i completely agree w/ you.
2007-08-20 08:08:55
answer #1
answered by King John 4
>>To start, there are too many things wrong with the video tape like the shadows going the wrong direction and the flag waving and how you are able to see Armstrong coming down the side of the shuttle when the sun (which is the ONLY source of light) is on the other side of the shuttle.<<
Oh, where to begin?
Shadows do NOT go in the wrong direction. The ground is not flat, and you are not looking from directly above. Go out and LOOK at real shadows and notice just how many are not parallel and do the same weird things as the ones in the lunar footage.
The flag does NOT wave unless an astronaut moves the pole. It has a rod sewn across the top to hold it out precisely because in a vacuum it WON'T wave (this is not just what NASA says, it is obvious from the pictures and video). When it's not being touched it is totally static, impossible in anything but vacuum. And why would NASA be so STUPID as to have a breeze strong enough to wave a flag around in a studio they are trying to fake a vacuum in, if it was faked?
As for what lit Armstrong, what do you think the lunar surface is? It reflects enough light that we can read by it here, 250,000 miles away. Don't you think it might act as a pretty neat fill reflector when you're actually standing there? Remember, if you can see it, light IS reflecting off it.
>>And really, what proof do we have that we DID land on the moon besides the astronauts testimonies and some moon rocks<<
You've not really examined the record have you? I have. There are hours of film and video, thousands of pictures, film progress reports, surviving hardware, flown and unflown, documents printed at the time, testimonies of hundreds of thousands of people, a paper trail so big that if you consolidated every document related to Apollo you'd need a building larger than the VAB at Cape Canaveral to hold all those pages, and so on and so forth. That is all evidence, and it all points the same way, IF you happen to understand enough about the real world to know how to interpret what you are seeing. People who talk about weird shadows and waving flags in still pictures evidently don't.
>>which have the same make up as earth rocks so they could have come from my backyard for all I know.<<
But a geologist is not so easily fooled. Geologists from all over the world have studied the lunar samples and agreed that they are NOT earth rocks, and that they were formed in an environment devoid of water and with a lower gravity than Earth. They contain some of the same elements, but that is not the same as saying they are the same as Earth rocks, any more than diamond and graphite are the same because they are both made of carbon.
>>And there was plenty of motive for us to fake it. When WWII ended the cold war started to see who was going to be the dominant force in the world, this started as an arms race in which both countries (US and USSR) amased enough nukes to blow the world up like 25 times over. Since this did not prove a winner of the cold war it became the Space Race to see who had the bigger balls. So basically whoever made it to the moon first was going to be the dominant force.<<
That, to me, seems like a pretty damn good motive for actually doing it. After all, the country who can show the other to have duped the world is going to come up trumps politically there.
Apollo was real. loko at ALL the evidence, not just some crappy conspiracy theorist website.
2007-08-20 09:05:33
answer #2
answered by Jason T 7
Oh man... Why do humans just get dumber and dumber all the time? Shouldn´t evolution produce smart humans atleast now and then?
Have you ever stood in the shadow of a tall building on a sunny day? Was it pitchblack or could you still see the side of the building? Well the sun was the ONLY lightsource so where did the light come from? Little magic elves with flashlights? The SURROUNDINGS of any environment will always reflect light. If there are surfaces, even those as dark as the surface of the moon, light will be reflected. Especially in an environment like the moon where the sunshine is twice as energetic as it is on earth.
Also, have you ever seen the full moon? You can read a book in that moonlight (not that I expect you to ever having read a book). Now consider that the earth disc is 13 times bigger when seen from the moon than the full moon is when seen from earth. And also consider that the earths albedo is 0.37 while the moons is only 0.07. What do all of these mysterious numbers mean? Well if you have a calculator, and the brains to use it, it means that from the moon the (full) earth would shine almost 70 times more bright than the full moon on a completely cloudless night! I would call that a pretty powerful lightsource...
Oh yeah there is also the small matter of soviet soilsamples from the moon that match the US soilsamples in composition. Maybe they were working together with their fraud just to confuse you. But that kind of takes the cold war out of the equation as a motif for faking the landings in the first place, doesn´t it?
2007-08-20 09:14:10
answer #3
answered by DrAnders_pHd 6
We landed on the moon. The conspiracy theories are based on half-truths and scientific misunderstandings. Shadows "in the wrong direction" can be explained by uneven surface, and some sites have even reproduced the illusion on earth. People talk about the flag waving, but I've never seen anyone offer an image of the flag moving without an astronaut handling it or a rocket going off. And the idea that moon rocks are just like rocks found in ones backyard shows a complete lack of understanding of those rocks.
Don't just read the conspiracy theorists postings... read the science.
2007-08-20 10:35:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
you forgot to put the S at the end of landings, there were 6 you know not 1. there were 2 more originally planed but the last 2 were canceled so the money could be used in other programs, as most people had become bored & lost interest in moon landings after the first 6 times. you would be better off proving the earth is flat because there's too much evidence for the landings. while there is no evidence that the world is round that YOU would accept.
2007-08-20 10:36:03
answer #5
answered by Who Dat ? 7
It is not open to opinion. The same as the ISS and the shuttles are not open to opinion.
If you cannot think past tabloid type hype, then you belong to a very sad group of people with no expertise at all who can be coerced into believing almost anything.
Like the nonsense about the World Trade Center not being hit by airliners. There's even a movie out. But it is so simply garbage because if we were shown a fake film of American and United airliners hitting those towers, isn't it obvious that thousands of employees of those airliners would be screaming at their TVs "hey, we never lost any planes". Or the air traffic controllers "hey, we never lost those planes off radar".
Planes are big and accountable.
Same with moon landing. Thousands of engineers from the ones who developed the suits, the ones who helped build the rovers, and the hundreds who developed the lander, would be scrutinizing the film from the moon to see how their creations were performing.
And are you stupid enough to believe that in six landings these people never noticed one thing that would alert them to a fake?
It is staggering that people can be so ignorant, and worse still that they can demean what was a tremendous achievement by thousands of people who put their lives on the line to take men to the moon.
2007-08-20 08:56:11
answer #6
answered by nick s 6
Why do people keep posting this conspiracy theory? It's been refuted a thousand times on Y! Answers, in popular literature, on television...
First off, several hundred thousand people were involved in the moon landing. Don't you think SOMEONE would have come forward by now to make a confession?
Secondly, the Russians hated the US, and would take any opportunity to embarrass us on the world stage. They were tracking Apollo 11 just the same as the rest of the world - wouldn't they have, I don't know, TOLD SOMEONE?
Thirdly, there is a laser ranging system that was installed on the moon by Apollo astronauts (not 11, I don't recall which). You can actually visit the laser system on earth, watch it fire, and see th reflections off of the laser panel on the surface of hte moon.
Fourthly, the FLAGS DON'T MOVE. They all have a series of copper rods in them. The first Apollo flag was rumpled from storage in the trip, but the astronauts liked the way it looked, and left it. All other Apollo landings followed that tradition.
Fifthly, the SHADOWS AREN'T WRONG. How are they wrong? Or are you just repeating what some 3-in-the-morning AM Radio host said?
Look, just read here:
2007-08-20 08:10:06
answer #7
answered by Brian L 7
This is a joke right?
Did we fake the developement of nuclear weapons too? It was all a fake to scare off enemies right? We really blew up hiroshima with a rather large amount of tnt or some such nonsense?
What else dont you believe in? Superalloys? Electricity? The wheel? The fact that your parents had to have had sex? Well, maybe they shouldnt have, but believe me here, you didnt come by delivery from a bag hanging out of a birds mouth.
Study up on some real science, learn about physics and chemistry, and engineering and when you put them together, you too will know how to make something like this happen.
2007-08-20 08:15:55
answer #8
answered by Koozie the chemist 4
My opinion is that people who believe it was a hoax are sorely lacking in critical thinking skills. All the "evidence" presented by the hoax believers has been thoroughly debunked, and much of it can be easily figured out by anyone willing to turn on a few rational brain cells.
For example: the astronauts in the shadows were lit by reflected light from the surface of the moon, and the exposures were set accordingly. Anyone who has observed carefully will have noticed that surfaces reflect light.
2007-08-20 08:31:29
answer #9
answered by injanier 7
Sure. NASA managed to trick the entire world, about 1/5 of a million of which WORKED on the project, that we really landed on the moon. And then they kept the so-called "astronauts" quiet (where they could have earned millions and millions from the public by telling the media about it), which requires tens of millions of dollars or very harsh, inhumane consequences. And then they repeated the feat five more times!!! Of course the moon landings are faked. 0.o
2007-08-20 08:16:44
answer #10
answered by Echo 5
Real, but the films were doctored and there was more going on then told to the public. The biggest question is how and where did they get protection from the bursts of energy from solar storms, which if you look at the calendar of solar flares, there were many. Is there really a moon base or at least a bunker dug into the moon. Aliens ships and buildings?
2007-08-20 08:13:06
answer #11
answered by wtf2008 1