I have 2 computers in my house.
One computer have internet connection and the second doesn't.
If I take a cable with RJ-45 connectors on both sides and I connect the computers,how can I use the internet in the computer that don't have intenet connection?(I don't want to buy a router,switch or a hub).
12 answers
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Computers & Internet
➔ Computer Networking
I can get "CAT5 STP Crossover Ready Cable 10m blister" is this what I need?
09:51:24 ·
update #1
you can use a crossover cable and then enable internet connection sharing on the PC with the internet connection
2007-08-21 09:50:09
answer #1
answered by Z 6
The best way to do this is with a wireless router.
You can do this without a router, but you'll see why you shouldn't, a day or so after you do.
The system that acts as the ICS host will be very slow in the performance category once ICS is enabled. Especially when the other machine(s) are doing a lot of Internet activity.
If your ICS host is off, the other system can't access the Internet.
Install a 2nd NIC in the system that will be the ICS host. Or you can connect the Cable or DSL network bridge via USB if your's has a USB port.
Put the crossover Cat5 cable between NIC of machine A and NIC of machine B.
Enable the DHCP feature of the ICS host, the system that is connected to your Cable or DSL network bridge is the ICS host.
AND yes, that blister you mention will be fine for a crossover cable.
2007-08-28 08:26:19
answer #2
answered by Jag 6
Your question is simple. You need to setup a network between two computers first. That can be done with a special type of network cable called a crossover cable. It differs from a standard network cable because two pairs of wires are switched over. Plugging in a crossover cable to the two computers should allow you to use the network setup wizard to set up your home network. Then you will want to share out yoru internet connection with the other computer depending on your operating system you may be able ot set that up with a thing called Internet connection sharing or ICS for short. Pressing the F1 key and doing a search for it should give you step by step instructions on how to do that as well.
If your connected with a broadband connection you may need a router to do this but if it is dial up it should be no problem at all. You may also be able to share out your Broadband connection through the network setup wizard as well without additional hardware.
Hope that helps
The following are some of my personal web work
2007-08-21 16:53:18
answer #3
answered by Kevin 4
Switches are very very cheap. Get one off of ebay for pennies.
If you really don't want to do that, you can do what you want by using a crossover cable between the two computers but you need two network cards in one of the computers so you can plug in the connection to the internet if it needs a RJ-45.
The other thing you can do is use the USB port for the internet modem and a network card in each computer. It's much simpler to get a small 8 port "office" switch and use that.
2007-08-21 16:55:06
answer #4
answered by foofoo 3
I understand not want to buy any more equipment, but you are kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. The way I see it you have two options.
1. buy a hub or a switch and connect both computers to it.
2. buy a crossover cable or buy a crimp tool and rj45 ends to make a crossover cable.
The 1st option is going to be the easiest and the cheapest.
2007-08-21 16:53:29
answer #5
answered by anthony9820 1
You must have either:
1) A switch or router with multiple ports,
2) One PC with 2 Network Interface Cards(using Internet Connection Sharing) (the other PC needs only 1 NIC).
Either way, you've got to procure some hardware, sorry dude.
2007-08-28 02:49:34
answer #6
answered by ricroz 2
of cause u can. let's say one computer has internet connection. Buy two network cards and a crossover cable to connect two computers. Then u need to share ur internet connection to another one by using internet connection sharing option on windows or installing proxy server or installing router software on that computer
2007-08-21 16:59:18
answer #7
answered by San 2
You'll need a crossover cable if you don't want to buy a £9 switch. You can turn the standard RJ45 cable into a crossover cable if you have a crimping tool.
2007-08-21 16:47:16
answer #8
answered by Linux OS 7
Use the cross linked cable..
However you forgot to mention what kind of internet connection you are using. I assume that you are using DSL.
If its broadband / DSL then your RJ45 socket will be used by them . You cannot proceed with direct connection. You have two options :
1. Buy one more network card and configure it.
2. Check you have USB socket in your DSL so that LInk ur PC with DSL using USB cable.
After that you configure your PC.
For the second PC you give gate way address as IP address of your DSL.
Example : Assume your DSL Ip :
PC1 :
Ip Adress :
Subnet :
Gateway :
PC2 :
Ip Adress :
Subnet :
Gateway :
Hope this will help you ...
Best of Luck
2007-08-29 03:52:19
answer #9
answered by Haneef Puttur 3
If you don't buy a router, then what SteveZman said is your only option.
It all boils down to the IP address. Your ISP is only going to allocate you a single IP address, therefore you something that can provide the IP address sharing capability - better known as a router running NAT.
Each PC needs a routable IP address.
2007-08-21 17:02:20
answer #10
answered by Fester Frump 7