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I want to write a story with vampires.

My motivation, of course, is Twilight and all the sequels by Stephenie Meyer.

I've wanted to write a vampire story for a long time, but I could never really think of anything that made sence or that sounded good to me. So I kind of just called it quites for awhile.

But after reading Stephenie Meyer's work it got me really wanting to start writing again.

Any tips? Ideas?



2007-08-20 10:45:15 · 16 answers · asked by Kat 2 in Arts & Humanities Books & Authors

Someone said somethign about reading more than Meyers works.

Don't worry, I have.
I've read stuff by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, Ellen Schreiber, and others.

2007-08-20 11:04:16 · update #1

16 answers

As a fellow Twilight enthusiast, I must say I understand why the story is acting as your source of motivation. The series is brilliant and after I read it for the first time, I emerged with a similar feeling of inspiration. However, as a writer, I want to inform you it can be dangerous to find motivation from a book, especially one that you cherish, because the final product usually ends up as some copy-cat story that poorly functions as immature fan fiction. A story should be your own.

The fun thing about vampires is that there is no limit to what you can write about them. You have the ability to create your own vampire world. The Cullen's are awesome, but they're not really my favorite vampires. I like a more classic vampire who can't go out in the daylight, has to drink human blood to survive, and is really less emotionally human. But that's me, you can do anything you want. So that's one thing, create your own universe of vampires. They can have any abilities or features you want.

Now, vampires are popular in modern culture because they are physically human. They look like us, but underneath they quite complex. While this complexity is yours to manipulate, there are several reasons as to why vampires are so endearing. First, they are usually the sexiest, most attractive creatures on the planet. Think of the movie 'Interview with the Vampire'. Who did they get to play the male vampires? Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise and Antonio Banderas. Easily some of the sexiest men in Hollywood.

Second, vampires are, no matter how you look at it, monsters. Any human with a brain should be significantly disturbed when a vampire enters the room because the vampire could shred him or her apart in seconds. Whether they must drink human blood or not, vampires will portray expert hunters, similar to a hunting animal (lions or wolves). While they look like us, they aren't us. Their mannerisms should be otherworldly. They do things and are motivated in ways we humans wouldn't understand.

Third, vampires are usually very intelligent, either because they've been around for a while (more time = more smarts), or because their transformation has enabled them to use much more of their brain power.

Four: vampires are usually really 'cool'. Why would someone who can massacre an entire nightclub full of people in minutes be afraid to flirt with a girl, Why would they ever be nervous or geeky or anything other then excellent...They're graceful (because they're hunters), smart (because they've transcended human intelligence), and sexy (BRAD PITT!!!!). They can handle anything and make it seem like a piece of cake (think Edward Cullen sneaking in through Bella's window without anyone knowing). They also have no inhibitions so they live on what we would consider the dangerous side of life, and to us, thats cool.

And then you have the fact that they can live forever. While its usually a curse to them, its what humans crave, (think about Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean). Who wouldn't want to live forever?

Now for your story, I would suggest the first thing you do is to figure out exactly what kind of creatures your vampires are. Can they go out into the sunlight, do they have super powers, do they enjoy life, how human are they, do they like humans r do they just like the way humans taste? Again, they can be anything you like.

Then you need to come up with your story. Basically you want to start with something simple. Will it be a romance story, or an action story? How about mystery? Figure out what your genre is, then start looking for a problem or a what-if. For example, 'what if' there was vampire who could go out into the sun whose blood made it possible for other vampires to go out into the sun. Or a problem: A vampire falls in love with the daughter of a vampire hunter, while that hunter is trying to kill him.

You also need a protagonist (main character-usually good) and an antagonist (bad guy). For example: in the what if scenario, the protagonist would be the vampire who could go out into the sun, and the protagonist would be a vampire that wanted his blood. You need a goal for both the protagonist and antagonist (Protagonist in the story would want to keep his life, while the antagonist would want the protagonists blood) and character motivation (again protagonist would want to keep his life, while antagonist would be motivated to get th blood so he could kill his enemies during the day while they slept).

You get your general story and then your characters (at this point, you may need to redefine your vampires a bit) all into order and do any necessary research (like, if your story is set in London, but you've lived in Washington your whole life, you'll need to do some research). Then when your fingers are itching and you know almost all your stuff, go at it, write to your hearts content. I suggest before you start to write, however, you know the whole story so you have something to motivate you to an end. JK Rowling had the ending chapter to Harry Potter written out sometime before she began to even write the second book. While it did change over time, she still had something to write towards.

I could go on, but this answer is starting to look like an essay. I hope this helped and if you happen to have any other questions, you can email me at adgilber@ucsc.edu.com.

I'll give you a link that can help you out a lot on all the important writing stuff and story stuff, but the most important thing is that you let your imagination fly and have lots of fun. Writing fiction is awesome, and if its just for yourself, meaning you keep it hidden under your bed at all times, you can really have it be as corny or silly as you want it to be. Again, hope this helps!

2007-08-20 12:20:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous_Betty 2 · 0 0

Anne Rice has amazing Vampire novels. You should read The Vampire Lestat and Queen of the Damned.

Even though I'm in my 40's, I watched Buffy The Vampire Slayer every week. You could really get some inspiration from that show. The show originally revolved around Buffy's longing to have a normal life, and how having to be a Vampire slayer ruined that chance. Perhaps you could have a vampire who still longs to be human.

How about a Vampire looking for the original Vampire that started the race? That was actually a theme in the Anne Rice novels, but you could take it in a whole different direction.

2007-08-20 10:54:00 · answer #2 · answered by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7 · 0 0

try reading Bram Stokes "Dracula" it's the original vampire story. There's also Ann Rice who wrote "The Vampire Chronicles". These include "Interview With a Vampire" "Queen of the Damned" Memnoch The Devil" as well as several others. You might also study up on Valad and Ivan the Terrible maybe even a little "Conan the Barbarian". To write a good story you have to know a good story. The Frankenstein story was born after Mary Shelly spent an evening with her friends telling scary stories. Later while she slept she had a horrible night mare that nightmare was Frankenstein. If you have the Dream You have the power.. . I personally am a reading addict so I eagerly await your being published !!!! ( No pressure! lol) Good luck

2007-08-20 11:05:53 · answer #3 · answered by breeze 3 · 0 0

Well so many have written about vampires already, but if thats what you want to write about, then you need to find out what were the common things about all the other vampire stories; and not write about those. You need to discover that uniqueness about your vampire, something that places it on a pedastal above the rest! As an example; how about a daytime vampire! I know of stories where vampires try to find a way to be able to walk in daylight, but never make it! SO FINISH IT! Who knows you might wind up with a best seller like Anne Rice!

2007-08-20 10:57:23 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

My best advice is to get as far away from Stephanie Meyer's books as possible. Find your own twist and your own stories. The vegetarian vamp is getting way over used these days. Imagine being an agent or editor at some publisher and reading 50 of those stories a day. They are really getting overloaded with that stuff and it is driving them nuts!! It is a quick and automatic rejection with some editors and agents. Slush pile stuff for others. Same with the vamp in love with a human. It is going to take some work to come up with something original. Good luck. Pax - C

2007-08-20 10:56:48 · answer #5 · answered by Persiphone_Hellecat 7 · 4 0

you should continually only write a solid tale. Then it may well be no longer something like Twilight. Harr harr. yet my very own hatred of Twilight aside, there are a number of strategies that it does no longer could desire to be a duplicate of that sequence. inspite of each little thing, this manner of vampire/human romance existed long earlier Stephenie Meyer became born, have confidence it or no longer. attempt making a itemizing of matters and ideas Meyer makes use of (going on in extreme college, interior the reducing-area, the vampire's overpowering choose for that particular human's blood, a heterosexual romance, the characters no longer desirous to have intercourse earlier marriage, the vampire being "suitable" bodily, and infinite others) and only verify to no longer use too many your self. you do no longer could desire to purposely keep away from each and each ingredient in Twilight, on account that vampire romance is a sort equipped on cliche besides. only play with the courting or the circumstances in some way(s) that makes it unusual and thrilling. and easily study another authors interior the type to get a attitude on how different writers cope with the subject. Anne Rice and Bram Stoker's Dracula are solid beginning factors. have relaxing!

2016-10-08 22:16:06 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I was thinking a 'reverse' Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

A teenage gal/guy that is a vampire. She/he has all the normal problems of a kid in school. Pale, skinny, zits....plus, vampirism. Kind of Judy Bloom meets Anne Rice.

I also really like the idea about vampires who can't come out at night. The challenge, of course, is finding a good rationale for thier aversion to moonlight or starlight.

Good luck.

2007-08-20 10:58:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have the same problem. I want to write,yet since the boy dragon slayer I cannot express much. I recomend Neruda's "Vampire Story",a poem in which the protagonist,known as anonimous decides to drink water. A war was between the blood and water drinkers. There's a lot of fascinating vampires tales,I hope yours is as great and honors the past as well.

2007-08-20 10:57:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If your going to write a vamp story you need to read around a bit more than just Ms.Meyer. Read about different perceptions of the vamps and twist them into your own. There are so many cheesy horror stories out right now your really going to have to be original- I suggest you reads some Anne Rice's work. Now those are vamp books to get hooked on.

2007-08-20 11:00:00 · answer #9 · answered by rosey459 2 · 0 0

How about a very old powerful vampire,still looks 38, who wants to die and give up imortality in looking for the secret he meets a woman and falls in love. however other vampires think he has discovered what might be the end of them all and want to distroy them both

2007-08-20 11:05:06 · answer #10 · answered by Charles C 3 · 0 0

How about writeing about a whole bunch of Vampires that live in a castle in a small town that people just keep dissapering in and nobody in the town knows why people keep dissapearing. and the end could be the whole town going on a vamp hunt. I hope it works out 4 u I love vampire storys and i loved Buffy the vampyre slayer

2007-08-20 10:51:37 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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