The greatest all-time success story and you are embarrassed. Stated like a liberal.
There are more people working in the US now, than ever before. The wages are higher than they have ever been. Your opinion of "quality" jobs is just that...opinion.
Unions are the problem with manufacturing jobs. People have to be paid $25 per hour in the US. In China, people get 25 cents per hour. There is nothing sacred about manufacturing jobs. I live near Pittsburgh, PA. I am glad that the steel industry collapsed. No more noise, dirt, pollution.
2007-08-21 01:30:30
answer #1
answered by regerugged 7
Bingo! You just decyphered the Republican strategy to manipulate # to justify their policy.
Bush reports 1.7 million new jobs in the past 5yrs, but omits the part about the 3 million the were lost his first 2 yrs
Declares a robust economy as is proven by stock market growth. The market only uses the average of the top 50 companys price per share when reporting market #'s.
This share holder profit was achieved by cutting (3 mil.) $15/hr jobs (the ones you can almost live on)and replacing them with $5/hr foreigners. The profit came from reduced production cost, not from the spending of a public in an economic boom.
The jobs created were min. wage jobs at, you guessed it, Wal Mart. as they were given TIFs and other tax incentives to build more stores making Wally richer, and 1.7 mil. people (out of the 3 mil.) are working now for $6.
Now to prevent looking bad due to an inc. in the poverty level, # of families qualifying for govt. assistance and the childrens health care plan, They lower the household income needed to qualify for these programs from $11K/yr. to $4K
Thats how Wal Mart became the #1 employer. But the #2 employer changed under the Bush Adm. as well. It's now the Fed. Gov't. Wow, I thought Con. were for small govt.
And don't even get me started on Education and at least 10 other topics I can back up with #'s. I've got hand cramps from typing already.
2007-08-21 22:58:58
answer #2
answered by H.E. G 4
Janitorial work is the fastest growing profession. Retail to sell goods from other countries. We need new products, new ideas, a new mindset, which is creativity, sensitivity to ourselves, others and our situations, love, co-operation more than competitions to reduces stress, less ego and emotions that warp perception and make accurate observation impossible and the new mind shift to the intuition, always considered a feminine trait, but actually absolutely necessary for everyone or nothing works right and emotional intelligence since they say the average person in a child emotionally. It only takes looking it up and learning a little or just a change of attitude. We always have to be studying or fall behind a fast paced times. People have no clue how important attitude is. A can do attitude and we can do. Seeing a problem is only partially awake and a nod back to sleep. The world needs to work together. Everyone passes the buck. Actually we, each individual, is part of the problem by not bringing ourselves up mentally and emotionally to be able to fix, a doctor of sorts, to be part of the solution. It's a big leap or leader and layman alike, but the technology is there now. Why aren't people getting it. Each one is adding there part to the problem and busy playing the blame game, Charity begins at home. When a person gets it together, they are not negative and unhappy, but to busy for that. That goes for complainers and complainers of complainers as well, we all need to work on ourselves and we will know what to do from there as we can see from there. Frankly the right brain is all answers looking for questions, while the incremental left brains job is to ask questions forever, that's what it does. The intuition accesses the right brain, it gives answers, that's what it does. We, meanwhile, can choose the best questions and go fetch information for the right brain. That's about it, so go fetch. And listen to the intuition, 'right brain' to know what to 'do'. All constructive, no negative judgments/opinions is what happens and is happening.
2007-08-21 09:03:41
answer #3
answered by hb12 7
Why do you believe that manufacturing jobs are high paying?
It amazes me that people act like Wal-Mart is the source of all evil in America. They pay about the same (maybe better) as the other department stores. No one had a problem with Wal-Mart til they started selling groceries. Then the food workers union got their panties in a bunch because they made no headway into getting their union in Wal-Mart. They are the ones behind the anti Wal-Mart organizations. Funny how unions are never criticized for taking dues and ignoring their members needs in favor of building political favor.
By the way according to a news story on recently Wal-Mart averages better than $10 an hour for pay. You see if you work hard you get things called raises and promotions. If you don't you get only what you are willing to work for.
2007-08-21 08:38:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It happened about the same time that selling stuff for China became our most important economic activity.
Meanwhile I don't recall Bush ever saying he created "high-paying" jobs, just "jobs," and low unemployment. The reason unemployment is so low is that most people need to have 2 of Bush's jobs in order to make a living!
At the same time, however, if selling us out to China (they currently control $1.3 trillion in U.S. assets) was the only thing he'd done wrong, Bush still might be considered a great president . . . instead of the worst leader of any major nation in the history of the world.
2007-08-21 08:58:06
answer #5
answered by worldinspector 5
Why would you be embarrassed by one of the world's greatest success stories? Wal-Mart started as a single store in Kansas and is now the largest retailer in the entire world. What's wrong with success? And despite the lies you hear in the media, Wal-Mart is a great company to work for. They pay substantially more than minimum wage, offer fantastic benefits and employee stock options. A friend of the family works for them and has cancer. Wal-Mart has paid more than $2 million for his medical bills, and no, he isn't a manager or CEO or anything like that, he's just an average employee.
The only thing you should be embarrassed by is your own ignorance of a great company, economics, and life in general.
2007-08-21 08:50:31
answer #6
answered by Aegis of Freedom 7
It's not $7.50 yet, it won't reach that level for a few years. This is the voodoo economics of the Republicans. Sure there are more jobs but people are having to work two or more low paying jobs in order to make ends meet. Thanks to Reagan and his union busting friends the good paying jobs have gone overseas. Why pay an American a good wage when you can get the Chinese to do the same job for $1.00 an hour (or less!); and we see how great the products are from China. "Free trade" is great for big business but it is killing the middle class.
2007-08-21 08:35:04
answer #7
answered by diogenese_97 5
It’s easy to be disappointed by something like this but, consider the alternative. No jobs for those people EARNING $7.50 an hour.
While it’s instinctual for good people to want to see them earning more you have to remember that if everyone is earning more, the cost of living will rise to compensate and they will be in the same boat that they were before.
At least they are employed! I call that optimism. They have the money to survive and certainly further educate themselves if they failed to do so during high school and after.
When you get down to it whose fault is it that they didn’t acquire a better education so as to EARN better pay?
2007-08-21 08:32:36
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Wal-mart is the largest employer because it's EVERYWHERE and it tends to hire part-time workers.
2007-08-21 09:05:37
answer #9
answered by fdm215 7
Walmart has such huge success because the American people are spending their money at Walmart.
That is the free enterprise system at work.
If you don't like it, don't shop at Walmart and encourage others not to shop there.
Above all, quit whining.
2007-08-21 08:32:20
answer #10
answered by credo quia est absurdum 7