Yes, but having the wisdom of all their past lives, they impinge as little as possible on those in the physical life.
2007-08-20 11:10:10
answer #1
answered by Terry 7
What a bunch of bothersome answers, choose to word your topics more carefully to avoid such things in the future. I fear there is no true answer to your question. There are far to many variables. By the tone of your query I assume you are at least partly open to the idea that the dead can watch over you. Well it may very well be that they are. If you feel like they are then they are. Accept the content protected feeling and do not worry about it.
Scientifically there is no answer. Sadly spiritually there is no answer either. Anyone who gives you a blanket yes or no is a liar or a fool. It is only possible. May not even be probable. For those who are sensitive to such things, if you choose to believe it, ghosts, spirits and other paranormal activity is out there. However to know if a specific person is in one realm of existence or another is beyond knowing. There is more than one way to move on in death and knowing which path was followed by a certain being is impossible without directly experiencing it. An unfortunate answer and not one you wanted but the most accurate I can give you. I am sorry.
2007-08-20 11:12:17
answer #2
answered by kyrant 2
It depends on your personal beliefs. Every psychic may have a very different answer to this question.
I believe that those individuals who are done with their life's lesson and who chose to be a spirit guide do just that ... they help guide us along our life's path so those individuals would sense us. Perhaps not see us as we perceive sight on this plane of existence but have a connection to those they are guides to. I also believe that there are others who are not spirit guides and who are journeying forward and they are oblivious to us as we are to them.
Bright Blessings.
2007-08-20 10:47:44
answer #3
answered by )0( Cricket Song 4
If only "real" psychics can answer, no one is going to be answering your question.
2007-08-20 10:44:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Dead people are DEAD. As such, the dead cant do things the living do like compose a haiku or communicate with other people. For example, I am ALIVE, which is the opposite of dead.
Foolish Mortal Girl
Completely afraid of death
She forgets to live
Lets see a dead guy do that!!!!
2007-08-20 10:48:26
answer #5
answered by Joseph G 2
yes. there are many different and valid explanations for ghosts etc, yet the spirits of our loved ones can see us and come to us in times of great need or on our deathbeds to guide us to salvation
2007-08-20 11:56:40
answer #6
answered by kieran b 4
Yes, they can. Some also choose to make contact - usually because there was something important left undone or because we need the comfort. They choose different ways to present themselves to us.
2007-08-20 10:48:48
answer #7
answered by Zimmia 5
Sometimes. Time is different there. Sometimes their busy doing other things. Sometimes they take the time and effort to check in on us.
2007-08-20 10:44:10
answer #8
answered by St. Toad 4
Yes they can see us & even protect and guide us. Unless they died by committing suicide.
2007-08-20 10:46:15
answer #9
answered by User Z 2
yes, they visit often. They know when you are feeling down and zoom in on you
2007-08-20 12:11:14
answer #10
answered by Diamond 7