Last Days of Summer" by Steve Kluger. You can find it on abebooks.com or any other place that sells books no one buys-- it's brilliant-- the format is different (took me awhile to get into it), the writing is excellent, it made me laugh out loud in parts, and at the end it had me sobbing. An EXCELLENT story, told in the most unusual way.
Also, "Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas" by James Patterson was nice enough, and then left me absolutely gasping for breath at the end.
And Brian Aldiss's "Starship"-- it's a book you can only read once. Don't let anyone tell you anything abut it-- just read. And when it's done you'll think, "WHAT??" and go back and look for everything you were told... that you thought you knew, that you didn't. Absolutely brilliant.
All different genres, but all great reads. Have fun!
2007-08-31 00:20:07
answer #2
answered by LJG 6
The Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyers is amazing; just finished the third book, and it is just fantastic. I've also been reading the Bloody Jack series by L.A. Meyer, and that has just blown me away. Pirates! by Celia Rees is very good, and you really can't go wrong with the classics. Break out some Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway and be prepared for a great ride. :)
2007-08-31 18:34:05
answer #3
answered by La Tromboniste 2
The Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill
The Good Guy by Dean Koontz
The Ruins by Scott Smith
Lisey's story by Stephen King
Invisible Prey by John Sandford
The Quickie by James Patterson
2007-08-24 10:54:27
answer #4
answered by Oz 7
I just finished reading 'The memory keeper's daughter' by Kim Edwards. It was very heart-wrenching and beautifully written. "The stunning novel starts on a winter night in 1964 when a blizzard forces Dr. David Henry to deliver his own child. His son is born perfectly healthy, but the doctor's wife is having more contractions and realizes that she is having twins. After the birth, the doctor immediately recognizes that his newborn daughter has Down syndrome and will probably die young. For motives he tells himself are good, he makes a split-second decision that will haunt all their lives forever. He asks his nurse, Caroline, to take the baby away to an institution. Instead she disappears into another city to raise the child as her own." I'm not into the whole lovey-dovey thing, but this book was actually pretty good.
But if your not into that, I really liked "Kill Me" by Stephen White. It's actually not as off-putting as it sounds. Bold and provocative, you wont be able to put it down.
"He's rich, powerful, attractive - and attracted to danger. The only thing he is afraid of is being left dependent on others. He would far rather die.
So he uses his wealth to take out and insurance policy like no other. It offers him an 'end of life' service. If he's struck by illness or accident, his insurers will kill him - literally. Quickly, Painlessly and 'Accidentally'
However when his circumstances change he begins to question the wisdom of the policy. But he is locked into a binding contract with his insurers, and it will be a battle to the death to get out of it....."
2007-08-31 18:39:10
answer #5
answered by Norah H. 3
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
Midsummer Night's Dream (play)
Hope this helps!
2007-08-25 18:41:38
answer #6
answered by cheer_girl_1234 4
I have answered this question so many times, I decided to dedicate a web site to answer this question. Here it is:
Included is a list of only the best sorcery fantasy books, grade reading level, a short review of each book, and a "reader's choice" list of favorite books.
If this isn't you're area of interest, try this: http://www.awardannals.com/wiki/Honor_roll:Genres - books ranked by the number of awards they've won. Sure, it's slanted toward the newer books, but your not likely to find any garbage at the top of these lists.
I hope this helps.
Jim, http://www.jimpettis.com/wheel/
2007-08-23 22:45:01
answer #7
answered by JimPettis 5
The Kite Runner is really good.
Fahrenheit 451 (by Ray Bradbury)
Of Mice and Men (by John Steinbeck)
The Haunting of Hill House (by Shirley Jackson)
Pretty much anything out by Stephen King (the newest is "Blaze")
2007-08-23 22:42:55
answer #8
answered by Nancy 3
Do you like to read light romance? I'm an author of a book called "A Winter To remember." It is based out of Durango, Co. which I use to live so I used the area to write my first novel. If you would like a copy you may email me with your full name and address to JGraham87413@yahoo.com with the subject "I want your novel" and you can mail me a check for $7.50 to the address I'll give to you in a reply email.
Look forward to your email.
2007-08-31 10:12:03
answer #9
answered by jgraham87413 1
A great and terrible beauty and the sequel (the 3rd is coming in Dec.) the Twilight series is sooo good. umm.. The Secret life of Bees, any Jodi Picoult books..hope that helps
2007-08-23 22:44:29
answer #10
answered by Heather S 2