It generally refers to distance and general direction. If you live on one side of a city block and your friend lives on the other side, you would most likely walk around the block to get there. But a crow flies in a straight line to his destination, so if you were to go "as the crow flies", you would probably jump the fence to avoid the added time and distance it would take the walk around the block.
2007-08-19 06:45:52
answer #1
answered by OhKatie! 6
The Crow Flies Straight
2016-10-03 07:28:06
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Crows and other birds, when traveling from one point to another, fly and tend to do so in a straight line. People on the other hand often have to go around various features in the terrain, so the distance they cover is often greater than the distance a crow would cover. An example, if you're next to a deep river and want to reach the other side, it might be 1 mile as the crow flies (straight line over the river to the destination) but 10 miles walling as you need to go 5 miles to the nearest bridge.
2007-08-19 06:45:45
answer #3
answered by Pirate AM™ 7
This Site Might Help You.
What is the meaning behind the term......As the crow flies?..Anyone???
2015-08-16 21:44:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
A straight line. A crow doens't have to follow a path or road. If you are going on a trip it would be faster to go as the crow flies.
2007-08-19 07:03:04
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
There many explanations: 1. If you see a crow, eye to eye, that mean the someone close will die. 2. If one flies over you that mean that death will come to you. 3. When a crows pecks the ground and cries, that is when there is a dead body or someone will die there. 4. When a crow lands on your shoulder, it means that there is a dark enitity close to you. 5. When the crow stares at you and cries, that mean bad luck will come.
2016-03-14 05:16:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
it means a straight line between where you are and where you are going. as the crow flies
2007-08-19 06:45:37
answer #7
answered by charliecoesr 2
Don't know but heres an interesting side bar.
Lead cups were used to drink ale or whiskey. The
combination would
sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days.
Someone walking along
the road would **take them for dead and prepare them
for burial. They were
laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and
the family would
gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if
they would wake up.
Hence the custom of holding a wake. **
2007-08-19 06:42:37
answer #8
answered by theladygeorge 5
If you drive from D.C. to Chicago, youll follow the interstate its 708 miles. If you could fly straight maybe 608 miles because you'll be on a more direct line.
example #2 Phoenix,Az. to Big Apple(New York) driving 2309 miles along I-17toI-40 to I-81 to I-78 thru jersey, or just fly over maybe save 200to 300 miles...
2007-08-19 06:53:42
answer #9
answered by ? 7
For the best answers, search on this site
There is a meaning behind every event, significant or seemingly insignificant, in your life: to bring your closer to God. How the crows factor in, I can only guess... perhaps to get you questioning your reality? Cheers, Jesse
2016-03-27 06:01:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous