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i used to cut myslef alot when i was in highschool because i got bullied and didnt have very good friends. i did it because the pain you get from cutting has a calming effect and causes you to forget everything elce in the world. also i did it to stop me hurting other people as i often have urges to be very violent so i would hurt myslef instead of others. i managed to stop self harming as times got better. however last night two of my friends, my only friends, upset me to quite an extent and i didnt no what to do to get rid of the inside pain so i cut myself with a knife and ive woken up this morning with alot of blood on my clothes and ugly marks or my arm and thigh. i feel that i have to cut myslef otherwise i will end up doing something even more stupid as i often get very suisidal. i dont want to keep cutting so does anyone no another effective way of reliving inside pain, that doesnt include hurting myslelf or others

2007-08-17 23:51:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

10 answers

Try finding another outlet. Conceptual art is a traditional outlet for internal pain and confusion. Can you paint or sculpt?

Else, try seeing a shrink or joining a counseling group, calling a helpline is also good. They could give you much better advice that most people here could.

2007-08-18 00:01:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Say this statement OUT LOAD - No one has control over me, I am self reliant, I am a loving and caring person.

Now - stop giving authority of your emotion to other people (DO THIS ACTION TODAY).

Now – and I am sorry to say this – but get new friends. I understand that this may not be easy for accomplish right away, but today we are talking about CHANGE.

I once heard someone say – the definition of insanity is doing the same thing day after day and expecting a different result. I not saying you’re crazy, I saying your actions are insane!

If you have to hurt yourself to release energy, then you’re not active enough. I am a big supporter of running (because it's one of the cheapest way to exercise). If you can’t run starting today at least start walking for distance.

Exercise gives the mind a rest while you’re fatiguing the body. Use the exercise time to think of ways to re-create yourself. Set some new goals, plan for your future, and be active in your life. Also - DON’T LET ANYONE SAY YOU CAN’T CHANGE, I heard this crap when I was growing up too – but saw HOPE in my abilities and changed.

Remember - today is the beginning of everything positive, because YOU know deep inside yourself lives a loving and caring person who has dreams to fulfill.

Please, I don’t mean to be harsh, I truly believe in you, now believe in yourself!

2007-08-18 07:40:28 · answer #2 · answered by Freeman 2 · 0 0

Of course you have to get a counselor. community clinics can run as low as twenty a month for weekly visits. I've listed a couple sites to use with counseling. Pain is concentrated thought. The physical pain is sharper and makes you forget. A way to neutralize emotional pain is to imagine yourself out side your thoughts. In fact your awareness is outside your thoughts and observing them. You have thoughts you are not thoughts just as you have emotions you are not emotions so you, as awareness, separte yourself from them and only then can you pick what thoughts to want or not and when you put your thought on an idea the neutral energy goes where the thought is. All that pain is neutral and you attached it to a negative thought so you think it's negative. It's just energy. Easier to do than say. Basically you become unemotional. People say that's bad. It's good unless something else is going on and you don't get how it works. I'm only explaining what they do by simple techniques explained free and ebooks etc. on those free sites. Study emotional intelligence as the first step, then intuition. Hey, the results are worth it, You'll be past everybody. You create a new picture of yourself like you had before. Somehow by thinking your are something you have a sense you are, but you are only thinking you are.The one you believe in or like is you, but it's not really, just some thoughts to be dropped. You drop them by watching the video instead of being in it and you just click the remote. To be out and still watch the same movie is not much progress may. To whatch another your back in over there and can control going in and out. Actually I try to stay out, I can only stay as observer so much and let the thoughts go by instead of freezing them as life changes by the second. Freeze them and we are rigid. Let them flow in as new information comes in the senses and we are in the preset but unstable. Watching the really big big show lets us be stable without being rigid. Riding the waves, not wipping out. Then you can choose your life from the mountain top. I could write a whole unclear book so check it out and get some counseling. They mostly educate you and use techniques. It's the mind shift for the 21st century. Hey, keep me posted.

2007-08-18 08:34:30 · answer #3 · answered by hb12 7 · 0 0


Sorry to hear about your pain. I don't think cutting yourself in the long term is the right answer- maybe look to activities where you can take out your frustrations such as basic DIY (i.e. hammering lots of nails into a piece of wood or sawing logs) but whatever you do, please don't hurt yourself too seriously and never hurt other people due to personal problems.

Other people will definitely be in your unfortunate position, all I can recommend is try to be positive- be thankful for the good things in your life and try hard to rectify the things within yourself you are unhappy with. You clearly are caring in considerate by worrying about your friends even whilst you are badly injuring yourself.
Good luck getting better

2007-08-18 09:34:54 · answer #4 · answered by James J Turner esq 3 · 0 0

You have cut once you do that its not an easy thing to stop. I know what you mean when you say that it makes u forget. It makes you stop thinking. You draw yourself into what you are feeling and only feel the physical pain. It clears your head. Something else i have found to clear my head is writing. I love to write. It lets you express exactly how you are feeling and lets you get it all out. I makes me feel better. When i write all the things that i hold inside get set free in a sence.. and i dont have to hold them all in. You dont have to show anyone what you write, you can keep a journal or just a book for writing when you feel like it. I hope that you can find it inside you not to cut anymore. I know its hard because you know you can turn to that and its easy to do once you have done it but there are other things you can do. If you dont like to write then try something else that you really like to do, something that will make you happy no matter what. Good luck.

2007-08-18 07:03:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Do you have a family member you can call and talk to?

High school is over so you don't have to think about that anymore. I'm sure your 2 friends were just joking with you. You can always pray, it really does work! God is a friend who will ALWAYS listen. Don't think God is too busy for you. If you are in pain God will listen.

2007-08-18 07:05:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not trying to be mean, but seriously...you should seek professional help because this is not normal, or more importantly, healthy behavior. If the majority of the world can get through life without cutting themselves, you should be able to also. Good luck to you and please seek some help.

2007-08-18 07:03:40 · answer #7 · answered by Bobbie 3 · 0 0

if you feel the need for physical release..can you get to someplace far away from people?
or even in the middle of a field.???why??
go to the middle of a field, and scream.. scream again, and again, and again,, loud, louder.. scream until there is nothing left. let your voice carry the pain out of your body... with every scream, it will stop one cut......
scream until you cant anymore,, then go home and drink some tea with honey and go to bed....

2007-08-18 07:32:05 · answer #8 · answered by im a goonie 5 · 0 0

well first off please stop cutting my suggestion is to go to a therapist or psychiatrist they can really help you on all aspects of your life and as far as relieving anger get a punching bag or take boxing,karate etc classes they will help relieve anger in a constructive way without harming yourself please if you need to talk to someone email me and if you have myspace ill give it to you privately ok

2007-08-18 07:02:25 · answer #9 · answered by mvfdmedtech 2 · 0 0

Maybe you have to speak up at the moment you feel your feelings.

2007-08-18 07:03:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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