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Its a black-light theme (so kinda glow theme)
I have no idea what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh i am soo frusterated! Please no mean comments or bad one such as a pinada!! I will give a best answer! thanks in advance!

2007-08-21 09:50:56 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Makeup

About 22 girls are coming! just all girls

2007-08-21 09:57:30 · update #1

haha! i dont have a basement! i live in California!

2007-08-21 17:18:41 · update #2

24 answers

Buy some glow in the dark paint and go crazy putting it all over the walls and ceiling in designs you want. You can get some of those stars too. The glow in the dark necklaces and bracelets are good too. Have everyone wear White T-shirts and have them write stuff on them in the paint, that can only be seen under blacklight, that you can gossip about while things are starting to die down. Get some white balloons and fill some up with air and others with shaving cream or whipped cream then hold a balloon popping contest...someone will get creamed. Get a list of music that everybody will like and start burning or downloading them so you can have that there. Strobe lights are often amusing as well. Get a couple bottles of club soda and some lemon and lime juices, to make your own drinks that will glow bluish under the light. Also if you know anyone who has one, borrow a karaoke machine- those always make some lasting memories, especially when someone makes a complete fool out of themselves. Then there's always truth or dare, movie games, or just rent a bunch of movies and don't let anyone sleep until they are all done. And the first one to fall asleep should wake up with hideous makeup all over their face.

2007-08-21 17:40:48 · answer #1 · answered by chelleighlee 4 · 0 0

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