Unfortunately, this is an assault on science by religion. Intelligent Design and Creationism can not be proven. Those are theories. Evolution is not a "theory" in the same sense as Creationism, but in the same sense as in the Pythagorean theorem. You can find proofs for both. Numbers too are a "theory," and yet you can prove their existence and solve for them. Dictionary.com defines a "theory" as "A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena." The only ones in denial of the "theory" of evolution are Christians. And why shouldn't they be? The Bible tells them otherwise, but the Bible was written by men and men are not infallible. Religion can not prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the theory of Creationism, but science can prove Evolution. Want an example? Human beings are a perfect example. Asians have an extra flap of skin over their eyes, giving them a "slanted" appearance, because long ago when they crossed the ice bridge the sun reflecting off the snow was blinding. Eskimos have shorter limbs, keeping them closer to the body, thus closer to the heart and thusly, warmer when out in the cold elements. Africans have dark skin because Africa is near the equator where the sun is the strongest. Therefore they have more pigment in their skin to protect it from the suns harmful rays. All amazing and wonderous results of nature and perhaps the work of God, but definitely the work of evolution. Let science do what it does best and let religion do the same. Religion is not meant to teach us science or history or to tell us who to vote for. Religions purpose is to give our lives a higher purpose, to teach us to be better people, to have faith in something we can't see and to have faith in each other.
2007-08-21 07:47:56
answer #1
answered by It's Your World, Change It 6
History is often lies with very little truth but the fact that dinosaur bones exist proves Christianity is a total lie. The fact that people don`t want to admit there religion is a total sham has made this joke museum to support its silly notion I bet it also shows the earth as flat. Listen at the end of the day many people do not like to admit truth if it does not fit there views ask Americans about 9 11 and a lot still live in la la land and don`t belief it was a inside job. So this is the main point to everyone before you make opinion look at evidence don`t try to find evidence to suit you views as that turns you into a bigoted retard if truth shows your silly religion a lie accept it
2007-08-21 15:11:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
What makes me laugh is that some people praise a mass murderer one day (GOD) and condemn a mass murderer (Saddam) the next ! I laugh when I here people praise a man who screwed another mans wife and she had a child and all at the same time still claimed she was a virgin ! She must have been one ugly goat roper to be married and never been laid by her husband ! There's lots of things that make me laugh.....Dino's and the idea of Dino juice powering our cars is another good one !
2016-05-19 00:24:26
answer #3
answered by ? 3
The creation museum is not a "Christian" undertaking, to start with. Witness their claim that the Earth is 6000 years old--a statement that appears NOWHERE in the Bible.
What htis is is a propaganda enterprise, funded and put toghether by the religious-political cults on the extreme right. The goal is to advance their political agenda--and they hope to do so (as well as collect a lot of money) with this fake "museum."
They are well aware that their claims are false--and don't care. If they snag a few unwary and emotional vulnerable people into their cult organizations--along with their money--that's all they are after.
2007-08-21 07:58:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If you do some research (Google search and otherwise) and are open minded about it, you'll see some problems and discrepancies with what "science" is promulgating as truth. It has nothing to do with a political assault on science. there is nothing political about a religious belief concerning the formation of our planet. It is however interesting that one museum demonstrating an opposing view point to the Darwinist/evolutionary theory is so problematic to those who disagree with it. whatever happened to being open minded and accepting of opposing viewpoints? Seems like that trait was not handed down through the evolutionary process to the liberals of our society who feel so threatened by a different belief system than theirs.
2007-08-21 07:49:28
answer #5
answered by Wayne G 5
Like many things, creationists have their own interpretation on what the Bible is describing in Genesis.
One can look at it with the view that the days in the Bible are not really 24 hours. Let's say a day in the Bible is a period of time. I think the authors were just trying to say "during this time, this was done. Then during this time a little later, that was done." It's a literary freedom to say day instead "during this amount of time."
If you look at it like that, the order that things happened in the Bible quiet nicely match what science is finding out every day.
2007-08-21 07:34:10
answer #6
answered by Philip McCrevice 7
It is a THEORY that dinosaur and man existed at the same time. Just like it is a THEORY that dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago.
Now I personally find the latter to be more probable, but I also know that carbon dating is inaccurate enough to be completely worthless.
2007-08-21 07:30:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Did you also know that the rangers at the Grand Canyon are not permitted to tell people how old it is for fear of offending the same type of idiot? (I can't verify this.)
People that can't reconcile science and religion don't know enough about either.
2007-08-21 07:31:44
answer #8
answered by rjrmpk 6
Sharks, whales, turtles, lizards. Hmmm... And you were borne of a monkey? Darwin stole his "theory."
*hours later*
To those genius' who saw fit to give me a thumbs down... So, we as humans don't co exist with known (direct decendents of ) dinosaurs? Per your theory, you were borne of apes, still, there is no direct proof. But by your very actions you now deny this? Kind of hipocritical. Isn't it? And lastly, you're saying that Darwin DIDN'T steal "his" theory from his old friend? You folks should try studying a little more. So, to answer the last question asked. Is this a political assault on science? No, just an opposing theory based more on historical evidence than a subjective conclusion. Ie: if A+B =C, then A+B =D... where's your missing link?
2007-08-21 07:34:28
answer #9
answered by Doc 7
I was asking the same thing about 3 months ago...
2007-08-21 07:24:29
answer #10
answered by smellyfoot ™ 7