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I hear around one in five young school children in England are now non-white and this is due to increase fast.

People say the BNP are racist and therefore one shouldn't vote for them. however as a white man why should this concern me? Most racism from the government seems to be directed at Englishmen, so unless I'm supposed to vote altruistically and for people who hate me, why should I not vote for the BNP?

Finally, I hold a BSc and I'm happily married so please don't infer that that my inquisition is anything other than it is - I'd just be interested to hear why voting BNP would be harmful to me and mine.

Lastly, and probably most important is that I see the BNP as a pressure group who will force the issue of immigration to be talked about, I don't believe a vote will lead them into power anytime soon.




2007-08-18 12:17:47 · 24 answers · asked by Filled With Foreboding 1 in Politics & Government Elections

24 answers

For an educated man, I am suprised you read any tabloid (regardless of it's political leaning). People are concerned about immigration into the UK from both liberal and conservative leanings. It is how it is to be addressed that is the real issue here. I don't think your statistic of 20% non-white school children is true, may be in some inner city areas it is, but not as a UK average. My wife has taught in both inner city areas and rural areas, and I would say it was more like 5% on average for her. Anyway, "white" will become a minority, but I don't have a problem with that. I can trace my white British heritage back to circa 1680, but I would mind if my son had a Black, Asian, Latin or whatever other ethnicity he so chose as his partner.
Personally, I would step away from party politics, be it Conservative, BNP, UKIP, Lib Dem's, Labour or Raving Looney Party, and opt for an independent who shared my views, that way it would be a protest vote, unless of course Martin Bell came and stood in my area. Party politics look out for the interest of selfgain and that of the rich businessman, not for the common man on the street. Don't get me wrong, I have researched the BNP well, I actually like their transport policy and farming policy, but the rest is scarey. They are homophobic, sexist and racist. Read the first posters post, can't remember the guy he has quoted, famous quote as it is, but still important today as it was back in the WWII.

EDIT!: You admitted you have joined the BNP, so why ask a question like this? Or are you BNP folk expanding your usual one line statements/questions in the hope it makes you look clever?

2007-08-18 20:40:38 · answer #1 · answered by Spawnee 5 · 4 2

You should be able to vote for whoever you want to. If the BNP got in to power, then that would have been by an electoral majority some people (esp on here, judging by the previous comments) might not like it but if that happened that would simply be the wish of the people.

I cannot for the life of me see them ever getting in, and to be truthful I personally would not like it, however; governments and the people should learn by history, if you marginalise ANY group, there will inevitably be some kind of backlash, so whether white peoples fears are founded or not, if they (the white population) perceive themselves to be marginalised by a government that does not look after all it's people equally, then the power base shifts towards the extremists. One can see this happening in local by-elections where parties such as the BNP make gains.

It is no good spouting off about how bad (or good) a particular party is when some people feel aggrieved by what they feel is or is not happening to them. The question is not therefore to vote or not to vote for the BNP, it is a matter of voting for the party that is most likely to do what governments are supposed to do and that is to look after and govern fairly all the people under their care, not just to pander to the vote catching tactics, but more to foster, listen to, and nurture all the people they will govern.

2007-08-18 21:05:10 · answer #2 · answered by er_noidea 2 · 2 0

I'm afraid that like others I'm not convinced that you hold a degree and if you do, then that is an indictment of the current paucity of the British education system.

You should vote however you choose to, you will do so anyway. After all. you told us more than a month ago that you'd joined the BNP:


Do not however, attempt to claim that any of the examples which you provide have led you to do so. You say that you hear that one in five young school children are non-White and that this is due to increase fast. Where did you hear this and why weren't you able to provide a link? I'm not convinced those figures are anywhere near correct. Likewise, "most racism from the government seems to be directed at Englishmen", you say. The English are not a race. Nevertheless, you provide a link to an article which quotes the then Director General on the need to increase the ethnic diversity of the BBC workforce. How is that racist? Your link to the Daily Mail is erroneous too. Lets assume that they have reported events correctly. Well the higher percentage of graduates is in Leicester; I know where I'd I locate my offices. Lastly, you see the BNP as a, "pressure group". Indeed, and rather than apply pressure yourself to central government via your MP, you would rather ally yourself with a group who have as their political ideology a discredited racial theory against which we fought a World War in which millions of people died.

Having seen many of your answers on YA, I think you decided some time ago where your allegiances lay. As others indicate, you have the right to choose who to vote for as do I and as do all other Britons; a right which the BNP would not hesitate to deny millions of people. That is only one of the many reaons why they, or rather you, will never be in power.

2007-08-19 18:03:33 · answer #3 · answered by politicsguy 5 · 6 1

I too have many of the same concerns as you. Political correctness is stifling our freedoms and the huge unstoppable wave of immigrants that has been an unprecedented catastrophe for our country is something we have had no say in what so ever. Millions of people moan about these issues every day, yet they will not vote for the only party willing to do anything about it! Please ignore all the idiots on here saying the BNP are Nazis, I laugh every time someone says the BNP go around with skin heads and swastikas tattooed on their foreheads because it's pure bollocks. Your right the BNP will never get in power because this country has too many die hard liberals. But every vote for the BNP counts as it sends a message to west minister that we wont stand for this anymore!!

2007-08-20 17:16:56 · answer #4 · answered by Martin 3 · 2 1

By the time BNP come into power you won't probably be alive anyway!

If there are more coloured kids than more white kids in school then what can we do? Why does it bother us soooo much. These kids whether brown,pink, white or blue are all entitled to an education just like you did.

Some of these coloured kids parents pay more tax to the government than maybe me and you put together and so why sholdn't they get equal treatment.

You can vote who you like but what will the bnp do for the planet apart from make it all white. Would bnp make it a tax and easy trouble free economical environmental friendly planet?
I don't thnk they are that educated. they are all hooligans n anyones eye.
its a free country...vote who you like

2007-08-20 07:05:35 · answer #5 · answered by lovelylaura 3 · 1 2

You should vote for the BNP, you have clearly already made up your mind and just want the views on here to make you feel better about it. They wont. You are voting for a party founded on racial intolerance and whose policies promote the marginalisation of women, gay people, and any ethnic minority etc.
If you have daughters, what kind of life would they have under a political system where they are seen as inferior? what might thier husbands treat them like? The BNP are mighty similar to extremist islamic systems where woman are not seen or allowed out without a male relative - the irony of this should not be lost, would you want you family bought up in that now? If not, why would you help try vote in something based on the same principles?
Stop reading the daily mail, and start thinking, if your not happy with whats happening, get involved in your community and help bring about some changes. Oh, and try visiting a school and see if your statistics are right.

2007-08-19 06:24:30 · answer #6 · answered by K R 2 · 5 3

Well you sound intelligent enough to understand a few points.
1. Please vote for the BNP. Your vote would not make much difference. It will be wasted. The reason is that the second world war showed the world what would happen if extremists - elected or gain power on the basis of race and racial grievances - can do in terms of genocide and world destabilisation. Millions died that time. So they will stack the odds so high that the BNP will never win anything useful

2. The earths population is 70% non white and climbing. So eventually whites are going to "finish." Get used to it. But it is not going to be in your lifetime anyway.

3 The fate of the individual rests with them and just because you feel this way towards people who dont even know you or agree with you, does not mean it is right for all of the whites.
So much so that a lot of whites have immigrated to other "darker" countries and have married locally and will be disgusted by people like the BNP.
4. People are equal and this plot of land that you think belongs to you actually belongs to planet earth and you have but a limited time to pass through it. Think of E powell and where he is now.

2007-08-18 19:38:12 · answer #7 · answered by K. Marx iii 5 · 6 4

Why shouldn't you vote BNP? Because the quotes below from their leaders tell you what you are voting for.

NICK GRIFFIN - Leader of the BNP

On Race: "Without the White race nothing matters [other right-wing parties] believe that the answer to the race question is integration and a futile attempt to create "Black Britons", while we affirm that non-Whites have no place here at all and will not rest until every last one has left our land."

On Nazi leader Adolf Hitler: 'Yes, Adolf went a bit too far. His legacy is the biggest problem that the British nationalist movement has to deal with. It just creates a bad image."

On Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler's autobiography: "At 13, I read Mein Kampf, making notes in the margins… I remember thinking, are the Jews really that bad? The chapter I most enjoyed was the one on propaganda and organisation there are some really useful ideas there."

On democracy: “[BNP voters backed] what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan ‘Defend Rights for Whites’ with well-directed boots and fists. When the crunch comes, power is the product of force and will, not of rational debate.”

On the Holocaust:

“I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that 6 million Jews were gassed and cremated or turned into lamp shades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the earth is flat … I have reached the conclusion that the ‘extermination’ tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie and latter witch-hysteria.”

"The "extermination" tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie and latter witch hysteria."

"It's well known that the chimneys from the gas chambers at Auschwitz are fake, built after the war ended."

On Sir Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascists: "'There is a strong, direct link from Oswald Mosley to me."

MARK COLLETT: BNP Director of Publicity

On Winston Churchill: "Churchill was a f****** c*** who led us into a pointless war with other whites [i.e. The Nazis] standing up for their race".

On the Prince of Wales: "He's a f****** traitor."

On the Royal Family: "The Royals have betrayed their people. When we're in power they'll be wiped out and we'll get some Germans to rule properly."

On whether British-born blacks are British: "Just because a dog is brought up in a stable doesn't make him a horse."

On Aids: "A friendly disease because blacks, drug users and gays have it."

On Jews: "There's not a European country the Jews haven't been thrown out of. When it happens that many times, it's not just persecution. There's no smoke without fire."

On Adolf Hitler: "Hitler will live forever; and maybe I will."

You know that they are a racist party. If you support their racist agenda to remove all non-whites from the UK, you should vote for them.

If you just want to open the debate on immigration, there are far better ways.

REDMONK trots out the same nonsense - so just a few points:

I'm impressed that you can tell by looking at a class of children which are English and which aren't. It's a gift I don't have, divining nationality by sight. Unless you are suggesting that the brown skinned ones aren't English??

Your persistent cry of 'ethnic cleansing' is an insult to those who have been victim of this in Europe and Africa, and is nothing but ethnocentric paranoia.

Your repeated belief that New Labour, who I agree are highly flawed, are a communist party shows your political ignorance, and your assertion that UKIP and BNP will make significant electoral progress is laughable. If the Tories implode completely, UKIP might pick up the odd seat at the next election. The BNP will pick up nothing because the British public know them for the racist thugs they are. Your continued defence of the BNP can only be stupidity or support for the racist thugs.

2007-08-19 08:21:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

You can vote for who you want, and for the BNP if you are a racist. You don't wand to force the issue of immigration to be talked about to have a sound debate, you want to talk about it to prevent it. You pathetic fascist. Immigration is talked about all the time in political circles - I know because I am involved in the union movement. If it wasn't for immigration, a lot of the crappy jobs that we take for granted would not get done in this country.

Go do some proper reading, stop thinking about yourself and get some humanity. And of course you're supposed to vote altruistically. You shouldn't be voting out of hatred, spite or petty self interest but about how you can contribute to the COLLECTIVE good of society.

2007-08-18 19:54:53 · answer #9 · answered by andy s 2 · 6 2

I loath the BNP but unless the Government starts listening, and acting on the fewars of ordinary people who rightly or wronly feel that hey are being put at a disavantage in their native country more and more people will vote that way.
Ten or twelve seats in parliament with a government majority of say 20 my wake them up a bit

2007-08-20 10:29:33 · answer #10 · answered by Scouse 7 · 2 2

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