Simply put there is two very big factors that control the division between the sexes that we deal with everyday. One is the physical, by its most fundemental natures man and woman are different. We can't dispute that, we can dispute how much it influences us, which it shouldn't be seen as weaker, smarter, or anthing like that, becasue were just two sides to the same coin. Like our sexuality, is fundemental based on the fact that guys will always be in a position to domant and women in a position to be summisive. This doesn't have to do with size, shape or anything just because of the physics of the action. Now all other differences are cultural, are put on us by societies norms, and beliefs. There not entirly right, and understanding that the opposite is just like us in the ways there different, is a quite way to getting over the insecurities of relationships.
2007-08-23 16:00:30
answer #2
answered by Brutal Honesty 7