Start joing a social activity,play any sport,join any course for languages or any other social fiels in order to be surrounded by good people , go out with your friends,leave the computer for sometime,spend alot of time outside with people.
2007-08-23 10:23:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
cut ur THING off.As long as it's active & strong u'"ll go 4 porn again & again or blow ur eyes off, u'll never dream of looking at it again or the safest way is to go and get help 4m the experts who can cure ur DISORDER. Jokes apart....
Come on man... learn to control ur mind... ur mind should b under ur control & not that u let ur mind control u.The moment ur mind takes control of u then consider u r gonna b a loser in no time..u r a person and u've ur own individuality.U should prove it and never let it down.Do meditation and get some Yoga classes. It will help u a lot 4 sure, trust these word 4m a proud Indian, we invented the art of sex(kamasutra) and the art of Yoga, so who knows better than us!
Also try spending more time with ur "GOOD"friends, get involved in other activities or join ur family 4 some quality time or try to have some1 older 4m ur family by ur side most of ur spare time so that u dont go 4 it, if u r honestly speaking 4m ur heart.Good Luck, NAMASTE!
2007-08-23 10:46:15
answer #2
answered by Firoz Ramachandran 2
keep your mind out of it, every time your mind thinks about porn and tells you to watch them, divert your attention to something else. like what they said above here.
I was a victim of that blizzard. and Im getting the hang of not watching again. I found a hobby, friends, life. the things porn wont promise you to have. we were born without porn ruling our life so, why let porn ruin life for you. right?
Goodluck on you divertion hunt, and God Bless!
2007-08-23 14:41:07
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Focus on the real world. Get some hobbies... play pool, drink beers, make friends... start dating and enjoy real life... the fantasy world will melt away. If you're married, take your wife out more often and enjoy the sexy beast you married!
2007-08-23 10:09:57
answer #4
answered by Zloar 4
See a Psychologist. Not a PC forum.
2007-08-23 10:01:29
answer #5
answered by rdfdjd 3
So don't stop.
2007-08-23 10:03:09
answer #6
answered by Pat Smear 4