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I'm 30 years old and within the past 3-4 years, I've gotten married and had a baby. Prior to this, I was relatively attractive. I had friends and family members compliment me all the time about how pretty I looked and I felt proud of that since I worked hard to look good. I had trendy clothes, great make-up, nice hair, and full of confidence. Now, I'm totally opposite. I've gained weight and feel unattractive. I wear clothes that people in their fifties probably wear and hide my large body behind big clothes. I miss feeling pretty and attractive. Its been years since I've felt that way. I'm not proud of how I look and notice myself not wanting to go out and meet with people (like by husbands' friends) because I feel so unattractive and ashamed of the way I am. Its not that I think I'm ugly. Its just that I don't think I look good. I look like a frumpy (spelling?) old lady. Have you felt or do you feel the same way? Thoughts? Experiences? Please share.

2007-08-19 20:29:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Other - Beauty & Style

7 answers

I know exactly how you feel. I totally isolated myself for fear of being embarrassing to my husband (who of course wasn't embarrassed) or to my self. I took a lot of deep discussions with people I trusted to help me realize I just had to decide I was still attractive. I fix myself up everyday, wear nice (figure flattering) clothes, keep my hairstyles current and cute. That alone can do wonders for your self esteem. I also try to spend "ME" time every week. Just doing something for me. And most importantly I had to start believing I was looking great and not talk negative about myself anymore. It is still a road, but I am so much closer to the top of the hill than I was a year ago. Good luck!

2007-08-19 20:39:10 · answer #1 · answered by PJ 3 · 0 0

I know exactly how you feel. I just turned 30 and I have three kids. I have gained about 40 pounds and started to feel frumpy. But just because I've gained weight doesn't mean I still can't look good. I still buy clothes that are stylish and try to fix myself up when I go out. The worst thing you can do is "let yourself go." But now that my girls are going back to school I'm going to start going to the gym. To keep myself motivated every time I lose 5lbs I'll buy a little reward for myself.

2007-08-20 04:57:27 · answer #2 · answered by michelle v 3 · 0 0

You should not be down on yourself like this. You can help how you look and feel. I am 41 and I feel 25. I have lost 30 pounds and I think I look good. I use to feel like you but things change for you if you believe in yourself. Things will get better for you.I am not much of a socialable person myself but that does not mean I am ugly or down on myself. I just like to be alone most of the time. I do my best thinking then. Get yourself on a diet and go from there. After I lost my weight I felt like a new person and so will you. I have never stopped believeing in myself nor should you. Good luck.

2007-08-20 03:43:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous 4 · 0 0

Ok in a 9 yr period Ive had 4 children and after I got done with the bf gig, I was overweight and I admit it and I hated how I looked and felt all the time so I decided to do somthing about it. For every food I cooked that needed margarine I ten halved it and for everything I was doing I would do some stretches to stay in shape.
You wont always stay that way so keep your chin up

2007-08-20 03:43:12 · answer #4 · answered by Christine H 2 · 0 0

My grandma used to complain about this all the time. My grandma used to be skinny trendy and gorgeous (i saw pictures) then when she got divorced she gained a ton of weight and got up to about 250 pounds (starting at about 115) then lost both of her breast to breast cancer and just let herself go. a few years later she decided that she needed change. so she changed to an all organic, low fat, diet. she went on a three mile walk with her friend everyday. started wearing makeup again. and I think she just told herself that she was pretty and even though she was getting old she could still be pretty. And now she is 130 pounds and 58 years old and looks beautiful. and I think that if my grandma can do this then you can too. Just start taking walks maybe with you child, change your dietary habbits, and just be confident.

2007-08-20 03:43:22 · answer #5 · answered by Steph 2 · 0 0

why not try exercising, and going out and rewarding yourself with new clothes once you have lost the weight?

2007-08-20 03:35:06 · answer #6 · answered by stinky_pitts_101 4 · 0 0

omg youre scaring me!!
already on my list of worst fears is aging and being pregnant

2007-08-20 03:34:23 · answer #7 · answered by 412envy 7 · 1 0

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